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  1. kosmosnot


    Hey there! I'm pretty new to the site m'self but welcome. :) Just a few comments to make: A. Fellow Floridian here ^-^ B. Pizzaslut...I like it. I like it a lot. I would sell my body for pizza so I see we already have many things in common. :>
  2. kosmosnot


    Hey! Just wondering if you're still accepting characters to this roleplay? I'd be interested in playing an Air Elemental if that helps any.
  3. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Awwey :cc feel better!
  4. kosmosnot

    cosmic snot rocket

    cosmic snot rocket
  5. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Every post you've made thus far has left me in're just an absolute inspiration The Pooka.
  6. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Okay I think what we may need now is A. A Masterlist with the gods everyone has already claimed. B. A Masterlist of gods that should be claimed to move the plot forward. C. And if we decided on a plot lol. I honestly ended up losing track of everything throughout the flurry of this...
  7. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    That list is brilliant. Ah thank the gods for you, The Pooka hehe.
  8. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    If everyone is on board with the idea then that is exactly what I mean.
  9. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    And someone decides it might be fun to try to let them loose and bring the world into chaos!
  10. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Ahh my bad I lost track of all of the posts and yours got caught up in the mix. Yes of course, um I will think of something else then! No worries c:
  11. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    I don't know how anyone would want Loki around...he's just a general pain in the arse haha if I was Thor I would have smote him.
  12. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Like Luck!!! Good luck or bad luck to keep things interesting.
  13. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    I'd like to play a trickster type..Perhaps the patron of magic? I like grey morality. Is that cool with everyone?
  14. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Yes yes yes I will definitely back up an original Cosmos.
  15. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Ahh actually I suck I'm sorry I change my mind Morpheus is the man of my heart. Okay, I called it and I'm sticking with it! Scout's Honor. I think we should just stick them all in Cuzco. That's the center of Cosmological Order for the Inca, simple as that. It's probably one of the simplest...
  16. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    That's the fun, got plenty of creative freedom ;)
  17. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    I call dibs on Artemis...someone's got to keep the boys on their toes**
  18. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    Maybe we can do the Olympics with deities...
  19. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    I may dance with glee at the thought of this *does the dance*
  20. kosmosnot

    Mythology/Gods style RP?

    As long as it doesn't strictly follow the books I would love to do this! I've only watched the first movie of the series so as we can see my expertise lays a bit more in the actual mythos hehe :oops: