Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Lol don't worry. Took me forever to catch up too xD You want the short version? owo I can ask the senpais for the short version~
PhoenixFire13 said:
Lol don't worry. Took me forever to catch up too xD You want the short version? owo I can ask the senpais for the short version~
Yes, please. :D

Name: Vittoria Matilde Spinal

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Nationality: Italian

Personality: Vocal with her inner thoughts and very sharp with her tongue, Vittoria is the epitome of a sassy Italian seductress. She is in no way quiet, and lets her presence be known far and wide. When Vittoria enters a room, there will always be some sort of theatrics involved. Even so, she knows when to keep her mouth zipped, and would take the Spinal family's deepest, darkest secrets to the grave with her if she had to. Above all, Vittoria values loyalty and trust. Additionally, Vittoria can be somewhat of a femme fatale, flirting with all those who catch her eye. Hardened from her days with the biggest and baddest of the mafia, it is hard to intimidate or scare Vittoria, and she tends to sweet-talk to even the burliest of criminals.

Weapon of choice: Vittoria prefers not to take part in combat, rather running her side-empire of scandals and sex from a safe distance far away from the battlefield. She trusts that the other members of the Spinal family can keep her well protected, although she does carry two twin daggers with her at all times, along with her trusty bottle of peppers spray. Her lack of training in combat means that she would probably be the easiest high-ranking member of the Spinal family to be taken for ransom.

Family: Spinal

Status in family: High Ranking, oversees Italy's prostitution rings & the Spinal family's assets

Bio: Vittoria was born to the elder brother of Rozo's father on the day of Rozo's father's wedding. Her mother was some sort of nobility from Tuscany, who had run away from her family and to Vittoria's father for a few years, which her family was not happy with. The Spinal family had planned for her father to become the Boss of the family after the Boss died, however, Vittoria's father was poisoned by an assassin hired by his wife's family. Vittoria and her mother were taken back to Tuscany shortly afterwards. Her mother's family had not known that Vittoria was born, yet they accepted Vittoria due to her mother's bitterness towards her family's involvement in the death of her lover. Vittoria's true identity was kept a secret while she grew up, her and her mother confined to a villa far away from her mother's family on the other side of Tuscany. After moving back to the city in which the mafia thrived, Vittoria decided that she would rejoin the Spinal family. She started a job as an "escort" at a shady-looking establishment. While working her night-job, she was able to locate members of the Spinal family and work her way up the ranks (her relation to the boss and the former boss probably helped her out a bit). Vittoria also kept tabs of the Spinal family's expenditures and profits, acting as their accountant/secretary. While acting as Rozo's secretary, Vittoria also became the head honcho of the majority of Italy's prostitution rings, and had all of Italy's prostitutes and call girls eating out of the palm of her hand by the time she reached her late-20's.

How you joined the family: Vittoria has belonged to the Spinal family since the day she was born. She returned at the age of 20, after dropping out of college.

Extra: Vittoria doesn't have any big fears, but she does dislike those who act childish on purpose. She would kill for expensive jewelry, and would probably be easy to bribe if someone were to get close enough to her.
@nynja Accepted. If you need a brief summary of what is going on in the RP right now, there is one in the OOC section, but you should read some of the latest replies, since the summary is not completely up-to-date.
(If it is too late to join, I'm sorry. I've been looking for a mafia rp for a long time.)

Name: Helena (Hel) Rosa

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Nationality: Italian

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/girl5.png.5fec5fdc46b7bb3565e15169b8086d97.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/girl5.png.5fec5fdc46b7bb3565e15169b8086d97.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Hel is incredibly loyal, loving, determined, and obedient. She only wants to please those she cares about so they can be happy. She is always honest, she feels too much guilt about lying and thinks that lying in general is horrid. She puts her interests and preferences second to everyone else’s, which sometimes makes her hold back when she wants to give input. If she is given a task, she will do everything possible to complete it, no matter what. Hel is also shy, for fear of stepping out of line and wanting to be respectful. She doesn’t do well around strangers but acts normally when among people she is comfortable around.

Weapon of choice: Flip blade brass knuckles kept in her back pocket with matching lady derringer strapped to her inner thigh. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/cold-steel-folding-knuckle-knife-folder-hunting-outdoor-6b8e.jpg.e0b9df1849e41a59ffb01418edf436e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/cold-steel-folding-knuckle-knife-folder-hunting-outdoor-6b8e.jpg.e0b9df1849e41a59ffb01418edf436e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Derringer_Lady_Derringer_Revolver_2_23967.jpg.30121f9edc040afdf4ff796fea53b974.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Derringer_Lady_Derringer_Revolver_2_23967.jpg.30121f9edc040afdf4ff796fea53b974.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): Adopted sister of Danielle "Dani" Rosa

Bio/joining the family: Helena was born and raised in a somewhat normal family. She was never told what was going on, so she thought everything was fine. One night, her mother and father were having an argument while she slept. The yelling suddenly stopped, and Hel walked into the scene of her father standing over her dead mother. She ran from him crying, not knowing what could have happened to cause this and hating her father. She lost trust of everyone and ended up meeting Dani somehow and he took care of her. It took time for her to trust again, and now she feels indebted to Dani, wanting to help him in any way she can. Now that he’s the head of the family, he needs her more than ever to help alleviate some stress.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc):

Fears: Being lied to, meeting new people, being in large groups of strangers

Likes: helping others, chocolate, honesty, order, family and close friends, dogs and pandas

Dislikes: Lies, being the center of attention, violent people.

Weaknesses: Hel is shy and doesn’t always speak her mind unless exclusively asked to do so. Her fear of being lied to and having things hidden from her makes her question people constantly, unless she already trusts them, and it takes her awhile to trust someone new. She isn’t the best shot, so she relies on getting into close combat when need be.



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@iShyShy Your character is accepted, but I was wondering if you're willing to change your status to an adoptive sister instead of an adoptive daughter, since there's only a six-year difference between Dani and Hel. But of course, I have no problems if you want to keep it as a daughter.
I'm open to whatever you think is best ^.^ I can make the change now. I wasn't sure about what to do about the age difference, so I'm actually glad you mentioned it. I didn't want to overstep the line into a role.
Great! Well, there's a summary of what's going on in the OOC thread, though it's pretty outdated. I can type out another summary if you don't want to go through 15 pages of replies.
It's up to you. I just read the summary in the OOC and am on page 10 trying to catch up. If you want to take the time to fill me in that'd be great but if you're busy then no worries.
Haha thank you ^.^ Edit: I just caught up. I'm pretty sure I got a grasp of what's going on. I'll try to post soon.
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(Hello! This is my first roleplay on this site, so sorry if I'm terrible xD )

Name: Cleto Alessi

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nationality: Italian


Personality: Cleto's personality is comparable to that of a golden retriever. He's the type of guy that you would describe as hyperactive, loud, overly cheerful, and idiotically happy all the time. In addition to his upbeat personality, he is also extremely kind and loyal to those that are close to him. A particular quirk of his, is that he is somehow constantly getting into trouble in one way or another. Overall, he's a good guy, as long as you can look past his occasional idiocy.

Weapon of choice: Prefers small guns

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal

Status in family: Regular member

Bio: Cleto's parents were both members of the Spinal family. He grew up among the family members, and heavens know that he was a handful when he was a child (even more so than he is now). He would always play pranks, bother everyone, and to put it simply, wreck havoc in the place. When he was ten, Cleto's parents were killed in a conflict with the Rosa, and since them his personality has calmed down (slightly, that is). Cleto holds no hatred for the Rosa, but is a among the people that simply wishes for the war to be over.

How you joined the family: Born into it.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): It is a well known fact in the family that Cleto admires the boss greatly to the point where he idolizes him.

Name: Emilio Idoni

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Nationality: Italian


Personality: Emilio is sarcastic, rude, and very outspoken. He's the type that does what he wants, when he wants to, regardless of the consequences. He doesn't care much for formalities and all that, and speaks to everyone as if they were below him. Naturally, this antagonistic doesn't make him the most popular guy.

Weapon of choice: Daggers

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family: Regular member

Bio: When Emilio was young, both of his parents passed away. He was brought to an orphanage sponsored by the Rosa family. At the orphanage, he was a truly happy boy. Unlike how he is now, he was cheerful, friendly, and easygoing. All that changed when the Spinal family burned down the orphanage and slaughtered everyone he loved and cared for. Luckily, he escaped certain death when Rosa members showed up and drove off the Spinal. He was taken in by the Rosa, but his former self was completely destroyed through the traumatic event. He promised himself that he will someday destroy the Spinal and take revenge.

After spending some time in the family, Emilio starts to feels that Danielle is a weak and spineless guy, and that he was unsuitable to be the boss of Rosa. As for Hel and Elona, he thinks that they are both too distracted by Danielle, and would be unsuitable candidates for the position. Thus, he plots to overthrow Danielle and become the boss himself in order to make Rosa strong enough to defeat the Spinal.

Extra: Despite his belief that Danielle is weak, he doesn't dislike him. On the contrary, he secretly finds him to be a precious family member. This is perhaps the only thing that truly hinders him in his plot to overthrow him.
Name: Merri Banks

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Nationality: Latina



Personality: Merri is, in fact, not very merry at all. She spends her time watching people from afar, reading body movements, facial expressions, and communication errors that people make. When she's not observing others, she's reading or running parkour on rooftops and in the alleys. She gets bored very seldomly, for she's always finding something to interest her. When it comes to family, she'll stop at nothing to protect the ones she loves. Even if it means sacrificing herself. She's very quiet and keeps to herself, when her family is around she stays back and listens for goals and achievements that she must see through.

Weapon of choice: She has retractable knifes installed inside her boots, and she has throwing knifes up her sleeves at all times. When she really needs to, she pulls out her dagger from her back left pocket, but that's for last resort only, she prefers to fight using her fists and her feet.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): She just joined the family a week ago, so she's a newbie, although her skills are very advanced.

Bio: When Merri was little, her parents went off to sea on a trip for their honeymoon, leaving her with a babysitter. She was only 5years old, and her parents never returned. The babysitter took her home for a week or two, but after awhile, she left Merri all alone in a warehouse with no means of fending for herself. After several years of stealing from street venders and fighting off animals, sheltering herself from the storms and living on her own, she met a man who captured her heart. Once he looked upon her own ratty old clothes that had been torn and saw how dirty she was, she most definitely thought he'd leave her with a scowl, but instead he took her inside his home and made her some food, clothed her, and gave her a bed to sleep in. For the first time in a long time she had felt loved and was happy.

She wanted nothing more than to bring this man joy, so she spent all her time trying to make him happy. At the age of 12, she killed her first man. She felt horrible and her body trembled with fear, but the man who clothed her and took her in, was extremely pleased, and she began to kill again and again. After she began killing for years, it became extremely simple to her, and she didn't have any reason to not kill, she had no guilt, no fear, and no regret. Only happiness. Then one day, the man got caught, and was sentenced to death. She was tied to a pole and watched the man she loved die slowly, instead of killing her, the people left her there tied to the pole to starve to death. After a day, she managed to wiggle her way out of the ropes, and avenge her love. When she turned 19 she had finally calmed down, and began to see life in a different way, she began to hold her head up high, and she got a job at a bookshop, where she worked frequently.

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) : One of the members walked into the bookshop and after a large conversation about her, invited her into the family.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): She has no fears, but she absolutely loves marshmallows. She finds them so cute and fluffy. Her favorite thing in the world is hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. Her family doesn't make her weaker, it only fuels her fire and makes her stronger.


Name: Astreil Humrigan

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Nationality: White



Personality: Astreil is very observant, but will say her peace when needed. Once you get to know her better she enjoys talking about cupcakes and sweet things, she has a real sweet tooth. She's extremely nice, and no one would think of her as an assassin until you've seen her twisted side. Her gorgeous looks are deceiving and twisted into a scowl when you piss her off. She gets agitated very rarely, but will go insane and demented for those she loves. Although she will do so much for them, she often forgets her place and speaks out of turn, resulting in her getting punished. She's always smiling, even when she wants to murder someone, but will never say anything to anyone thats mean unless she's extremely angry.

Weapon of choice: Scissors along with a gun she keeps attatched to her thigh under her dress.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): High Ranking

Bio: Astreil was born in an extremely rich family, she was born a legitimate princess, but after much corruption, her family broke apart, with them all murdering eachother for the thrown when she was 12. Even though her family was scattered all over the grand hallof their mansion, blood everywhere, she tried her best to put them all together and make themalive again.

When it didnt work, she sat there and waited for it to work, until her grandmother came to visit a week later and saw her sitting in a pool of blood with her family everywhere. She was taken to her grandmothers in the city, and was told to forget all about the past, because it was too painful. After much medication, and surgerys, she was finally made to forget everything about the past, making her extremely happy and un-clouded. After much hardships, when her grandmother was too ill to care for her, she introduced her to the lead member of the Rosa family, (Dani) who took her in and helped her recover from her grandmothers death. Before her grandmother died, her grandmother told Dani all of the truth about her, making him promise to not tell another soul, and not tell her until the time was right.

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) : Grandmother introduced her to Dani

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): She loves sweet things, and will sit around eating them all day. Her weakness is her kind-hearted nature, and she's easily scared, but once she sees someone getting hurt, she'll fight for them no matter what.

Name: Payne Roscallia

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Nationality: Half Japanese Half Spanish



(Without the mask)

Personality: Payne is extremely socialble and can be found at mostly all parties, even if he's not invited. He loves to be the center of attention and he loves to fight. He's a real joke teller and he always keeps things lively. Even though he has this very care-free side, he's also a very serious and intimate guy who isn't afraid to fight for his family. He will stand by them no matter what, and will do anything for the one he loves.

Weapon of choice: He uses a black whip when he needs to attack from far away, but when he's close up he uses his fists or his daggers, mostly daggers.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Appassito

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): High Ranking

Bio: He grew up in foster care, where he was orphaned as a baby. He spent most of his time alone because the other kids were mean to him, but when he got older, he realized that they were good people, and he enjoyed being with every one of them. at the age of 16, he was taken from the foster home from Appassito and raised to fight and told he was important, he felt needed and he loved every second of it. He began partying, and he stayed by the side of his family through every up and down. He refused to leave them, since they are the ones that rescued him.

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) : Adopted.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): He's terrified of spiders and will never admit it to anyone.
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