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  1. hraefn

    Dice [Vampire: The Requiem] The Devil Went Down to Galway

    Dara Hyde [tabs] Mask: Guru Dirge: Scholar Humanity: 7 Blood Potency: 1 Clan: Mekhet Bloodline: Agonistes College - Psychology Covenant: The Circle of the Crone Organization - The Maiden/ The Hero Faction - Disciple of the Void Touchstone: Coole Park Disciplines...
  2. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "Oh... Did anyone try to find him? Where are Corri and Watson? I hope my barrage of questions doesn't annoy you."
  3. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "I guess that's one way of putting it..." she replied with a slightly pensive look. "There's something I'd like to talk with you about. It's about how I haven't been around much, lately. I'm sorry. I haven't seen any of you in such a long time. I hope the rest of our group are...
  4. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy She sometimes felt like she'd just like to step away from it all; watch from a distance without anything touching her, dip in and out of it like it was non-toxic mercury. She was living on borrowed time and was about to borrow some more. This place would have to do as a haven, for...
  5. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "Sure!" There was something oddly admirable about this man. She liked him.
  6. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "Hmn... How open are we to a bargain? Name your price..." she replied, with a playful smile.
  7. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy With the faintest hint of a blush, she replies, "I should rather think I'm capable of doing a lot more than the eye can tell; so long as there's someone experienced to teach me."
  8. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy She spotted someone who looked a lot like M. Jasmine's description by the fireplace and walked over to him. "Hello. I'm Nina Ivy. Are you master Myx?" she said softly but firmly, as she offered her hand with another one of her bright smiles. "Mistress Jasmine said I could talk to you...
  9. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy She decides to try to find Master Myx and heads back into the dining hall, determination shining in her violet eyes. She felt like today was a good day: one of those on which she could get a lot accomplished. She picked up a candied slug from one of the dishes nearby and popped it...
  10. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy She beams at M. Jasmine, as she pushes back as strand of wayward hair. "Thanks so much, yet again! I don't know how you have the patience for all of this," she says, while looking a bit apologetic.
  11. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "What's his name? What does he look like?"
  12. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "Would you tell me where I could find her or him, please?"
  13. hraefn

    Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

    Nina Ivy "Hmm Horatio..." she said softly to herself before looking up with a bright smile. "Thanks very much! I was looking for someone whom I could learn more from. I would like to learn some form of hedge self-defense."