Dropouts [Inactive]


Junior Member
Elf submitted a new role play:

Dropouts - A group of teens, working different part-time jobs to pay for bills, all living under the same roof.

You and some other teens, for many different reasons, dropped out of school. You all meet, and decide to all rent a house and split the bill amongst each other. Will friendship, enemies, and maybe, love, form?
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Terrence woke up tired. He pushed his blanket off himself, letting the cold air prick his skin, so he could get up easier. He rubbed his eyes, crashing into many objects from the lack of sight as he went to the bathroom to get ready for the day, not bothering to change from his blue plaid pajama pants and grey long-sleeved shirt. As he entered the bathroom, he sighed. He never really was a morning person, though many people could relate to him. He brushed his teeth, finger-combed his hair, and washed the sleep off his face. His face was a bit puffy since he had just woke up, but he let it go. He quietly tip-toed down the stairs and into the kitchen, so he could prepare breakfast for him and his housemates. He readied his ingredients and utensils, sprawling them out on the kitchen counter. He mixed the ingredients together skillfully, creating chocolate chip pancake batter. He placed a pan on the stove, lighting the fire. He poured a large spoonful of batter, hoping the aroma would get his sleepy guests awake. He checked the clock. 9:03am. It wasn't that early, so he decided to do something to wake them up better. He grabbed a soup spoon and frying pan, and started to bang them together while yelling, "Breakfast is ready! Get up or you'll have to eat plain bread for breakfast!"


You're turn! @SetMeFree @Polygraph @qemie @Mrs Greenleaf @Coedy @Everlasting♥ @october_rain

(To begin, you can either wake up in your room or be someone who had just moved in and arrived at the mansion.)
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"Hi Everybody!" Zoe exclaimed, waving a hand at the camcorder sitting on the tripod in front of her. Her video that day was based on easy, no heat hair styles for when you're on the go. After recording for quite some time, she edited her video and added some pretty, "girly" effects to it, edited the thumbnail to look more professional and intriguing and pushed her Mac Book Pro ff of her lap onto her bed at the video began to render and upload itself to YouTube. There was never a moment where Zoe regretted dropping out of school to focus more on her channel, making videos was what she loved, she didn't want to waste time doing anything else for a living- plus, the money she brought in from YouTube was quite generous.

Exiting her room, Zoe heard a crash and nearly jumped ten feet back before putting her hand to her chest and leaning against the door frame, raising an eyebrow at Terrence, "you're just lucky I wasn't filming." She grinned and let a small chuckle slip out of her rosy, glossed lips. "Smells delicious, I assume you made breakfast this lovely morning?"
Terrence chuckled and grinned at her. "Oh you're awake? I should have banged them earlier then, I would enjoy a video of your reaction. And, yes, I'm making some chocolate chip pancakes right now. Would you please set the table with plates, napkins, utensils, and syrup?" he said, turning back his attention to flipping the flapjacks. "So what were you filming today?" he asked her, guessing that it had something to do with her hair, since it looked nicer than it should be in the morning.
Matthew climbed out of bed,dragging his blankets along for the ride. Matthew walked down the stairs tripping multiple times until he reached the bottom. He dropped his blankets into a neat pile at the bottom of the stairs and pulled down his yellow sweater, trying to make himself look slightly presentable. Sleep was amazing and probably the best thing to come out of life but it made you look like a beaten rug and Matty did not enjoy looking like a rug. Maybe a really soft rug with cool designs on it but not an ugly one like the one his mum had. (it had triangles and a barfy shade of green.) He then walked into the kitchen sitting on the ground by the fridge. "Do we have any chocolate syrup. Also sprinkles?" he asked Terrance as he played with hair. "Chocolate syrup is perfect for pancakes." Matthew then stood up and proceeded to search the cabinets for chocolate syrup and sprinkles.
Terrence glanced at the clump on the floor known as 'Matthew'. "Hm? Oh yeah, there should be some on the highest cabinet all the way to the left. And the choco syrup is actually in the fridge" Terrence said, placing another pancake on a big patter.
"Oh my goodness yes! Thank you." Matthew grabbed the sprinkles, they looked like elephants, and darted to the fridge taking out the chocolate syrup and placing it and the sprinkles on the table. Sitting back onto his place on the ground by the fridge, Matthew hummed quietly.
Zoe nodded and gathered up the things she needed to set the table as Terrence had asked, "I slept pretty poorly last night so I decided to get up and film, might as well do something productive, right?" She told him, placing a fork and butter knife at each seat at the table alone with a plate and a napkin she folded in a pretty way to set the utensils on. "Quick and easy hair styles for on the go, no heat," Zoe averted her gaze to Terrence, "hey, maybe you can be featured in my next video. I'm trying to do at least two a day now. Views are dying to see you do my makeup blindfolded. But careful, those people are crazy with their ships." Zoe giggled and set the syrup on the table.

"Oh good morning, Matty, you sugar fiend. You'll be diabetic next month," Zo teased the other male with a small smile.
Matthew stood up from his spot on the ground and put his hands on his hips. "I can eat all the sugar if I wanted to. I doubt I'll ever be diabetic and to prove that I will eat all the sugar. All. Of.It" no one is playing around now. Zoe tested your will on sugar and you will not fail. "I bet you twenty bucks I can eat only sugar stuff for the rest of the week without dying." Matthew stood in front of Zoe and stuck out his arm. " Is that a deal,Zoe?"
Terrence laughed at Matthew's childish behavior and raised an eyebrow at him as Matthew sat on the floor again. "Aren't you going to sit at the table, on a chair, Matthew?" Terrence said. He glanced back at Zoe. "They do know I am a chef, not an artist, at least for makeup, right? If I do agree, don't blame me if you end up looking like chubaca, especially if I'm going to be blindfolded." Terrence said, half jokingly while chuckling at his 'chubaca' statement. Terrence looked up to see Matthew betting Zoe that he could eat all the sugar he want without dying. "Just make sure you exercise, Matthew, don't want to be apart of the large percent of the American population that is growing obese." Terrence added jokingly.
Zoe sighed softly and shrugged her shoulders, shaking Matthew's hand, "please don't die. I'm not responsible for any of this." She tied her hair up into a messy bun and laughed softly, "yeah, I think that's why they chose you. These things aren't supposed to turn out fabulous," Zoe told Terrence, tightening her bun. Averting her attention to Matthew, she nodded, "exercise is good for you, anyway." Zoe added onto Terrence's statement about American obesity.
"Of course I'll exercise. Also," Matty pulled up his shirt "I've been eating like that for pretty much all my life. Pale and skinny,man." he then turned his attention to Zoe. "Can I be in one of your videos? I want to paint your nails. Terrance's,too!"
Terrence looked at Matthew with an over-dramatic expression of horror showing on his face. "No! Not the nails! Never!" He said, hiding his arms in his shirt while flinging his long sleeves everywhere. "Fans are crazy!" Terrence said to Zoe. "I'm not sure if I want to be part of one of their crazy ships, either."
Zoe chuckled, looking down at her (surprisingly) bare nails and shrugged again, "I suppose, maybe the two of you could 'help me get ready for a night out', but blindfolded!" Zoe suggested, mentally praising herself for thinking of such an interesting idea on the spot. "You can pick out my clothes, shoes, accessories, paint my nails, do my hair and makeup blindfolded."

Terrence's reaction to everything made it difficult for Zoe not to laugh, she didn't even try. "Come on, Ter- their ships are pretty creative. They're good with photoshop, too" Zoe mentioned, little bursts of laughter slipping out here and there. "But hey, try going outside for a jog in the middle of day, or shopping or something. That never goes as planned."
"I am in! Then you can pick out an outfit for me and do my makeup," Matthew said happily then added. "Also what are you guys talking about with 'ships'?" he questioned. Of course he knew what ships were because he spent his ENTIRE life on tumblr but Zoe's fans making ships sounded pretty funny and quit interesting.
I rung the doorbell.

If you had asked me how I felt at this point in time, I probably would've thrown up.

With me I carried my tattered duffel bag and my thoroughly beaten up backpack. I needed new bags. New clothes. New everything.

So when I saw an opportunity to have somewhere to actually live, I was ecstatic.

However, my formal people skills had diminished greatly since running away so many months ago.

I was nervous, to say the least, as I anxiously awaited someone to answer the door.
"Yeah, and that makes EVERYTHING better." Terrence replied sarcastically at Zoe's comment about photo shop. He looked at both of them after Zoe said her idea of dressing her up blindfolded. He sighed. "Fine, i'm in, but you'll have to go around in public after we dress you up." Terrence said with a smirk. "Oh, and about 'ships', we were talking about how her fans go crazy with ships. Not sure who they're shipping though." Terrence replied to Matthew with a shrug. The door bell rang, which made Terrence jump a little. "I'll get it! Can you guys bring the pancakes to the table?" Terrence said before hurrying to the door. He opened the door to see a blonde male in front of him. "Oh! You must be one of the newcomers!" Terrence stated loudly. "I'm Terrence, the owner of this sweet home! Come in! Your room is up the stairs and down the hallway, it has the number '7' on it since I was too lazy to write your name instead. You could take the number off if you want to though. Get ready then come downstairs to eat breakfast!" He said with a smile.
Zoe's jaw nearly dropped to the floor when Terrence told her she had to go out in public after the two of them had dressed her up, "you're kidding!" She hoped, she was going to look like a wreck, as if she were hit by a train, then put up on display. After Terrence rushed to the door which the ringing doorbell belonged to, signalling there was a newcomer. Shuddering slightly, Zoe picked up the platter of pancakes, jumping slightly as she hot bottom of the place burnt her fingertips. After placing the platter down, Zoe shook her hands, trying to cool off the tips of her fingers some. "Hi there! I'm Zoe!" She greeted the new mate.
Thinking I'd have to introduce myself immediately, I wasn't sure what to say when Terrence acted so casually right out of the gate.

I nodded, not entirely sure what to say.

"Uh, thanks..."

Entering the house, I was greeted by Zoe.

"I'm Robert."

Pins and needle and pins and needles and paresthesia and-

"Uh, I'm just gonna go settle in really quickly and then we can all talk and stuff and..."

My rambling trailed off as I quickly hurried up the stairs.

I calmed myself down while walking towards my room.

"'My' room, huh?"

I turned the knob of door seven, a thought suddenly occurring to me as I entered the room.

Seven. A multiple of twenty-one, my lucky number. Seven times three. This is the third group I've stayed with.

I do this a lot.

I proceeded to unpack my stuff.
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Terrence stared at the newcomer named, 'Robert' rushed up the stairs. "I think I freaked him out a bit.." Terrence said to Zoe. "After a moment of silence, Terrence glanced at Zoe again. "Do you want to start eating breakfast now? The pancakes will get cold." Terrence offered. "Oh, and I'm not kidding about 'debuting' your makeover publicly." He added with a smirk.
Matthew sat down in a chair and said to Terrance "What's the new guy's name, Terr Bear?I was completely zoned out when the time came for introductions." Matty then turned his attention to Zoe " Also Zoe, you're the monarch of your fans so you should know what they ship. Tell me,please." Matthew really wanted to know what in the living name of Earth Zoe's fandom was shipping. He had many ships of his own and he could quietly compare while eating chocolate doused pancakes.
Amy buried her head under the blankets in an attempt to block out the sun that shone too brightly into the room. 'Just one more hour. Can't I have just that?' She asked internally. After laying in silence for a few minutes it became very clear that 'just another hour' would not be happening now or any time soon. She threw back the blankets with a groan and rolled out of bed, landing unsteadily on the balls of her feet. Amy took a minute to regain her balance before grabbing a pair of clothes, leaving her room and heading to the bathroom where she took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. After her shower she changed quickly into the outfit selected and brushed her hair quickly in an attempt to tame the wild curls. 'Good enough.' She left the bathroom humming one of her favourite songs. On her way to the stairs she noticed that the door for room 7 was open. Curiously she made her way down the hallway and peeked her head around the door. A boy looking a couple years older stood in the middle of the room. She bit her lip, unsure of whether or not to speak. Finally, she decided that if this boy was moving in here she'd have to talk to him eventually, so why not now?

She stepped into the room, hoping he wasn't the kind to throw tantrums when someone enters your room without permission, and greeted the boy with a quick, simple, " Hello. "

( @Polygraph )
Zoe rubbed the back of her neck as the newcomer rushed off looking anxious and in somewhat of a rush. "You are pretty scary, Ter," Zoe joked and sat down a the table. "I've been up for four hours and haven't had anything to eat, I'm more than ready to dig in to these." She smiled, flopping a pancake on her plate and pouring a squiggly design of syrup onto it before cutting it up in bite sized pieces. After swallowing her first bite, she looked over at Matthew, "well, as of right now, since they haven''t really seen you guys yet, I just blog about life here," Zoe took another bite, "we'll just have to see!"

Averting her attention to Terrence again, Zoe pouted playfully, cocking her head some. "Alright, alright. Only if you escort me!"
Arizona walked into the house without saying a word to anyone. She'd been up since five, having been called into work. While she didn't mind the early morning call, she hadn't expected the scene she'd arrived to. All hell had broken loose overnight, some group of delinquents thought it would be fun to let all the horses go and start a small fire. Luckily no one was hurt and the barn was still fully intact. She smelled of ash and horse, not a pleasant combination. Trudging up to her room, she slammed the door closed behind her and went to take a shower. After that she threw on sweats and collapsed on her bed.
After setting my two bags on the neatly made bed in front of me, I stared at them blankly before looking around the room.

My room.

I felt a sense of security that I hadn't had in almost half a year. So many months of traveling and meeting new (sometimes weird) people and being alone and not having any certainty about anything in life. I was ecstatic. I don't think someone even as eloquent as myself could fully describe the emotions I felt just then.

The first thing I did was kick my shoes off.


As I was having my pity party/celebration of life, I heard a voice from behind me. Turning around rather quickly, I saw a girl with dyed red hair and--

Would I really call it dyed, though? I've met someone once with natural hair that color, though it was incredibly hard to believe it at first...

...I saw a girl with conspicuous red hair and hazel eyes. She couldn't have been older than me, but she didn't look much younger, either way.

Jessica and Vivian flashed in my head for a moment. When it came to a one-on-one conversation, I was a lot better at talking to strangers. However, in this sort of mood, I could've gone downstairs and made friends with everyone.

I heard a door slam. It made me flinch slightly, but I ignored it.

"Hi, do you live here?"

I thought quickly, and revised my statement.

"Neveermind, nevermind," I waved my hands dismissively, "of course you live here! Why else would you be on the second floor, all this way down the hallway?"

Laughing for a few seconds at the absurdity of such a situation, I quickly regained my composure and tried for a more standard introduction.

"Anyway, I'm Robert." I gestured to the bags on the bed. "I just moved in, as you could guess."

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