Search results for query: *

  1. MoonMirage

    Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    "Make sure to bring back both of them safely." The Boss's words rang in Cleto's ear from the earpiece that he had received. Almost immediately, he perked up and replied enthusiastically, "Roger!" The youth turned to Pedr and Silvia, who both managed to stand up despite the injuries that they...
  2. MoonMirage

    Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    Cleto snapped out of his daze and looked towards the male besides him. So he's Pedr? Then the girl... She must be Silvia! He groaned inside his head, realizing that he had pretty much just let a fellow member fall on her face. He hurried to the girl's side and flipped her over so she was facing...
  3. MoonMirage

    Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    (Sorry for the late reply! I've been really busy the last two days Dx) Cleto bit his lips and wondered if he should leave this person and look for the other girl... Silvia, was it? He certainly didn't want this person to wake up while he's gone, to find himself tied up and alone. Another...
  4. MoonMirage

    Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    Cleto's eyes lit up once again as the Boss told him to go check on the two members that were at the ship right now. This is his chance to make the Boss proud! "I'm trusting you can do it." With a giddy smile, Cleto gave a ninety degrees bow and said in a bright, confident voice, "Then I'll...
  5. MoonMirage

    Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    "As expected from you, nicely done." At the Boss's compliment, Cleto's swelled up with pride and joy. The one thing that he loved most was a compliment from the Boss. After all, the Boss was the coolest guy in Italy- No, he was the coolest guy in the world! Who wouldn't like a compliment was...
  6. MoonMirage

    Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    Rapid footsteps could be heard in the entire Spinal HQ as a young man ran towards the office of the Boss, Rozando. It wasn't hard for the members of Spinal to guess that it was the ever so enthusiastic member, Cleto. When he arrived, he was barely able to stop himself from slamming into the...
  7. MoonMirage

    Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    (Hello! This is my first roleplay on this site, so sorry if I'm terrible xD ) Name: Cleto Alessi Gender: Male Age: 17 Nationality: Italian Appearance: Personality: Cleto's personality is comparable to that of a golden retriever. He's the type of guy that you would describe as...