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  1. Jynxed

    ShadowMasters [Inactive]

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  2. Jynxed

    Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]

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  3. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary grinned as they walked into the house. She was terrified. No one had ever seen the inside of her house. But she was letting a complete stranger into her house that she had just met that day. But she was risking her life. Oh well. 'I've lived long enough. Who cares?' She thought to herself...
  4. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary glanced at Luke. "Kinda. Like its big enough to accommodate me and some guests." She replied quietly as they walked. Her house was not far from the ice cream parlor so they were there in a short amount of time. It was an old-timey-ish house with a white outside. It had a wrought-iron fence...
  5. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary stopped and turned to Luke. She sighed quietly. "Come on." She said quietly. She was probably breaking rule one by bringing him to her house. He wanted to know more. Let him be afraid. Let him kill her. She had lived long enough obviously. She was over 500 years old. She knew he could kill...
  6. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary wanted to glare at him but she didn't. She kept her gaze at the cement. "Who said this was a game? None of this is a game. Treat it like a game and you might get hurt." Clary said quietly as she stood up. She brushed herself off and walked in the direction of her house without saying...
  7. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary instantly felt herself getting heavier as she felt sleep over come her. Her eyelids felt heavy and she knew the ground was coming closer to her as she fell to the pavement. She felt the sleep slowly overcome her but the only thing that ran through her mind was, 'He just shut off my power...
  8. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary was tempted to make eye contact. "I have no friends or family. No important memories. So have fun." She knew the consequences of what would happen when she makes eye contact but she had to. She made eye contact and could feel her power. She instantly felt bad about doing but she knew Luke...
  9. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary kept her anger down as she heard his words. "Well if I can't do anything to stop you then why don't you just kill me right here right now?" She raised her gaze to his face but not making eye contact. She knew this is what he wanted. But she wasn't going to do it. She was too scared. She...
  10. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary felt terror and anger boil up but she kept control. "It was an accident. That is all I am saying. Go through my mind if you must to find the truth but it was an accident. So what if I live in fear for the rest of my life? I've grown used to it. Loneliness and fear are like long lost...
  11. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary grinned quietly. "Whats life without taking risks?" She stood also and lowered her gaze. She was no longer terrified. But she wasn't sure she could trust him yet. If you are going to trust someone, be careful. Things could go very wrong very quickly. Everyday Clary was scared she would...
  12. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary kept her gaze down and she heard Luke say he had to leave. "You don't have to leave. I know how to protect myself." Clary stayed calm, knowing that if one is calm, it just spreads like wildfire. At least thats how it was in the human world. Plus she didn't want him to leave just yet. She...
  13. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    'Clary. And no day is ever normal.' She replied quietly then she thought on what he said. He'll try his best not to hurt her but no promises. That terrified her more. She walked up to Luke quietly and sat beside him. 'Explain to me how a human is hacking my brain. Please.' She thought, keeping...
  14. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary stopped dead in her tracks, fear paralyzing her from head to toe. 'Excuse me?' Clary thought as she turned around and saw the guy with a cigarette. 'No I don't smoke.' She replied quietly wondering how the guy could be into her mind like that. He was just a human. She was a fury. 'Is today...
  15. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary walked out of the parlor when she found who was staring at her. She kept her gaze at the ground as she walked past him. Suddenly Clary felt she had to be very scared of this guy. No matter what. She was terrified. She wanted to go home and curl up in a ball and hide. 'No. You can't do that...
  16. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary could feel someone else staring at her. She could feel a slight tingling at the base of her neck but she paid no attention to it. She just wanted to enjoy her ice cream for Pete's sake. 'Why can I never have any free time without someone trying to kill me?' She thought irritatedly, as she...
  17. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary entered the parlor and ordered some chocolate ice cream. She sat at a table quietly and ate, trying not to be seen or heard. She heard shouting outside but she didn't want to get involved. It was someone else's problem. Not hers. Rule number two. Don't get involved unless absolutely...
  18. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary stood quietly and kept her gaze down. She had enough peace now for a week so she walked down the sidewalk. 'Maybe the ice cream shop is open. Or the coffee shop.' She thought quietly as she walked. Her day has never been this peaceful before. Ever. 'Something big is coming for me. I know...
  19. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Clary sat on the park bench quietly observing her surroundings. She liked it when everything was peaceful and she barely ever got these peaceful moments. She took in as much peace as she could. Clary knew sometime soon someone would realize she needs to be killed. Reason? Just because. Rule...
  20. Jynxed

    The Guardians

    Okay to survive this world you need to know one thing: Trust no one. No one at all because they could be the last person you see before they kill you. So if you do trust someone, be careful. But if you're a freak like everyone else then you are probably a Guardian. Yea the Humans are hunting us...