Tattered Pages [Inactive]

Sansa Stark

Queen in the North
Sansa Stark submitted a new role play:

Tattered Pages - A Victorian romance.

London. Height of the Victorian era.

A wealthy single father has a young girl to take care of, on top of a

life of business and entrepreneurship. But what happens when his

governess becomes more than his daughter's teacher, and the

threat of love plagues him once again?


Read more about this role play...
Jocelyn woke up to the first ray of light that sneaked into her room and hurt her eyes mercilessly. She groaned, and, rolling to her side, she slowly sat up. Her blonde hair, with streaks of darker shades running trough it, fell right into her face like a bird's neat nest, but a nest nonetheless. Still half-asleep, the young woman opened her naturally red lips to let a yawn escape them at the same time she slid her legs to the side and pushed herself off the bed. Failing at first when her knees buckled and she fell back into the bed, before trying again and succeeding quite clumsily, to be honest. Her nightgown danced bellow her quietly as Jocelyn proceeded to leave her room to get ready.

Her younger sister and her husband were most likely to be asleep on the floor beneath hers, and she didn't want to wake them up by accident. Truth was, that poor Jocelyn had been forced to leave her home a couple of months ago when her father had 'politely' kicked her out. She was twenty-one, and unmarried, even worse she was governess, and her father had decided that as long as she didn't have a husband, or as long as she insisted in working, he wouldn't be paying her expenses anymore. She couldn't believe her ears when he had given her such explanation, but upon understanding that it'd be futile to argue with him, she gathered her dresses, her stuff and left. Perhaps, if Jocelyn's mother, Emma Campbell, wasn't so submissive and obedient she'd have interceded in her dear daughter's favour, but that wasn't the case.

In a way, though, Jocelyn wasn't mad at her father, she understood his thinking, better than he thought. She knew he had indeed kicked her out because of her unmarried state and her work. But it hadn't been because he was a bad man, no, her father could be strict but he worried about his own daughters quite a lot. Truth to be told, and Jocelyn knew it well, he simply didn't want for his oldest daughter to be left unhappy, miserable and alone when he was gone. And Jocelyn suspected that he had kicked her out of the house while being aware of the fact that Isabelle would be taking her in quite willingly.

Isabelle was a few years younger than Jocelyn, and was happily married to a young man who had an £6,000 annual income, who always wanted to please his woman, and who had allowed for Jocelyn to stay with them for the sake of Isabelle's happiness. As such, the blonde supposed that her father considered that either Jocelyn would miss them so much that she'd leave her job and look for a husband, or that she'd reconsider things over upon noticing just how happy Isabelle was by Alec's side, or there was also the chance that Jocelyn would be finding a proper husband in one of the many reunions and balls Isabelle and her husband were invited to, which were of a much higher social status than those that Jocelyn's family were invited to. All of those were quite improbable. Not that Jocelyn didn't want to get married, only that she didn't think she'd find the 'proper' guy around those rich people.

Soon, Jocelyn was already exiting her sister's home to leave for work. Her now combed hair, was carefully pulled back and tied into a hair bun, and she was wearing one of her most elegant dresses, as usual whenever she left for her 'job'. The young woman usually walked to the Johnson manor very early in the morning and left really late at night, something extremely unusual for a governess, for they usually lived at the houses they worked for. But Jocelyn preferred to keep on living on her sister's home, she felt much comfortable there, and since Mr. Johnson himself hadn't been there to begin with, no one had told her she couldn't. That could change that very day, though, as it seemed the man was finally returning home.

While crossing the waterloo bridge on her own, Jocelyn heard the carriages in the distance, and the poor horses that pulled them through the streets. She remembered Isabelle offering her the carriage every time she needed it, even while going to the Johnson manor, but, frankly, Jocelyn preferred going by foot and she didn't need it. Also, she had dismissed her sister's reason as silly, when she had told her a fine young woman shouldn't leave the house, much less walk, alone in the streets. Jocelyn didn't consider herself nor pretty, or young enough for it to be dangerous. When she finally arrived to her destiny, she smiled to herself before knocking on the door while awaiting to be let inside.
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The poor maid nearly tripped making her way down the steps, fixing her hair in a rush. The entire house was on edge in preparations for the return of their Master, and as such most of them had forgotten about their governess's arrival.

In a swift movement, a brunette maid flew open the door and panted a breathless "Hello Miss Campbell," before gesturing for the woman to step in. "Forgive the staff this morning miss, we're all in a bit of a...panic. He likes a clean house, Mister Johnson does. Spit spot indeed! Ah. Please, sit. Angelina will be will you shortly. Gracious, where's that tea..." The older woman left in a hurried rush towards the kitchens as if her very life depended on it.

"Miss Campbell!" came an innocent shout from the steps moments later. The little redheaded girl skipped to her governess and embraced her tightly. "Did you hear, Miss Campbell? Father's coming back today! Isn't that exciting?!" She giggled. "He always brings back the most wonderful gifts."
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Jocelyn, who had been taken aback, by the maid's attitude, followed her with her sight before her older figure disappeared inside the kitchen. She had expected for the staff to make a couple of preparations for Mr. Johnson's arrival, but didn't think it'd practically turn the house upside down in the process. That Mr. Johnson was most likely to be quite strict. Having found herself dumbfounded for a couple of seconds, she had almost jumped out of her skin when his little daughter called out for her and practically threw herself to Jocelyn's legs.

The blonde wobbled dangerously for a moment before recovering her balance. She was much taller than Miss. Johnson, and so it had been evident that the little girl would only reach her legs in her embrace. As Jocelyn Campbell, she had wanted to laugh at the red haired girl's reaction, but as a governess she had to be a bit more serious than that. As such, she returned the little girl's embrace briefly, though affectionately, before she gently slid herself out of her arms. "That's marvellous. But didn't I taught you how are you supposed to greet people Miss. Johnson?" Her tone of voice, far from being a scold, was a soft and gentle reminder to the young girl.

Angelina so evidently wanted to pout and complain to her governess attitude, Jocelyn could see that. However, in the short time she had been with the girl, she had managed to correct her in a way that assured - or almost - she wouldn't throw a tantrum. She pursed her lips together but obediently performed the usual bow of courtesy while raising gracefully the hem of her dress. Jocelyn nodded, and flashed her a satisfied smile, that caused for the little girl to smile in delight. "So, Mr. Johnson is coming back" The blonde repeated, to which Angelina nodded happily "Then how about he start with our lessons of the day so that you have enough free time to spend it with him, hmm?"

Having being the older of four children, Jocelyn had experience in dealing with kids. Funnily enough, though, she was again, the only one who hadn't married. Isabelle, who was 19 years old, had married a year ago, and was expecting her second child. Regina, who had just recently turned 17, had married a couple of months ago, before Jocelyn was kicked out, and was already pregnant with her husbands first child. And lastly, Fredrick, who was 20, the closest in age with Jocelyn, had found a wife two years ago and had married her after having met her for barely a month. The couple had four children, two of them twins, and were also expecting another one. In other words, not only she wasn't married but not expecting, like each of her siblings, of course in Fredrick's case, it was his wife, not himself.

Once the chaos had subdued some, the clock rang nine. "Quick!" Laura hustled, getting all the other maids and cooks and whatnot to stand in a formal line. "He'll be here any minute! Miss Campbell, line up if you would please, along with little Angelina there."

"Yay!" the girl giggled, taking her governess's hand and pulling her to the lineup. "Father's going to be so happy to meet you, Miss Campbell. He's a very nice man."

As if on cue, a soft rapping came from the door. The master opened it and stepped inside only to be greeted by his household, which brought the warmest of smiles to his handsome face.

"You look as if you all just ran a marathon!" he teased, spreading his arms to greet them. "Please, Laura, you know how I feel about these formal welcomes..."

"I thought it was in order, Master Johnson." The woman smiled. "We prepared breakfast for you and your daughter, sir."

"Thank you. Speaking of my daughter..." The man paced back and forth in playful contemplation, looking right at Angelina before averting his eyes once more. "Hmmm...where has she run off to now..."
Jocelyn would be lying if she didn't admit she was surprised by the man's behaviour. Judging by Laura's worry, she could've sworn he was one of those men who was extremely traditional and strict. But now, she discovered a man who teased and spoke to his servants by their first names. It was so ... uncommon, that the blonde couldn't help but shift a bit, she didn't know if it was out of fascination or uneasiness, though. She wasn't used to men like that, even less if it was to be taken into consideration which was his social class.

Angelina giggled loudly with sheer delight when her father started 'to look for her' even though he had already, and so evidently, spotted her. Jocelyn expected for her to run off and throw herself into her father's arms, at least that's what she had seen in her face. Nevertheless, the little girl hesitated for a moment, before she held back "I'm right here, Papa" She declared, and performed the bow of courtesy. Obviously, Jocelyn wasn't the only one to be taken aback by her elegant and well-mannered attitude. Each of the staff turned their heads to look at the little girl in surprise.

However, when Angelina dropped the hem of her dress to look up at her governess, the question evident in her eyes, Jocelyn understood. She had been telling her, her dad would appreciate if she'd learn how to behave in society as she grew older. The blonde's eyes softened and with an almost imperceptible smile and a light nod of her head, she silently allowed the little girl to do what she wanted to do. After all, a young girl could behave as she pleased inside her own house as long as he father allowed it and there was no one else around to see it.

Angelina's face brightened up with a wide smile before she turned her head to her father. "Papa!" She practically bellowed before she ran to engage in an embrace with him.
He watched the exchange between his daughter and the governess, not glancing at the woman's face just yet--his daughter was his preoccupation. William nearly gasped when Angelina gave a bow, but as he expected the child was dashing towards him as fast as she possibly could.

"There's my little girl!" William laughed, embracing the small girl in his arms and offering her a kiss to the cheek. "You look beautiful this morning, missy."

"Hehe!" the girl replied. "Thank you, papa. Have you met the governess yet? She's very nice."

William placed his daughter at his hip and stood with her in his arms, coming face to face with Miss Campbell once and for all.

Her face was beautiful, blonde locks tied up in a proper bun, red lips, strong eyes--he nearly lost his words, and struggled to find them. "Ah--oh, you must be Jocelyn Campbell?" he inquired, offering a free hand for her to shake.
Jocelyn had to stop a smile from creeping over her lips as she saw the father and daughter affectionate exchange. Needless to be said, her father had never been like that with any of his children. As she had said, he worried about his daughters and son, and tried to give them everything they needed while growing up, but he had always been a strict man, and embraces like that were out of the question for them. However, she did not disapprove of them, it was nice to see such a thing, something she got to see almost every day whenever Alec took his little daughter in arms.

When Mr. Johnson's attention was drawn to her, Jocelyn had politely waited for him to approach her first. She had been curious about the master of the house all along, and finally they were having a proper meeting. His mannerisms were excellent but she was left confused when he raised his free hand and held it high for her. She knew some men used to shake hands whenever they were introduced to someone, but had never been offered a hand herself considering she was a woman.

She blinked, and quite slowly and uncertain, took a hold of his hand. Her grip was delicate and loose, and the handshake was soon over when she gave him a firm shake and pulled back her hand. "Indeed I am, Mr. Johnson. Pleased to make your acquaintance" She stated while she performed her bow. She felt much more comfortable in doing so.
"Apologies for the handshake," he stated with a small chuckle, setting his daughter on the floor once again. "I've been away at business for so long, it's hard to break the habit." Formally, William removed his hat and gave a small bow back to her. "There we go. Do I pass?"

"Papa!" Angelina chuckled. "You're not taking lessons, I am!"

"Oh! Are you certain, Angelina? I thought perhaps she was here for me and not for you." He playfully tossled her hair.

"No!" she giggled in reply, looking up to Miss Campbell in apology.
"Most certainly" Jocelyn replied after the man gave her the usual bow every gentleman was supposed to perform whenever he met a lady. It wasn't like she judged him, though, because, as he had said, he was a business man, and business men surely had to deal with a lot of different people. Also, even though she had been surprised by such thing as a handshake, it was not like she was that narrow-minded, which could be confirmed by her own family. A handshake ... perhaps she'd ask her sister for a handshake later, or even to his father, just for the sake of seeing their faces.

Watching them both was like seeing a show, really. Jocelyn could hide her smile, but the hint of amusement in her eyes could not be hidden not masked. So, when her stare met with Angelina's apologetic one, she just shrugged it off "If Mr. Johnson desires it, he can always take lesson with the two of us, Miss. Johnson" She replied in a placid tone of voice. Of course, she would've not allowed such a remark if the man before her didn't display a personality that seemed to allow it "First we will start with the use of water-colours, before going over the embroidery, Mr. Johnson"

Truth to be told, Jocelyn herself was a jovial person, and quite amiable. However, she knew how to make her remarks wisely to those who were not close friends or her family.
William enjoyed the teasing tone in the woman's voice, and caught the sparkle in her eye. Angelina seemed to enjoy this new governess. It seemed, he would too.

"Embroidery!" he laughed. "Oh, my favorite! Perhaps I might sit in on a lesson and watch how wonderful you're doing, Angelina. Would you like that?"

"Really, papa?" The girl brightened and tried to hide her excitement in a lady-like manner, mimicking Miss Campbell to the best of her young ability.

"After breakfast, why not? I don't believe I have anything else to do for the day, and getting to know my daughter's instructor could do some good. Unless, of course, the lady wants you all to herself?" He chuckled, smiling to the beautiful maiden before him.
"As much as I'm feeling tempted to accept that offer, I would never dream to be the person who keeps father and daughter apart" Jocelyn declared, her greyish green eyes locked with the man's before her. He was an interesting man, a very, very interesting one indeed. She maintained his stare for a few seconds before she looked away and down to Angelina "I'll be waiting for both Miss Johnson and Mr Johnson at the drawing room" Having said that, she looked up at him again "Enjoy your breakfast" She stated.

"You should come and eat with us, Miss Campbell" The little girl suggested, not able to hold back her suggestion. Jocelyn's brow raised ever so slightly, but she was soon to mask her surprise with a smile "Oh, no. I certainly can't" It was not her place to eat with the family. Angelina's brows furrowed a bit "She can. Right, Papa?"

The blonde didn't blame the little girl for not knowing such basic things, but as a governess she had to give herself her place. "I'm really honoured by your invitation Miss Johnson, but you see, I've already eaten" The red haired girl made a face, but once her eyes met Jocelyn's, she corrected herself before nodding. Jocelyn gave Angelina an approbatory look, before she looked at her dad "Mr Johnson" She said in a bow, waiting for him to either leave or allow her to do so first.
"She is free to do as she pleases, Angelina. Don't worry. We can talk all about my adventures over omelettes, hm?" Mr. Johnson chuckled and met the girl's eyes, silently telling his governess it was alright that she leave to prepare the day's lesson. "Come. Breakfast should be ready by now."

An hour passed before father and daughter emerged in the drawing room, followed my laughter and giggling that could warm any heart. Though Angelina was not his biological daughter, the two of them got along with that relationship and were exceedingly good at it. The small girl gave a little curtsy to her governess, and William offered a small bow of his head.

"Watercolors," he recalled with a grin. "You don't mind if I sit and watch, do you?"
While waiting for father and daughter to be done with their breakfast, Jocelyn sat on the chair by the window to admire the view before her. Ever since her first day in there, she had came to believe that the view of the window located on the drawing room was the most beautiful and certainly entertaining from the entire house. Right now, the sun shone brightly and it illuminated the entire city. Usually, clouds crowded the sky, but in that particular day there seemed to be none to conceal its marvellous deep blue colour. It was a perfect day.

The young woman could spend hours watching every detail of the streets. The people and carriages that went here and there. That's why she liked that spot so very much, because she could see life happening right in front of her eyes. You could find anything and everything in London. The rich man who had a fine lady walking by him with her arm locked with his. The beggar who asked for food or money to everyone that passed by. The maidens that walked together each with an umbrella in hand. And so on. Mornings and nights were her favourite time of the day. She could never truly decide between the both. Sometimes it was mornings, sometimes it was nights, and sometimes it was even afternoons, whenever she gave up and tried to find something in-between.

An hour had gone by in the blink of an eye when Jocelyn finally stood up to stretch her legs. Immediately after that, the drawing room's door was opened. She turned her head to the side and bowed in response to Angelina's and Mr Johnson's greeting. "On the contrary, you are more than welcomed to do so, Mr Johnson" Jocelyn replied before she guided the young girl to where she had arranged the space and materials for their lesson of the day. "How about we surprise your father Miss Johnson" She murmured into the little girl's ears, to which Angelina turned her head and nodded with enthusiasm. That being said, both started to work. Having taught her the basics already on the past few days, Jocelyn considered the little girl to be ready to paint on an actual support this time, and so based her lesson on that.

(I'm sorry
@Sansa Stark v.v I went on vacations and couldn't use the hotel's internet due to the extra charge it meant :/ )

She was even more beautiful under rays of the sun, William observed. Her blonde hair seemed to glow, pink lips and sharp eyes offering smiles and polite replies she must have been taught by a governess of her own. The gentleman slowly shook his head as it surely wouldn't be appropriate to stare at her for too long, and offered her a smile that reciprocated her own.

"What are you two lovely ladies painting?" he asked, leaning against the back of the couch and folding his arms to watch the two work. He was majestic and graceful in his mannerisms, something he was always proud about, and the smallest pat of him hoped that Miss Campbell would take some sort of notice.
Jocelyn threw a glance back from over her shoulder at Angelina's father. She knew very little about the family, but she knew there was no mother anymore. She found it very strange that he didn't have a second wife already. He was rich - which was important for most of the ladies out there -, had great manners and seemed to be a really good man. Even she wouldn't have mind if he ... She shook her head, she too had been tearing at him for too long before giving out a reply to his question.

"You, Mr Johnson. Given the fact that Miss Johnson has missed you a lot and you are back, not to count you're here right now, which is of a great help" She replied, as calm as possible. She raised a hand to her head and tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
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