Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]

Miep, a bit annoyed

"And of course we'll just take your word. Because you've been so forthcoming thus far," Miep scowls back, adding in a low mutter, "It would almost be worth it to see how many pieces Arnuk could make out of you."


Using MDDV of 7, (appearance of 5 if it matters). Oh... and because I totally fail at remembering, I'm still supposed to have a penalty of -3. So that makes what... a 4?
Douser, unimpressed

Douser growls her agreement with Miep.


Dodge MDV = 5 - 1(cold penalty)

Yes appearance matters. Please list your base MDV and all penalties and bonuses you are aware of, not just their value, but also what they are. I wouldn't want to add a penalty I know of onto your MDV that you already calculated in (such as your action penalty).
Arnuk, anti-social victim

A growl starts low in Anruk's throat. "I'll play no games with you. Hand over Akaba's Valor before I take my claws to you."


Mental dodge. And expecting to lose.

Everyone gets 1 stunt die.

1) The cold penalty is an
internal penalty, thus it does not subtract directly from MDV, since it is a static value. Its easy to confuse, I do not fault either of you for it.

2) Wound penalties are
internal for rolls and external for DV's. Do not seek to understand, pieburger.

With that in mind:

Arnuk, your base MDDV is 5, the 1 stunt die puts you at 11/2=5, the Appearance modifier is -3 for a modified MDDV of 2.

Meip, your base MDDV is 6 (where do you get 7?), the 1 stunt die cancels out one of the cold die for a -1 internal penalty for 11/2=5, the wound penalty is -1, your action modifier is -2 and the Appearance modifier is -1 for a modified MDDV of 1.

Douser, your base MDDV is 5, the 1 stunt die cancels out the cold penalty, your action modifier is -2, and the Appearance modifier is -3 for a modified MDDV of 0.

Bells gains a net of 7 successes.

Who spends Fervor to resist?

Spending ferver to resist. And I think I am pulling 7 our of thin air. Or I looked too quickly at my character sheet and saw the 7 under join debate and mixed them up in haste to actually post like a good person.

Assuming I haven't killed this forum by waiting so long, I spend Fervor. In the future, please fiat my actions if I take too long.
The Wyld

Annoyed that you would refuse the deal, Bells follows through on his promise of other amusements.

"Such a waste. Combat is always so droll with the shaped. Cooking your entrails and feeding them to my pets will have to suffice for the lulz." Bells musically turns towards his Cataphractoi "On to the prep-work, chefs in training!" And with a wave of his hand, the Cataphractoi have tall, white puffy hats of various styles appear on their heads. This makes them look somewhat less menacing as they advance on the backs of polar bears in the bloody snow.


So this LoL game I'm playing...

Mechanically, Bells is refelexively declaring a Join Battle action.

Everyone roll join battle.

Also, Fair Folk can say whatever they want. Lulz.
Arnuk, Polar Fury

With a roar the Essence that Arnuk has been quietly channeling into his muscles springs him toward the nearest cataphract with the suddenness of the Eastern dead-water asp. He drops to all fours, the bloody paws of his Valor surging ahead. His Moonclaws tear bloodless chunks out of the bear-turf, illiciting confused grunts that waft across the intervening space from no place in particular.


3m from Peripheral for Striking Cobra Technique on Join Battle. Note: Warform and Claws still active from (way) up in the scene.

Join Battle: Wits (4) + Awareness (4) + Stunt (?) = 4 MA Auto-success + ???


Personal _14_|_14_

Peripheral _26_|_36_

Committed __8_____

Willpower: 5/6


Douser hisses angrily and drops back, her eyes tracking the advancing Cataphractoi.


Wits(4) + Awareness(2) = 6 dice = 5, 3, 8, 3, 8, 8 = 3 successes


Personal: 17 / 17

Peripheral: 38 / 38

Committed: 0

Willpower: 7 / 7

Fervor: 2 / 3

(Sorry for the delay. Had to figure out what I was doing around company this weekend.
:D )

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