Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families


Name: Angelina Oviera

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Nationality: Italian

Personality: She's generally a quiet person and she doesn't really enjoy causing trouble. She can come off a bit socially awkward at times but that's just because she doesn't like making a bad impression. She always has an opinion and she has a tendency to be blunt about her opinions and terribly honest but only with other members. She won't talk - refuses to - if she is cornered by anyone from another family. She doesn't take well to criticism, or rather, she takes it very personally though she does like being able to make herself better and excel. Give her a knife and make her angry and she'd rather cut your throat in your sleep than cause an actual fight - though she's never killed anyone that hasn't deserved it. Not in her eyes at a minimum. She's also a hopeless romantic though she tends to be scared to let herself get too close or too attached to anyone - she's scared to fall in love herself and she's scared of her own pleasure. She doesn't want to be hurt, not again.

Weapon of choice: Her weapon of choice is a dagger or another form of easily concealed knife but she's no fighter, she's a spy.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family: Regular for now but she's always looking to increase her station in anyway she can.

Bio: She was the first and last born of Lisa and Gabriel. Her mother did not die from childbirth but due to complications, she couldn't have any more children. Her parents were, for the most part, as happy as they could be though with this new and precious baby girl. They taught her how to protect and take care of herself on the streets in case anything were to happen to her. Something did, however, happen to them. There was an accident one night - she still hasn't figured out the exact details of this - that concerned a member of the Spinal and her parents but in the end both of parents were murdered and she vowed revenge though she has yet to figure out who exactly that vengeance goes to. Her parents were both members of the Rosa family and when she found herself orphaned, they took her in and started honing the beginning skills that her parents had already been teaching her. She's a spy at the moment but her skills could easily be put towards assassination if she were to get there.

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) : in the bio

Extras: She's scared of dying herself, no matter how many times she's killed in the past (normally only when she's provoked or as some form of self defense). Her fear of dying can be one of her biggest weaknesses as it has made her do stupid things in the past, her concentration slips when she's afraid. She's also scared to fall in love or get attached to anything because to her nothing is permanent, everything is temporary and she doesn't want to lose something valuable to her again - though she has a way of falling and and easily so she retreats whenever she feels herself falling for someone or getting too close.

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