Dropouts [Inactive]

Opening a drawer to the left of the TV, I placed each book down from left to right. The top row started with the second book while the bottom row ended with the ninth. I placed the first book in the center on top, then shut the drawer and turned back to Amelia.

"I dunno.. I mean, well.."

Words tumbled around my mind. I could never think of what my hobbies were when someone specifically asked.

"I used to do a lot of writing." Shrugging, I continued, "Like stories and poetry and essays and stuff."

I glanced at the stack of notebooks Amy had organized on the bed. There were six in total. Two for journaling, two for writing, one for drawing, and one left thus far unused. Which was astounding, considering how much time I had to do nothing at all. Time spent playing rhythm games and listening to indie rock on my PSP.

While talking, I moved back to my bed and hopped up onto it, sitting cross-legged with my back against the headboard.
Terrence paused for a moment, considering the distance between where he and Matty were, to their destination. "Um, maybe a few minutes?" He said hesitantly. "Depending on the traffic and how many times we're stopped by stoplights." Terrence continued as he made a turn on Auburn Blvd. He continued down the road, glancing about to find the places he was suppose to make a turn. He kept his eyes on the road, finding the sign for 'Hunter's Creek Ave.'. 'Just have to take a right at the end of the road and we'll make it to the park..' He thought to himself. "What time is it, Matty?" Terrence asked, wondering how long it took for them to reach the road.
Jo woke up from her long slumber. Her alarm went off and she tried to smack it, but instead she went flying off of the bed, the alarm landing on her. Her head hit the wall, hard. She got up, putting her alarm on her desk. She went downstairs and into the living room where there was a t.v.
''It's 12:45, perfect time actually. The ducks enjoy coming out at this time.'' Matthew said. Just thinking about the ducks made Matthew happy. Ducks, and penguins, were the only birds he didn't mind being near. 'I can probably get a nice shot of one in the water.' Matthew thought happily. 'Maybe Diana will be out today.' Diana was Matthew's favorite duck to hang out with. She was a Mallard and the cutest one Matthew has ever seen! Matthew hasn't been able to get close to her yet but the pictures from afar are nice.

(i hope the time's okay. OuO; )
Jo went upstairs again, grabbing a tank top and skinny jeans. She got a pair of underwear and her other clothing items and went in bathroom to take a shower. Sh showered quickly and slipped on her converse, running outside only to find Matthew. "Hi, Matthew." She said, pointingto Diana, behind a tree. "There sheis.." She whispered.
A new girl stepped out from a black, lifted 1979 chevy blazer, the truck had a bunch of bags and boxes of her things. She had made arrangements a few weeks back to move into this house and was just now able to come on over with her things. She had long dark hair that was tied back in a pony tail, her bangs hanging down and somewhat in her face with a grey bandanna in her hair. Her make up was rather simply, some cover up on her pale face, red lipstick, and eye liner in a cat eye style line just abover her mascaraed eyelashes. It was a nice day, so she just wore a tight fitting grey tank top and jean shorts with rips and tears in them. On her small feet were solid black, hightop converse with black laces. Going around the passenger side of the truck with a girr backpack already on her, she grabbed some bags and walked to the front door. Opening it slowly at first as she called out. "Hello! Is anyone there? It's Kat." Holding a large black trash bag in her hands that had some of her clothing. Not wanting to just barge in , but seeing nobody immediately after walking in.
'As I thought, it only took a few minutes..' Terrence thought to himself. After finally parking his car, he walked out of the car, stretching a bit, man was his body tense. After waiting for Matthew toget outside, he locked the doors and turned to Matthew. "Do you mind showing me these, 'beautiful views' you've been so hyped up to take a picture of?" Terrence said with a grin while walking besides Matty.

(The time's fine, I guess, I was leaving it up to you to decide. ^^)
Jo ran inside, hearing the knock on the door. Her converse squeaked on the floor, the morning dew still wet on her feet. She Opened the door. "Hi. I'm Jo, I suppose you're moving in..?" She asked, opening the door for the girl.
Matthew took his camera out of his bag. "Of course!" Matthew skipped off to his favorite spot in all the park. It was at the far end of the park so the walk was long but the scenery beautiful. Flowers of different colors and kinds sprouted from the ground,swaying softly in the breeze. Trees draped over the path Matthew took,making a mossy canopy. Matthew went off the main path walking into a dense brush until he finally stopped. In front of Matthew was a beautiful.shimmering lake surrounded by mossy trees. A few ducks swam around the lake while others stayed on the shore. "Amazing isn't it?" Matthew said as he positioned his camera for the perfect shot.
Jo eyed the girl, up and down. "Need any help?" She asked, seeing that the girl had more boxes and bags outside. "I know which room you'll be staying in and I could help carry the boxes there."
Kat smiled and placed her bag further onto her right arm so that she could extend her left arm out for a handshake. "Hi, im Kat if you didnt hear me..." She said with a soft laugh after her first sentence. "Oh, uh, sure. If you dont mind. I mean its really not as much as it may look. My truck has some stuff that I normally have in there still too." Rambling a bit before she stopped herself and took a breath. Letting her shoulders rise and fall as she breathed in and out visibly and smiled.
Terrence smiled as he gaped at the view. It was really beautiful. "It is.." he answered Matthew. Terrence grabbed his phone, since he had left his camera in the car, and decided to take a picture of the view. It wasn't as nice as it would be on camera, but at least it was something. He glanced at Matthew. "After taking the picture, do you mind sending it to me?" Terrence said, not completely satisfied with his phone's camera.
Matthew took the shot of the lake. "Sure,Terrance,when we get home I'll send it to you." he said, Matthew then skipped over to an area of the lake filled to the brim with water lilies. He sat down and motioned for Terrance to join him so they could skip stones. With the water lilies everywhere it would be quit the challenge.(more of a challenge to Matthew because he sucks at stone skipping.) But Matthew loves challenges and the occasional bet. "I bet I can skip more stones than you."
"Thanks." Terrance replied to Matthew. He ran down a grassy hill, flailing his arms over his head and randomly screaming as he went to where Matthew was. "I bet I can skip more stones than you." Matthew bet him. Terrence raised his eyebrow in a questioning way as he smirked, "Like you'll beat me!" Terrence exclaimed confidently, accepting Matty's challenge. He really wasn't sure if he was good at skipping stones, since he only did it once, when he was like 7 years old and he utterly failed at it. It was harder than you think.
A smug smile etched it's way onto Matthew's face "I'm going to win.~" Matthew said, he might win Terrance might win, who cares? Matthew gathered a few stones being sure they were all flat and smooth, and handed a few to Terrance. Matthew was the first of the two to start skipping stones. His little stone had a good start but wiped out at the end. Smashing into the water and sending ripples to Terrance and Matthew.
Terrance picked one of the stones Matthew gave him, rubbing his thumb across the surface, making sure it was flat and smooth. He threw it up a bit and caught it repeatedly as if he was testing the stone. He drew his hand back, the white stone in his tight fist, and he chucked it. The stone skipped on the water merrily, but it soon drowned. He was pretty sure it at least had as many skips as Matthew, but he really didn't know since he was to distracted to count the skips. "How many skips did you have?" Terrence asked Matty as his left hand shaded his eyes, the fiery sunlight beaming full on him.
Matthew watched Terrance's stone skip across the water until it sunk into the lake. "How many skips did you have?" Matthew heard Terrance ask him. Matthew was pretty sure he got five skips, possibly six. He didn't pay much attention to the skips for the ripples were far more fascinating. "I believe I got five,how many skips did you get, Terrance?" Matthew asked while he grabbed another stone from his pile.
Terrence looked out in the distance, still shading his eyes. "Eh, I'm pretty sure I got the same." He grabbed another stone, doing the same thing he did with the previous one. He put the rock between his index finger and thumb, and held it in front of his right eye, examining it.
Matthew threw his next rock. He watched it skip one,two,three,four,five,six,seven...... and then it sunk to the bottom of the lake. Matthew smiled he was sure to win! "Let's step up the game,Terrance. Who ever wins gets to do whatever they want to the loser." Matthew said. Oh my yes, this would be possibly the best idea Matty has ever had. "What do you say?"
"Hmph, fine." Terrence said confidently, though he was not so confident. "You're going to live on the front lawn after this, Matty!~" Terrence smirked, and threw a rock. '6...' Terrence counted in his mind. "Are you going to throw another rock or will you count the previous one?"
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