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Dice [Vampire: The Requiem] The Devil Went Down to Galway

  • Connor Murphy is what happens when a wasted life sprouts claws and drags itself back into this world.

    A wanderer inclined to waste his potential, Connor left Ireland with a guitar and the undefined belief that the world was stranger and deeper than anyone told him. Poor fuckwit. He ended up in London and the darker world he secretly believed in got him. Ending up a ghoul in service to an Acolyte of the Crone, Connor was reminded: before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. Spending years as an infatuated slave, Connor was no longer permitted to idle, nor allowed to waste away. The woman who possessed him demanded a better servant, and Connor learned to use mop and brush, photocopier and magnifying glass, hammer and saw, fist and forehead.

    Connor's regnant was not bad as vampires go. She was no more cruel than her nature demanded, and saw her harsh remaking of Connor as a gift, carving a useful man out of an indolent youth. Perhaps she would one day have pronounced her work complete and set him free. Perhaps.

    Her hand was forced, though. She was no gentle priestess, and in a flare up of savage violence among the Kindred of London, her enemies aimed for her, and killed him. Connor's body was unceremoniously buried in a shallow grave, while his mistress went to war to avenge her property.

    However....even in death he remained twisted by the Vitae within, and after three days and three nights his body twitched, his eyes opened. Digging himself from the grave with hands turned to claws, Connor ran for the lights of London, driven half by memory and half by predatory instinct. Out of duty, and pity, and what fondness she had ever had for him, Connor's regnant hunted down the animal he had risen as and became his sire proper.

    This left her with a mild problem. In pure capability, Connor would be a fine childe. He spoke multiple languages, played music with skill and delicacy, read and researched like a scholar, and fought like a savage wolf...but he was a son where her bloodline called for a daughter, and the remnant Vinculum left her with a servile wretch for an heir. Her solution was like her, hard but fair. It has been a year since Connor tasted the blood, and his Vinculum fades as he returns home with a broken and unbeating heart. Ten years of exile await before he will be permitted to return to London. Who knows what he will have become?

    Apparent Age: Early Twenties.

    Embraced: A year ago, plus eight years as a ghoul beforehand.

    Appearance: Connor looks like someone trying to shoot for modern romantic poet, but who landed in grunge by accident. Everything about his appearance is kind of long, with a lanky frame and longish dark brown hair framing a long face. Someone who knew him when he was alive might be startled if they saw him unclothed though. Under his regnant's brutal instruction and frank orders to eat more, he went from stick thin and waifish to having ropes and cords of muscle under fish white skin branded with ugly scars here and there. It's not pretty, but it gets the job done.

    Mask: Follower

    Dirge: Nomad

    Touchstone: Dr. Morrissey

    Dr. Clíona Morrissey is a professor of Anthropology at the NUI, and in the years since Connor first knew her she's gone from being a hip young professor to full blown hippie academic. Morrissey absolutely believes in folk magic, or rather, she believes in the people who believe in it. She's tried her own hand at the neo-pagan movement and made a great priestess, but she eventually came back to pure academia, bringing with her a taste for mushrooms and a few ceremonial items with which she spooks students who visit her office.

    Connor ran into her in the Skeff a week after he arrived back in town. She's gone from late twenties to late thirties, gotten married and divorced, wept when the doctor told her she'd never have kids, left the college to be a full time witch, and returned to teach a mixture of cynicism and faith to a new generation of filthy undergrads.....and in all that time, nearly ten years, Connor hadn't aged a day. She smiled. God, it's tempting to just talk to her.


    Get on a decent footing with the local Acolytes.

    Walk the city of Galway to simply drink in the feeling of returning home as a monster.

    Become someone who can return to London with strength and poise.

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  • Growing up in one of the rougher areas of Limerick City it was inevitable that Raphael would fall in with a bad crowd. Before he reached adulthood he was dealing to his classmates, and his physique made him a natural choice for one of the local gang’s legbreakers once he left school. After a particularly vicious assault, at the age of 18, Raphael was sentenced to five years imprisonment, mostly because the circuit judge was sick of his face at that point.

    After three years in the can Raphael entered the Applied Ordainment Program, a pilot course in Galway to help the flagging Catholic Church fill out its ranks with “reformed undesirables”. There was some flimsy logic involving knowing the depths of sin and coming to the light involved. No one really thought it was the best idea, but the truth is the Church was desperate, considering the recent scandals.

    It was here that Raphael met Father MacNamara, the curator of the Program. Fr. MacNamara took Raphael under his wing, and when Raphael started Hunting he did his best to council and support the younger man, being an ex-Hunter himself.

    All was fine and dandy for Raphael until he went to follow up on a lead in Oranmore, alone. Turns out it was a plant by the Circle, to lure in whomever had eliminated one of the Acolytes a few months beforehand. Waiting for Raphael was Maeve herself. Irritated that she only caught one of the Cell, she ghouled Raphael and sent him back to crack his Cell from the inside. He was unable to hide the feral cast the Gangrel blood gave him, however, and his old friends cut him off. He returned to Maeve in disgrace. Her punishment would be seen as a blessing by some, though not by a Hunter who served the One True God.

    He would replace the neonate his cell had murdered.

    Apparent Age:Twenty something

    Embraced: Last night

    Appearance: Raphael is a big man, standing over six feet tall, and muscle bound, as one gets when their hobby is chasing down the horrors of the night. His black hair cooperates when he takes a comb to it, but only for a short while. He is most often seen in a biking jacket with white wings embroidered on the back and a clerical collar, but God knows how long that will last.

    Mask: Rebel

    Dirge: Monster

    Touchstone: The Mammy

    Raphael was always a good Irish lad, who called home every weekend, no matter the circumstances. He doesn’t intend to let undeath change that.

    Hang on, isn’t she visiting for his birthday next month? Shit.

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Theophilius Edwin Creed

  • Mask: Professor

    Dirge: Visionary

    Humanity: 7

    Blood Potency: 1

    Touchstone: Abigail Creed

    Great, great, great grandaughter. Perhaps. The records are difficult to follow. Theo has visited her many times, in the dead of night, as she has grown up. He has arranged for her to study at NUIG, so that she is not left at the mercy of his enemies in London.


    Obfuscate 1

    Nightmare 1

    Vigor 1

Dara Hyde

  • Mask: Guru

    Dirge: Scholar

    Humanity: 7

    Blood Potency: 1

    Clan: Mekhet

    Bloodline: Agonistes

    College - Psychology

    Covenant: The Circle of the Crone

    Organization - The Maiden/ The Hero

    Faction - Disciple of the Void

    Touchstone: Coole Park


    Auspex 1

    Crúac 1

    Dominate 1


According to himself, Dermot lived a fairly normal life before he died. Raised in Roscommon he got through school and went on to NUIG. He got his degree in chemistry from NUIG and a while later somehow managed to get a job out of it. He was comfortable; he had a decent place to live, money in his pocket and even a social life. Then the recession hit and the company decided to consolidate it's Dublin operation. Most of the Galway branch was laid off, Dermot among them. He no longer had a job, had to move into somewhere much less decent, had next to nothing in his pocket and a dead social life.

Working short term ‘hell jobs’ to keep himself in rent and food and with little disposable income Dermot spent most of his free time taking advantage of his Galway City library and James Hardiman library alumnus privileges to read and learn and try not to feel like he was wasting his best years. This brought him to attention of his soon-to-be-sire, William Fitzsimon, who encountered Dermot once or twice and after a few months of watching and evaluating embraced him into the unlife of vampirism.

After a couple of years serving his sire and learning the basics of the ways of the kindred it was time for Dermot to find his own way. After learning what he could of the covenants he gravitated towards the Ordo Dracul. He appreciated the combination of learning, knowledge gathering, the scientific method and the aspiration to better oneself. After his induction he began to serve his master as an unglorified lab assistant; helping with research, locating books and eventually given the responsibility of doing field work investigating areas of possible supernatural significance. He likes it in the Ordo, he wants to understand vampirism and overcome many of the limitations.

Dermot keeps to himself and wants to keep his head down, work his way in the Ordo and try not to anger anyone important or powerful; he doesn't want trouble and will try to avoid it if he can. He is loyal to the Ordo and to those he considers friends and keeps most people at arms reach for one reason or another. He works a night job at Galway City Museum to keep himself in rent and give him something else to focus on outside of his 'life' as a vampire.

Apparent age: Early thirties or so.

Embraced: November 2010.

Appearance: Dermot comes to about six feet tall with broad shoulders and a sturdy frame. He dresses in plain, sensible clothes in pale or dark colours with boots or shoes depending on whether he’s working or not. His hair is short(ish) and dark with the occasional bit of grey and curls at the ends, his eyes are green and he looks like he hasn’t shaved since yesterday.

Mask: Worker.

Dirge: Scholar.

Touchstone: C.M.

Short-term aspirations: Get started on a coils.

Find a location touched by the supernatural, study and keep track of it.

Go to Elysium once in a while, god Dermot!

Long-term aspirations: Get closer to understanding the vampiric condition.

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