[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

The idea is that there are three mutually exclusive sets of modifiers to a defenders MDV (and this is always from the view of the defender, not the attacker). The first, largest and least inclusive is the motivation modifier. It is easy to convicne someone to go along with their motivation - even when perhaps that's not a good idea at the time. It is hard to get someone to betray their motivation. The second set of modifiers are the Virtues. It is hard to convince a compassionate person to be uncompassionate or blind to the plight of others. It is easy to convince a compassionate person to show compassion, or be merciful. The last of these are the character's intimacies. It is relatively difficult to convince people to betray what they care about. It is relatively easy to convince someone to do something for someone they care about (do it for the children!)

Social attacks need not hit any of these modifiers. However, I like Virtues, so I typically classify social attacks as some virtue. This is not a 100% thing, and usually I do it as the storyteller (though if you think a particular attack is resonant with a particular virtue I will value your opinion and likely follow it, as I did here). When I attack you with NPCs, I let you know how I'm going to classify the social attack in Step 1 of the attack so that you have full system knowledge of what your modified MDV will be before you declare your Step 2 (In fact, I should probably tell you their effective Appearance now that I say that). Also, there are some rare Step 2 Charms that can interact with penalties specifically (The Sidereal First Excellency comes to mind) and/or bonuses specifically (The Lunar Appearance Charm that breaks the +3/-3 cap, for instance).
Dead Fantasy I

Dead Fantasy II

Dead Fantasy III

Dead Fantasy IV

Dead Fantasy V

Especially 5 I get an Exalted feel from. The Sidereal-lead Wyld hunt vs. Solar vibe.

Give me your guys' thoughts on Castes. Here are mine:

Cloud - Dawn (Welcome to Corenea)

Yuna - Zenith (Summoning, prayer)

Rena - Twilight (Sorcery, Artifacts)

Tifa - Night (More Athletics than Stealth)

Rikku - Eclipse (?)

Kasumi - Journeys (Teleportation Charms)

Hitomi - Serenity (Doing it all for the love of the Endings Caste)

Crazy girl with staff - Secrets (Mind-read what!)

Hirabusa - Battles (With Scarlet Patterned Battlefield style for the rescue Charm)

White ninja dude - Endings (Obviously a competent Sidereal Martial Artist)

Black ninjas - enlightened mortals with various styles

Also, I think I tend to cheer for the FF girls. Obviously I need to play more DOA.
Having finally taken the time to watch -- Wow. That was awesome. :D

I disagree with Tifa as night, though -- she wasn't really any more or less acrobatic than the rest of them. Would the materia (and thus, her magic) be artifacts? If so, I'd plant her firmly in Dawn caste. Seriously, fending off twenty trained ninjas with arrows and swords sticking into her?

On the other hand, Rikku was looking pretty Night, with her Flips and Catches and Tosses.

I was totally rooting for the FF toons, too. >.> Probably because I've never played DoA.

Am I the only person wishing that Rinoa was half that useful in the game?
Shru said:
Would the materia (and thus, her magic) be artifacts?
I imagine they're something like Skin Mount Amulets with imbeded Hearthstones, or Aegis Inset Amulets with more sophisticated effects.
Updated to specify that my penalty was one from the cold.

I believe that's what Miep's was, too, though I'm not 100% on that.
Just waiting on Kaliket to post his step 2. Sorry for the delay, I'm sure he's busy during Labor Day weekend.
kaliket said:
Assuming I haven't killed this forum by waiting so long, I spend Fervor. In the future, please fiat my actions if I take too long.
Anyet and I were absolutely no better for a while. Luckily, she's back from Japan, and I'm hopefully into less retarded overtime. :D I'm ready to swing back in.
Woohoo! Homework distraction ahead!

And maybe this time I'll actually pay attention to the numbers on my sheet instead of pulling them out of thin air >>
Pssst. Where's my revival post? I need homework avoidance!

(Not that I have any right to talk...)
I ran across this while I was bored this afternoon. It's not really so much that it reminds me of Exalted so much as that it reminds me of any pen-and-paper group. :D And I thought y'all would like it.

It's a seriallized novel; there are only 5 parts out as of this posting.

Game Night
All, I no longer have the interest required of a GM to sustain this pbp game. I declare it finished and have asked the admin to plunge it into the vault. I have gone back to an earlier flame (a DotA clone called League of Legends (LoL)) and the fast pace has captured my attention.

I delayed writing something formal in the case that LoL was a passing fad, however, I believe it will hold my entertainment attention for the foreseeable future.

It was fun while it lasted.

- Tikor

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