Search results for query: *

  1. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    After waiting a minute or two, I headed into the store. From where I was, I couldn't see Ciela. Probably for the best, since I was standing at the counter. As I spoke, my voice had changed to the most stereotypical Californian accent I could think of. "Hey, man, what's goin' on?" I started...
  2. Polygraph

    Story Streamwood

    So I'm just kind of writing this whole thing in this thread. And I don't really know what it is yet. I'm doing it here because actually starting a word processor makes me think, like, "OH MAN THIS A THING I'M DOING" but if I post it here, it's more like "Oh, I'm just trying to tell a good...
  3. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    I thought about it. Ciela seemed a tiny bit introverted. Definitely more so than me, anyway. Right now, at least. Or maybe in general. Either way, I'd have an easier time talking to someone right now because of reasons. Reasons, I thought, as if someone was peering into my thoughts...
  4. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    I leaned sideways against the corner of the building we were next to and looked at Ciela. Everything started to get mapped out in my mind. "Since it's so early, I don't expect there to be any customers. Depending on the type of person working there, their attentiveness is completely unknown...
  5. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    A cold front passed through me, carried by Ciela's reply. I thought something that came up often when talking to this sort of thing with friends. A simultaneous sigh of relief and empathic sorriness. I'm glad she can relate to me, but I'm sorry that she's even able to. Maybe it was a shitty...
  6. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    I stole a glance at Ciela after she looked at me. We continued walking. 'So, liking the warehouse?' Half-grinning at her question, I pulled my hood down. Now that it was morning and we were entering a more populated area, I didn't want it to be up. Based on experience, people think...
  7. Polygraph

    If You Should Live On

    Do you want us to all RP in third-person? I prefer first-, but I can do either.I posted in both first- and third-person because I had an idea now and didn't wanna forget it later. I remember that I really hate writing in third-person. >>
  8. Polygraph

    If You Should Live On [Inactive]

    Grogginess. A typical morning ailment. Not harmful in any way - it just occurs because your body needs a few seconds to turn back on. So why is nothing turning on? Isn't this a morning like any other? Well. No. The idea here was to shut off forever. But here I am, lying in my bed...
  9. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    I watched Ciela walk off for a second before following. Whatever works, I guess. Walking next to Cierra, I matched her stride to stay with her pace. "With something like this, more is better than less." After saying this, all the situations where this was a bad philosophy came to mind...
  10. Polygraph

    If You Should Live On

    Name: Elijah Brodie Easton () Nickname: Eli Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: Elijah is a seriously depressed, emotional guy. He tries to pretend, sometimes, like he isn't but he never does a very good job of hiding it. Despite his own internal conflicts, Eli is a sweetheart and a bit of...
  11. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    I looked away and grinned, the side of my face hidden by my hood. Well. I wasn't exactly a fan of stealing. The first time I'd done it was in the past week, back when I began this adventure. What I knew, though, was that most stores couldn't do anything about stealing. Or rather, they...
  12. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    Ciela gestured to me. I could guess what she meant to do. I don't even know where we'd get medicine... Stepping out the door after grabbing my hoodie, I shut it behind me and walked over to Ciela. I was still in a particularly down mood, and my voice reflected that. "What's the plan?"...
  13. Polygraph

    The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

    ( I'm just gonna switch to past-tense because present-tense is too hard >> ) I glanced over to the guy I still hadn't met, then at Ciela. She appeared to be entranced in the flames before hearing Jessica's coughing fit. Medicine. I did notice that she had looked a bit under the weather...
  14. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    Opening a drawer to the left of the TV, I placed each book down from left to right. The top row started with the second book while the bottom row ended with the ninth. I placed the first book in the center on top, then shut the drawer and turned back to Amelia. "I dunno.. I mean, well.."...
  15. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    I sat down on my bed and helped Amy sort some of the things. I busied myself with ordering all of the books in a series. "I don't think so." I looked away from her, down at the stack of light novels in my hands. My aspirations came back to me. "I used to do amateur voice acting and I was...
  16. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    ( Studying is more important than roleplaying, don't worry! Also, I only have the two bags '^^ ) Having finished folding the pants, I did the same with them, stowing them away into the right side of the cabinet/armoire/TV thing. I sighed and unzipped my hoodie. It had large blue and black...
  17. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    After folding all of the shirts - there were only seven - I opened the left cabinet of the... armoire? Pretty sure that's not an armoire... I opened the left cabinet of the thing the TV was sitting on and stacked the shirts in piles of four, then shut it and started folding pants. Still...
  18. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    Three, huh? A very spooky coincidence. "Unpacking?" I actually live here now. I couldn't get over that fact. "Sure! I'm pretty sure I don't have anything too embarrassing in my bags." My duffel bag was filled with all of my clothes, while my backpack had things like books, a PSP and...
  19. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    After setting my two bags on the neatly made bed in front of me, I stared at them blankly before looking around the room. My room. I felt a sense of security that I hadn't had in almost half a year. So many months of traveling and meeting new (sometimes weird) people and being alone and not...
  20. Polygraph

    Dropouts [Inactive]

    Thinking I'd have to introduce myself immediately, I wasn't sure what to say when Terrence acted so casually right out of the gate. I nodded, not entirely sure what to say. "Uh, thanks..." Entering the house, I was greeted by Zoe. "I'm Robert." Pins and needle and pins and needles and...