[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

I hate to mention some things in case I give you some (potentially catastrophic) ideas. =P
Where's the fun in not mentioning those things?! =D


Personal _14_|_14_

Peripheral _29_|_36_

Committed __8_____
With 8 committed the best you can have is 28 and I believe you have another 5m committed to DBT before the 3m you have committed to your claws. So I'm thinking 14/14 and 20/36.


CoCD II = ?? I'm not up on your book acronyms. O = of, I'm sure. Compendium of Council Delegates Vol. II perhaps?
Compass of Celestial Directions Volume II: The Wyld.
True forms take comitted essence? I know it take essence to shift, but I thought that was a one-time deal. Do I have to committ motes in Polar Bear or Human True Forms?
kaliket said:
True forms take comitted essence? I know it take essence to shift, but I thought that was a one-time deal. Do I have to committ motes in Polar Bear or Human True Forms?
You are correct. Lunars p.126 makes clear shapechanging does not commit Essence. I have to stop thinking of Knacks as Charms.

The 3m for Claws is definately committed, however.
Nifty on the talking to your Virtues, Arnuk.

Everyone, I had a rather rough weekend that largely seperated me from my computer. I'm also out of town next weekend and possibly the 25th as well. In general I update much more frequently on weekdays. I hope this doesn't pose a problem for you all.
Hey Tik, just a quick question before I roll. Do I get any stunt dice? Also, am I correct in assuming that I have a +1 modifier from appearance? I noticed it in one of the previous rolls and wanted to check.
Anyet said:
am I correct in assuming that I have a +1 modifier from appearance? I noticed it in one of the previous rolls and wanted to check.
The Appearance modifier is an MDV modifier (not a dice pool modifier), so just state your Appearance in Step 1 and I'll give you the modified MDV of the target as soon as your attack is fully specified.

Anyet said:
Do I get any stunt dice?
Of course! I always give appropriate stunt dice awards... >.>

Guys, stuff is happening and I can't really post much till Monday 7/27 at the least. I may post here and there but it will be very slowly. My apologies

- Tikor
Tikor said:
Guys, stuff is happening and I can't really post much till Monday 7/27 at the least. I may post here and there but it will be very slowly. My apologies
- Tikor
<3 Take care of things you need to take care of. We still like you. :D
Everyone, my apologies for the delay. Neither of the things I put the game on hold to deal with have met with closure, but, damn it, I miss ST'ing for you guys.

One of these things is work, which has become a madhouse. I'm transitioning into a new role but my old one isn't done. Expect my posts to be in the evening.
No worries for delays. We still like you. And we can totally live with a slowed pace for a while. Not like we've been putting you through that at all or anything. :)
That reply was super-quick o.0.

I kind of consider myself a mix of 'head cheerleader' and 'central processing unit' for the game so when I'm out of commission I feel like I'm directly responsible for the lack of win, even though the win is entirely you guys when the game is up and running.

Whatever, and all that. I'm back, I have a ton of Exalted books waiting for me to read them (which will inspire me to re-read the ones I've already read) and I'll be getting up to date with posting before I crack them open and settle in for the night's reading.

Half price books (the store) is the win, by the way.
Tikor said:
Half price books (the store) is the win, by the way.
I agree, except that the one here fails entirely to have any Exalted books.

Still good for all manner of other ones, though. :D
Shru said:
I agree, except that the one here fails entirely to have any Exalted books.
I saw three copies of 1e Core for $15 each at mine (I passed them by because I already own it) when I bought 1e Abyssals and 1e Lunars for the same price. Not that either of you need the book, but if you're interested I could pick one or two up for you.
I'll pass. I've got the pdfs. And while I prefer hard copies in general, the bank account wouldn't like me much.
A note: Arnuk is guarding until social combat becomes ineffective. Then its Join Battle rolls all around. If you want to stay clean, I suggest you rock it hard. =P
No you don't need to start a fight. Heather and I are going to post a coordinated social attack as soon as both of us are actually both home at the same time (read... maybe tomorrow night).
Anyet said:
No you don't need to start a fight. Heather and I are going to post a coordinated social attack as soon as both of us are actually both home at the same time (read... maybe tomorrow night).
Remember that the coordinate attack action takes 5 ticks (and a roll), after which the coordinated attack can fly. Usually those involved aim (monolouge) until that tick. So if you're planning a coordinated attack, go ahead and post that now.
Tikor said:
Anyet said:
No you don't need to start a fight. Heather and I are going to post a coordinated social attack as soon as both of us are actually both home at the same time (read... maybe tomorrow night).
Remember that the coordinate attack action takes 5 ticks (and a roll), after which the coordinated attack can fly. Usually those involved aim (monolouge) until that tick. So if you're planning a coordinated attack, go ahead and post that now.
So, you guys did that in Tick 3. It'd been a while, so I'd forgotten.

Anyet said:
We were planning the coordinated attack. But we want to make sure we're doing it right. Back on tick 3 you told us that Heather wouldn't need to reroll for the attack (she'd rolled for it when she mentioned it) and that i could aim/guard for a tick to match up our attacks. Is this still correct? And if so, can we do our coordinated attack on this tick?
Yes, please declare both of your Step 1's on Tick 8, which is now.

Phayltards out for the moment. (WE PROMISE TO ROLL DICE FASTER THAN THIS.)
It occurs to me that I think we might mean different things when we say Valor attack. Please tell me how you think that statement colors an attack, and the interaction with MDV thereof.
I wasn't honestly certain where you got Valor from, since the two I saw were Conviction and ConvictionORTemperenceHALPPLZ. >.>

The only way we're really interacting with Valor is that we want to know where it is, because Akaba gave us this big favor to do for him, and we're going to do it, darnit. Even if it takes forever.

(AFK again, study group; Anyet should be proddable whenever she's off work.)
I was with Heather with the whole "... valor? did I miss something?" kind of thought. I know that in the past, you had made notes when I was adding up dice that a social attack hadn't really made you think of any of the virtues distinctly, so there was no benefit to it. I figured this time I would try to make it something where my conviction was really forcing me to stay there at all costs. How this relates to his MDV, I really have no idea.

(afk driving up to moms most of the day)

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