Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]


Dexterity + Relevant Ability + Specialties + Accuracy

2 (Dex) + 0 (Melee) + 0 (Specialty) + 4 (Accuracy) = 1 success ><

I fail! Using DDV of 6 against the snake's attack.
Arnuk, Under assault

Several snakes lunge for Arnuk in an attempt to surround him.

Act, never react... It had been drilled into him by Fangtail since his first lesson.

Arnuk hooks one foot under a flexible root-branch and throws himself backward onto his hands. The foot catches and his momentum flips the root-branch into the oncoming mouths of two of the snakes. Twisting slightly he completes his handstand. He balances for a fraction of second as the root-branch gripped in his hands rebounds with under the added weight before pushing off. With a little luck, he'll land on his feet and behind the snakes attacking from his rear. Were they capable of such a process, the snakes would be impressed with the impossible grace exhibited by several hundred pounds of sinew and fur Chosen by the Moon.


Dodge DV @ 7 + stunt?

The goal of the handspring is to negate the coordinated attack bonus.
The Loom

The snakes strike as one at Arnuk and Wolf, missing the athletic Lunar by a wide margin, but connecting savegely to Wolf. Meip also evades the lone snake's strike as she swoops down to attack it with her beak.


Arnuk: 2 stunt die for defense, this brings your DDV up to 8. Mechanically the only way to prevent coordinated attacks is to 1) kill or incapacitate the commander before his coordinated attack resolves 2) get out of range of some or all of the coordinated attackers before the tick of the coordinated attack. Your stunt is just that - a stunt that adds to your DV which does help defend, but via your DV, not by way of preventing the coordinated attack. This is why instantaneous coordination is somewhat powerful, you should probably figure out how they're doing that if you can. Now, your stunt seems to imply a flurry of a misc action [ready improvised weapon (root)] and a throw attack (or flurry?) - do you want this as your action, or do you want to declare something else? Hitting multiple targets with one thrown action is a flurry. Such a flurry usually requires multiple projectiles, doing it with one I'll have to give you additional penalties beyond the flurry penalties. [Ready improvised weapon (root)] can arm both of your hands with roots to throw, however.

Snake 1 vs. Arnuk:

Step 2: Arnuk's modified DDV is 5. 7+1(stunt)-3(coordinated attack).

Step 3: Snake 1 rolls 1 success.

Step 4: Nothing.

Step 5: Miss.

Snake 2 vs. Arnuk:

Step 2: Arnuk's modified DDV is 5. 7+1(stunt)-3(coordinated attack).

Step 3: Snake 2 rolls 3 success.

Step 4: Nothing.

Step 5: Miss.

Snake 3 vs. Arnuk:

Step 2: Arnuk's modified DDV is 5. 7+1(stunt)-3(coordinated attack).

Step 3: Snake 3 rolls 2 success.

Step 4: Nothing.

Step 5: Miss.

Snake 4 vs. Wolf:

Step 2: Wolf's modified DDV is 0. 3-3(coordinated attack).

Step 3: Snake 4 rolls 2 success.

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Hits

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7: raw damage 3+2(additional successes) = 5L

Step 8: Hardness 0, Soak 0L

Step 9: Nothing

Step 10: 2 successes. Wolf also takes a poison effect Damage 4L, Toxicity 2, Penalty -2. I'll need a Stam+Resistance roll from him to see how this goes down.

Snake 5 vs. Wolf:

Step 2: Wolf's modified DDV is 0. 3-3(coordinated attack).

Step 3: Snake 5 rolls 5 success.

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Hits

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7: raw damage 3+4(additional successes) = 7L

Step 8: Hardness 0, Soak 0L

Step 9: Nothing

Step 10: 3 successes. This poison does not stack.

Snake 6 vs. Wolf:

Step 2: Wolf's modified DDV is 0. 3-3(coordinated attack).

Step 3: Snake 6 rolls 1 success.

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Hits

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7: raw damage 3+1(additional successes) = 4L

Step 8: Hardness 0, Soak 0L

Step 9: Nothing

Step 10: 1 success. This poison does not stack.

Could you figure out Wolf's wound penalties and roll his dice please, Douser?

Snake 7 vs. Meip:

Step 2: Meip's modified DDV is 6. (No modifiers)

Step 3: Snake 7 rolls 4 successes.

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Miss.

(Flight rules on page 154).

Step 3 (Take 2!):

Dex+Melee+Specialty+Accuracy+Aim-Internal Penalties+Stunt

2+0+0+1+0-0+2 = 1 success

I still fail ><

Arnuk, On the Attack

Arnuk lands on his feet. Angry hisses are music to Arnuk's ears. Arnuk howls a challenge and moves to attack the nearest snakes. He spins between two snakes narrowly avoiding a striking head. He stops long enough to swipe at the body of one snake. The second snake lunges. Arnuk ducks and rakes his claws across the exposed underbelly of the second snake.


Two attack Flurry. One each on two snakes 1 and 2. I'm using the First Dex Excellency for two motes per attack. I'll add in rolls once you give me stunt dice.

V. Snake 1: Claws of the Silver Moon (12) + Stunt (2) + 1st Dex (2) - Penalty (2) = 6 Successes [was 12 until I noticed the lack of penalty!]

V. Snake 2: CotSM (12) + Stunt (2) + 1st Dex (2) - Penalty (3) = 7 successes

Snake 1:

Step 3: 6 Successes

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Hits

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7: 14 Raw Damage

Step 8: Hardness 0, Lethal Soak 1

Step 9: Nothing

Step 10: 13 Damage = 4 Health Levels

Snake 1:

Step 3: 7 Successes

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Hits

Step 6: Nothing

Step 7: Raw Damage = 15

Step 8: Hardness 0, Lethal Soak 1

Step 9: Nothing

Step 10: 14 Damage = 6 Health Levels

Do these snakes have fangs? Also, do I have a sense of which direction they originated from?


Step 2: Snake 1's DDV 2

You get 2 stunt dice for your flavorful description, whose mote recovery you can use for your first excellency expenditure. Take a -2 internal penalty for the first attack in your 2 flurry.

Proceed to Step 3.

Step 2: Snake 2's DDV 2

You get 2 stunt dice for your flavorful description, whose mote recovery you can use for your first excellency expenditure. Take a -3 internal penalty for the second attack in your 2 flurry.

Proceed to Step 3.

X - Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

X - Tick 5 --

X - Tick 6 -- Snakes, Arnuk, Meip

X - Tick 7 --

X - Tick 8 --

[Now] - Tick 9 -- Douser

- Tick 10 -- Wolf

- Tick 10 -- Snakes 1-7

Douser, you're up!
Wolf, the Truly Unfortunate

Wolf yowls in pain as the three snakes connect solidly. Grey-black patches tear free from his hide where their gleaming fangs snag into him.

Douser, curious and suspicious

Douser glides up to a low branch, clear of the fighting -- and the immediate danger. Shaking her head to clear it, she peers suspiciously at the snakes that she can see, the large yellow eyes of her form accentuating the light in the shade-mottled forest. What's driving them? Why won't they come up to play? Her eyes rake across and through the root latticework, seeking some central intelligence.


Damn you people with your middle-of-the-day posting. *pout*jealous*pout*

Wolf also takes a poison effect Damage 4L, Toxicity 2, Penalty -2. I'll need a Stam+Resistance roll from him to see how this goes down.

Stam(4) + Resistance (3) = 7

Wolf rolled the following in his 7 dice:

5, 4, 1, 2, 6, 2, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in a botch. Heh...heeh.

. . . Have I mentioned how the dice KNOW if I'm in combat?

5L + 7L + 4L = 16L taken.

Wolf the Truly Unfortunate rolled the following in his 16 dice:

10, 5, 2, 9, 6, 4, 6, 8, 3, 6, 1, 3, 7, 4, 5, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

. . . You're going to have to remind me how to mark down lost hits, though. =\ IIRC, it's base + successes... but what's base for snakethings?

- - -

Douser's taking Move + Misc to try to figure out what's down there. What should I be rolling?

In an almost-unrelated note, is there any reason that I wouldn't be able to use Dog-Tongue to communicate with the Owlface or the Warbear? I'm seeing Simple Type and Combo-OK, and Yes I can talk any language I know... but I can't find anything that tells me if a shapeshifted Lunar will understand all the languages it knows in its various non-human forms. (I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Yes,TheyCan. Plz tell me if I'm not-so-right.)

Wolf botching the Resistance roll means he'll take 1L level of damage (unsoakable) without counting down the poison timer and double his internal penalty to -4 for the duration. This -4 penalty stacks with wound penalties and affects all of his die pools (minimum 1, including DV).

For your Misc action I'm going to make it a Reflexive Perception+Awareness (Forest specialty) (Reflexive meaning it doesn't count towards your flurry count) then a Misc action Wits+Lore (Wyld specialty) roll. 2 bonus die to each action.

Other questions answered in OOC.

Perception(5) + Awareness(2) = 7

Douser rolled the following in his 7 dice:

7, 7, 8, 1, 10, 1, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Dammit. Bonus dice. Douser rolled the following in his 2 dice:

6, 1

Still 6 successes, Perception + Awareness + 2

Wits(4) + Lore(4) = 8

Douser rolled the following in his 8 dice:

1, 7, 8, 8, 8, 10, 9, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes.

Douser the sheepish rolled the following in his 2 dice:

1, 5

Still 7 successes, Wits + Lore + 2

I'm assuming that the Wyld Specialty thing means IFF you have a Wyld Specialty, plz add it here.

=\ I told you they can tell if I'm in combat.

If Wolf takes 16, he's DeadDeadDead. >__< Time to go find a new pet. I'll mod that description above in a bit.
The Loom

Douser's sharp eyes penetrate the roots below like a hawk's would a field of grain when searching for mice. She sees the writhing mass of serpent come together and coalesce into a spherical solid mass of scale-covered flesh beneath the roots, straining against the ceiling holding it down. All of the snakes are connected into one being, an obvious Wyld abomination.

That such a creature was created is no suprise here in the tainted lands. One good Wyld storm blowing through could fuse all the snakes in a hole taking cover from windborne Wyld Essence. Perhaps their thinking was so similar the storm blurred both their minds and bodies into what they are now. It is hard to say for certain where the Wyld is involved, but Douser has concluded as much as she can with the information she now has.

Tangled in the roots as it is now, Douser can tell that running from the beast would be trivial.


6 and 7 successes are beyond the capabilities of mere un-heroic humans. You are badass at seeing and thinking through this threat.

Wolf damage discussion continued in OOC.
Douser, totally on it

Douser looks at the teeming mass of snakes, happy with the obvious and ready solution. She takes a deep breath, gathering power to make herself heard above the hissing, growling, smashing combat playing out below. "They can't move!" The rich Forest-tongue rolls out of her scaled and feathered body incongrously. "The abomination is trapped in the roots -- let's leave it."


K, I put that in, but it's still you, Shru.

Everyone, move actions can be done on any tick, so long as you are capable of moving. Dash actions are something a little bit different where you move faster but at a cost and it counts as an action (see Core page 145 and 143 respectively).

X - Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

X - Tick 5 --

X - Tick 6 -- Snakes, Arnuk, Meip

X - Tick 7 --

X - Tick 8 --

X - Tick 9 -- Douser

[Now] - Tick 10 -- Wolf

- Tick 10 -- Snakes 1-7
Wolf, aware of the odds

Hearing Douser's call, wolf growls as menacingly as he can and tears his front paw free of the clinging snake, backing away from the ripping jaws in front of him until he's sure they're out of range.

Clear of the imminent danger, he turns and limps toward the relative safety of the tree his master sits in.


Time to start licking his wounds, really...

I'll make the edits for mutations tonight sometime. <3<3
Miep, making a hasty retreat

Despite the words coming from vocal chords never meant to support human speech, Douser's quick command was hard to misinterpret. Making sure to have enough height to clear the snake's reach, Miep moves towards Douser's perch on the Wyld-tainted roots.


Just a regular move action. Nothing special to see here.
The Loom

Wolf finds a way to limp through a hole in the snake's circle, leaving only Arnuk to face the creature alone. They promptly do so, hissing their frustration at their meal (Wolf) getting away.


Mecahnically, Douser and Wolf are guarding.

Snakes 3-6: Coordinated attack on Arnuk. Please declare your Step 2, and also your action this tick.

X - Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

X - Tick 5 --

X - Tick 6 -- Snakes, Arnuk, Meip

X - Tick 7 --

X - Tick 8 --

X - Tick 9 -- Douser

X - Tick 10 -- Wolf

[Now] - Tick 10 -- Snakes 1-7, Arnuk
Arnuk, Stalwart

First in, last out. Just the way I like it...'

Angry hisses surround Arnuk. Obviously surrounded he crouches low. Essence flows through his muscles in preparation for the oncoming attacks.


First Dex still in charm lot. I'll dump 4 motes to buy 4 dice.

Did I regain my 4 motes from earlier?


Personal _14_|_14_

Peripheral _24_|_36_

Committed __8_____


1) You only get 1m per die of bonus. It's a houserule since stunting is so much more frequent in Pbp.

2) Yes you recover motes for your previous defensive stunt, you successfully defended.

3) Please clarify if you mean 1 die per attack (4 dice total) or 4 dice per attack (16 dice total).

Ok, so my DV isn't the same for each attack. Let's go 1 mote spent for 1 extra die on each attack. Snakes probably won't hurt me anyway.
The Loom

The snakes desperately lunging for Arnuk simply can't get near the Lunar. The Lady's luck is with him.


Yeah, it's confusing. Stunt die apply to all actions in a flurry, but Excellencies don't.

You're starting DV is 7 + 1 die stunt + 1 die Excellency = DV of 8.

Snake 3:

Step 2: -4 coordinated attack penalty. Modified DV of 4.

Step 3: botch

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Miss

Snake 4:

Step 2: -4 coordinated attack penalty. Modified DV of 4.

Step 3: 1 success

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Miss

Snake 5:

Step 2: -4 coordinated attack penalty. Modified DV of 4.

Step 3: 1 success

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Miss

Snake 6:

Step 2: -4 coordinated attack penalty. Modified DV of 4.

Step 3: 0 successes

Step 4: Nothing

Step 5: Miss


Arnuk, please declare your action for tick 10.
Arnuk, Up up and away

Arnuk spins away from the final snake. He smiles grimly at the wet snap its mouth makes behind him.

"Not even worth my time." He mutters to himself. Looking up he spots a hefty root-branch high above the entwined snakes. "Heh, that'll do."

He crouches low and braces his feet securely. His anima wraps him in a flurry of silvery snow flakes. Powered by his anima he surges upward. His claws grasp the root-branch and shifts his momentum to carry him into a crouch on top of it.

Far below him the snakes hiss with frustration.


Using my anima to power jump into the trees. By my accounting only 2 more motes will bring me up to 10 and activate my anima. I'll spend those from Peripheral.


Personal _14_|_14_

Peripheral _22_|_36_

Committed __8_____
The Loom

Wolf whines on the forest floor a few yards out of the Wyld snake-mesh's reach. Douser and Meip perch in the trees and Arnuk launches himself to meet them. The Wyld snake-mesh is bleeding profusely from several missing 'limbs' and hissing its frustration at everyone indiscriminately, but remains stuck in the roots.


To Arnuk: Give me a little Dex+Athletics check.

Dex (5) + Athletics (3) + Stunt (2) + 1st Dex (2) = 8 successes

Since there's a Dex roll involved, I'll push those two motes through the 1st Excellency instead of just burning them. The overall effect is the same. Also, you neglected to give me stunt dice, so I awarded myself two. If you feel it should be three stunt dice, let me know. =P
The Loom

Arnuk lands gently on a 'root' about 10 yards from the 'ground' with style and confidence. The Wyld-twisted snakes slides back under the root floor to heal, going home hungry.


Arnuk: 2 stunt dice are appropriate. My apologies for leaving them off.

Party: We're out of combat time. What are you guys up to now? Wolf has Exalted healing, so he won't bleed out like a mortal, but he's in bad shape (-2 wound penalty).
Miep, in a tree! (I notice a pattern here)

Miep draws in a deep breath to calm herself. She hops back and forth between taloned feet, rotating herself on the tree branch and begins to shift back to her human form. As her legs begin to elongate, the muscles growing and strengthening, she wraps them around the medium sized limb. The root seems to have no trouble supporting the added weight of her human form.

Fully changed, she does a quick once over, making sure that she hadn't missed any scratches. "Welcome to the Wyld," she announces to nobody in particular.


Just want to get my bearings again (and maybe actually communicate some of it this time). Can I do another Perception/Awareness to make sure we aren't walking into more trouble? You know... bigger... more mobile trouble...

Meip: Yes, we agreed that you were keeping those 3m committed. The Charm's duration is Indefinate, so you can keep them committed for this whole thread and get the rolls whenever you like.

Please roll Perception+Awareness to find where the Wyld is nearest, strongest and most dangerous.

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