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  1. Morgan Crawford

    Spirit of the Moon

    Linn sat quietly, staring up at him. After a moment of this, she blinked and shrugged. "Moon." She had never been effective with speaking, so that was what she was able to say. She smiled and took his hand. "Come." Linn led him closer to her Mother and the singing grew softer.
  2. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    "Jacob, there is no home. They are after us. They saw us change. You're the only one who hasn't yet." She held her face in her hands.
  3. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    ((@Quiet you're with us, just not transformed)) Caroline sighed, mumbling and sat with her tail around her, eyes closed tight and felt herself change back. "I'm me!!" She felt her face and looked at her hands. She moved to her ears- "oh my gawd why do I still have ears." She tried focusing...
  4. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr squeaked, unsure of how to answer. "Why would I know? The most I do is see the future!" She glared unhappily at Marie.
  5. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    They are already coming for us. Carr had seen it. Kally showed her while she was changing forms, and she was afraid of what they would do to her. Caroline had a good idea of who was going to come out alive, but bloody. "We need to get somewhere safe."
  6. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr turns and runs, wanting to look for Jacob. He was like her little brother and she couldn't let him be killed too. As soon as she saw Skiz and Jacob, she ran to them and licked his face, nuzzling Skiz's leg to push her to Marie.
  7. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr goes the way she is directed, listening for the sound of Jacob. "Where is he? Where's Jacob? We can't leave him!"
  8. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr relaxed slightly, hoping it was a dream. Her warm orange and white für told otherwise. She focused on Marie's voice and stood on all fours shakily. "I knew it!" She said, knowing only her friends could understand her. To otjers, it was a mewl.
  9. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr lays in a ball, her tail wrapped around her and her ears laying back. She whimpered in pain, her eyes closed tightly.
  10. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    (Back) Carr runs to them, following Kassadin's new owl form into the sky. She whispers to Marie "we need to run from here. People are starting to stare and this is about to get messy if we don't lea-" Carr clutches her head, curling up and screaming in pain. She can already feel her body...
  11. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr smirked. "Kally and I are in agreement. This owl won't be as tastey as the last." Carr laughed at herself, her eyes gleaming mischeviously.
  12. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr rolled her eyes at Marie's signal. She knew she felt something off about Kassadin. Now she knew. 'Damn Owl' she growled under her breath and Kally snickered. She could hear Kally commenting about their stuck up attitudes as they filed off the bus.
  13. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr plays, smiling and laughing. In the back of her mind, the Moon shone over her and her friends. She couldn't help but think "why are we bloody..? What happened to us..? What have we DONE?" ((Note: Kally has the ability to predict the future and shows Carr))
  14. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr nods and smiles gently. "Yes I would like that" She pulls out her favorite pen and some fox paper. "You start on yours."
  15. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr smiles slightly, then her eyes go blank, her expression mimicking. Her face pales and her ears prick up as if she is hearing something. "Don't act like a child, Jacob. You may be a tiger, but the world is not a play pen." She sneers at the teenager. Kally, her Spirit Animal had decided to...
  16. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr laughs and hands it to him, picking up her stuff. "Don't do that, I might put you in the friendzone!" She laughs a bell like laughter. "It's okay, we can move."
  17. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr leans her head on Jacob's shoulder, handing him two pb&j's. "Here I had to steal extra for you." She waved the food in front of his face.
  18. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr laughs at Kassadin's yelling and steps onto the bus. She thinks to herself about how the museum website showed people their Spirit Animals, and in Greece, some people were chosen by the Fates to receive the abilities and forms of their Animals at will.
  19. Morgan Crawford

    Adventure/romance..? Maybe..?

  20. Morgan Crawford

    Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

    Carr laughs lightly at Jacob. "WE are going to eat tonight. So don't forget to meet me at 6 at my house."