Search results for query: *

  1. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash fell into step besides Adwen as they made their way along the cobblestone streets to the castle. It wasn't long before they reached the massive gates that lead into the courtyard. The gaurds, knowing exactly who they were, opened the gates with a bow. Ash didn't even offer them a glance...
  2. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash quickly caught up to Adwen, and stopped before her. "You didn't forget anything," she replied, "but you were right. We do need to go up to the castle. Now, I know what I just said about it, but we need to find out what's going on. This quiet tension has everyone on edge, and I don't...
  3. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    "Sure thing," Ash said as Adwen got up and left. She watched her leave until the door closed, then she slowly turned back to the bar. The bartender had brought her another drink, but she just stared down at the amber colored liquid. There was a tension in the air. She couldn't explain it...
  4. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash was taking yet another drink when Adwen mentioned going to see the king. She froze in the middle of drinking, and looked wide-eyed over the rim of her mug at the other female. She sat her mug down on the bar and said, "You mean you'd willingly go to the castle?" Ash tried to avoid Murik...
  5. blakrayvon

    Fantasy Darkness in All of Us

    I'll join.
  6. blakrayvon

    Fantasy Land of Lynthia

    I'd like to join!
  7. blakrayvon

    Fandom Blue Exorcist Post-Show OC Roleplay.

    Blue Exorcist was great! I'll join!
  8. blakrayvon

    Meh. . .

    Meh. . .
  9. blakrayvon

    Quoth the Raven. . .

    Quoth the Raven. . .
  10. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide

    @TomoyaKoga Jayce makes me think of this Hahaha xD
  11. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash blinked a couple of times trying to understand what had just happened. She watched the strange man walk away before saying, "You know, I've met some strange characters in my day, but he takes the cake." She shook her head and turned back to her drink. She ordered another round for her...
  12. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash downed the rest of her drink as Adwen spoke, and quickly had it replaced with another. "It's the quite before the storm, I suppose," she muttered into her mug as she started in on her seventh drink. It was then that she noticed the man next to them. He give off quite an odd vibe, and...
  13. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash was enjoying her fifth drink, and was feeling rather good when someone took the seat next to her. She paid them no mind at first, that is until they spoke, and she immediately recognized the voice. Adwen. Ash sighed and put her empty mug on the bar before signaling to the bartender for...
  14. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

    Ash slammed her mug onto the old, wooden bar, and wiped the ale from her chin. A mousy barkeeper shuffled over and quietly refilled her glass. She shot him a cold look, and the bartender shrunk back in fear. She took another sip of her drink as a scrawny, seedy-looking man sat next to her...
  15. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide

    Hmm, how would that play out, I wonder. . .
  16. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide

    You know, the two pictures of the kings are very similar. They almost look like they could be brothers.
  17. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide

    Okay. It only took me all. Freaking. Day! But my character form has been submitted. xD
  18. blakrayvon

    The Elements Collide

    Name: Ash Dubhshlaine (Dub-sh-lyn) Age/Gender: 28/Female Position: Evil Alignment and/or Personality: She's aligned with herself, but has a deep hatred for the Good Kingdom. She's ruthless when necessary, but for the most part she tries to avoid unwarranted violence. She's not really a...
  19. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide

    Ah! Okay. I understand now.
  20. blakrayvon

    Fantasy The Elements Collide

    @kokochii In the character form, what exactly do you mean by "Position"?