Search results for query: *

  1. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Ash removed the black scarf covering her face but kept the rest of her head covered in the hood. She got up from the floor and sat at a table, she searched her pockets for matches or a lighter but found none. She worked on a very delicate paralysis poison that could be turned to work lethally if...
  2. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Ash glanced up at Tristan as he passed, he seemed like a potentially good friend. He's going to die if I don't.
  3. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Cassius chuckled slightly at Mo's reaction and shook his head. He fixed his stare on something past her. Ash carefully dipped darts into poisons and crushed leaves to make new ones. Hey guys, I have to leave soon for class but I'll be back after.))
  4. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Cassius folds the paper and puts it back in his pocket. He meets Mo's gaze, saying nothing.
  5. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    "Cassius," he says simply. " I have a feeling this is going to be one big mess." he commented, he finally looked up to meet his gaze.
  6. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Cassius takes a second to notice Broderick, "Huh? Yeah." he said, never looking up from the paper. "You?"
  7. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Ash popped up quickly and bolted out of the room. She ran up to where she stayed and changed quickly into black fitted attire. She wrapped her head in a black scarf to hide her face. She equipped her darts and whatever else she would need. Checking herself, she ran quickly back down to wait to...
  8. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Ash raised her eyebrow, "Ah." she faced forward, not wanting to talk any longer. She grew slightly impatient now, wanting to get on with the day. Although she was talkative, she didn't feel that this was the right place to hold a conversation. They underestimate me, I would too.
  9. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    She watched him sit, slightly questioning intentions. Her slight mistrust of new people begged her to elaborate her answer more than usual. "Well, I got these scars from a fire when i was small and since then my mother and father both killed themselves because...well I'm not sure why. Anyway, it...
  10. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Without looking up from his project, he replied simply, "My spirit animal is an owl, although I have had dreams with a bear wandering into them." He wiped his strained eyes with the sleeve of his grease-stained t shirt. He too, was slighting annoyed by the energy of the half-elf.
  11. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Ash smiled pleasantly upon Tristan's greeting. "Hi, I'm Ash." She shook his hand gently. "You can take this seat if you want." she offered her own seat, knowing that she wasn't going to use it anyway. Cassius grunted as someone stepped over him to get to a seat. He was usually patient, but he...
  12. Liondal

    Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Ash was one of the first to enter, being eager to go begin the day. She sat in front, on the floor of course, to get every detail of the meeting. She greeted others with a bright smile although most replied with groggy grunts or ignored her completely. She watched her fellow Guild members fill...
  13. Liondal

    Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

    Lion walked the shoreline, he began nearing old Riverclan territory.
  14. Liondal

    Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Same, XPadder saved my virtual life. xD Man, I just want to RP. I don't belong to any threads yet. ( :( )
  15. Liondal

    Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    I've never played any Elder scrolls on pc, mostly League and WOW although I don't play anymore. I've gotten used to consoles. >.<
  16. Liondal

    Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Sorry, it's been a long day. X'D You play ESO?
  17. Liondal

    Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    Dude, I lover your avatar. That is a Nightingale, or am I mistaken?
  18. Liondal

    Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

    Lion emerged from his temporary den, he had taken a rather refreshing nap. Still disregarding the scent markers, he strolled down the stream and stopped to lap the cool water. He watched the minnows, not having anything better to do.
  19. Liondal

    Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

    I am back. ^^ i'm so ready to start dude. ><
  20. Liondal

    Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

    @Undercore Hey I have finals all day today and then a grad party after, I'll be online sometime tonight~