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  • Users: Anyet
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  1. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    Pssst. Where's my revival post? I need homework avoidance! (Not that I have any right to talk...)
  2. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    Woohoo! Homework distraction ahead! And maybe this time I'll actually pay attention to the numbers on my sheet instead of pulling them out of thin air >>
  3. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    ---- Spending ferver to resist. And I think I am pulling 7 our of thin air. Or I looked too quickly at my character sheet and saw the 7 under join debate and mixed them up in haste to actually post like a good person.
  4. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    The lady is absolutely right.
  5. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, a bit annoyed "And of course we'll just take your word. Because you've been so forthcoming thus far," Miep scowls back, adding in a low mutter, "It would almost be worth it to see how many pieces Arnuk could make out of you." ---- Using MDDV of 7, (appearance of 5 if it matters)...
  6. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    I was with Heather with the whole "... valor? did I miss something?" kind of thought. I know that in the past, you had made notes when I was adding up dice that a social attack hadn't really made you think of any of the virtues distinctly, so there was no benefit to it. I figured this time I...
  7. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    No you don't need to start a fight. Heather and I are going to post a coordinated social attack as soon as both of us are actually both home at the same time (read... maybe tomorrow night).
  8. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    ---- Whoops. Missed that it was me again. I'm guarding.
  9. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    I'll pass. I've got the pdfs. And while I prefer hard copies in general, the bank account wouldn't like me much.
  10. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    ------ Bah. Yay for messing up simple things. Though really... I didn't stand a chance in hell anyway. Character sheet fixed (I swore I did that the first time you'd mentioned it). Yes, my penalty should be three, I remembered the cold penalty this time but forgot the wound penalty. And my...
  11. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    No worries for delays. We still like you. And we can totally live with a slowed pace for a while. Not like we've been putting you through that at all or anything. :)
  12. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    --- Charisma(4) + Presence(1) + Stunt(2) - Penalty(2) = 2 successes >< Really... I just didn't stand a chance in hell this time.
  13. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    Hey Tik, just a quick question before I roll. Do I get any stunt dice? Also, am I correct in assuming that I have a +1 modifier from appearance? I noticed it in one of the previous rolls and wanted to check.
  14. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, trying to get this show on the road Miep forces a neutral expression to hold on her face, even though she's slightly shocked at the ease at which the Fey stopped the snow. Showoff. Focussing on the task at hand, Miep rolls her shoulders back, puts a playful smile on her face and takes a...
  15. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, still not trusting anything "Bells." Miep nods an acknowledgement in the direction of the Fey. "Perhaps returning our friend's valor would cause us to be a bit more... gracious at your arrival." ----- Yay using MDDV yet again. I really don't like these things trying to tell me how I...
  16. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, entertained by her comrade Mip snickers slightly at Arnuk's outburst. And to think, I'm supposed to be the one flying off the handle. "Perhaps if Bells wishes us to listen to his words, he should talk to us himself". --- Using MDDV of 6
  17. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, really really not digging the snow "Damn snow and it's damn cold," Miep mutters under her breath, shivering violently against the sudden cold. "Not made for this sort of thing." The floating shapes of her virtues surround her, but she attempts not to acknowledge the lot of them. One...
  18. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, not digging the snow First giant mutant snakes and now polar bears. Stupid Wyld. Miep sulks to herself, shivering against the cold. When she'd first become aware of the snow, she'd thrown her head back like a child to catch a snowflake on her tongue. She wrinkled her nose at the thought...
  19. Anyet

    Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

    Miep, getting moving Lowering herself to the underside of the branch, Miep drops the short distance to the "ground" before standing up and dusting herself off. Taking a moment to refasten her armor to her body she begins moving on foot, once again to the East. ---- Yay moving again.
  20. Anyet

    [OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

    Heh, I pulled the Tree Pard out of the Compass of Terrestrial Directions (Vol 3 - The East). It's basically just a gray and black leopard that is well adapted to life in the trees.