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  1. AlexSoul

    People who scream and are extremely loud in the mornings are the worst pests the world could give.

    People who scream and are extremely loud in the mornings are the worst pests the world could give.
  2. AlexSoul


    I continue playing as time ticked away, lost in the way the acoustic sound waves fill the empty air. I began singing along to the beat of the guitar and began to lose my train of thought. "For the thousandth time, I've tried to find what keeps me going. Only to find its just me still hoping."  I...
  3. AlexSoul


    I opened the door to the apartments and made my way to our apartment. Unlocking and opening the door, I was greeted my meows. I check everyone's food and water bowls then went to get myself something to eat. I havent a second job, so I began working on a few new songs. After grabbing my latest...
  4. AlexSoul


    Cleaning the counters and rushing to the ovens, I count my blessings as I finish up at the shop. I should have double checked the inventory orders, though it's not my job, I should have. I kept repeating to myself. After the last orders were complete and everything was cleaned up, we all clocked...
  5. AlexSoul

    So damn tired.

    So damn tired.
  6. AlexSoul


    I shuffle through the inventory orders. I glance up slowly, "No one ordered eggs." I run my hand through my hair, not even worrying about the flour. "What are we going to do guys, we have to call the rest of the orders off until tomorrow." I hand them the orders, shaking. I pick at my apron...
  7. AlexSoul


    I walk to the fridge to get more eggs for the pastries, I look everywhere. Panicking, I take a deep breath. "Lydia, did Sheila forget to buy the bulk of eggs?" I nearly yell in panic. "What?! We're out of eggs?" Lydia storms in, looking for her self. Groaning, I shake my head "What are we going...
  8. AlexSoul


    Pulling the next batch of pastries from the oven, I box them up after frosting. I stack them up and take them to Lydia. "150, counted, recounted, and counted again." I say as I'm handed the next ticket of orders.
  9. AlexSoul

    One x One Crazed

    Seems you have found that you can change it yourself! @Spectrum65 That's good :D
  10. AlexSoul


    I place the pastries in the oven, and begin working on more, "So Lydia, Justin. Why did I get the call you had quit?" Not really wanting to know, I kept working as they went on with their side of the story. When I hear the voices no longer speaking, I just nod and make a noise. "Alright then," I...
  11. AlexSoul


    I sigh, having make more than 100 arrangement of doughnuts for just one order. I wipe my brow, leaving a trail of flour across it. "How many for the order?" I call from the kitchen. "150," Lydia called grabbing a box of a dozen cinnamon rolls. I grumble as I continue working.
  12. AlexSoul

    One x One Crazed

    @Spectrum65 accepted
  13. AlexSoul


    I shrug and clock in, securing the hat 'round my head. "I'll take over on the pastries, "I call out as I wash my hands. After drying them I set out on baking.
  14. AlexSoul


    I open the door to the cafe. "Alright, let's get thi- Lydia, Justin. I thought you quit?" I look at them as they make pastries and serve customers
  15. AlexSoul


    I nod in agreement. I stop outside the cafe at that I'm employed. "Well, I guess I'll see you after work Al." I say, looking at you.
  16. AlexSoul


    I grin "Yeah, it's locked," I shrug "I don't think so..But you know how the weather is here." I stretch then zip my jacket, trying to get as much protection from the cold as possible. "Though, judging by the past few days, it could happen." I say, recalling the last few nights of the winter wrath.
  17. AlexSoul

    What I do behind closed doors is none of your concern.

    What I do behind closed doors is none of your concern.
  18. AlexSoul

    One x One Crazed

    Name: Dekin Nuuf Gender: Male Birthdate: 8/3/... Ethnicity: Elf, origin of his race is from a forgotten land. Height: 7'1 Weight: 125 Body type: Skinny, but toned. Skin: Ivory tone, smooth and soft to the touch Smells Like(weird, but it's detail): Voice: Medium tone, not...
  19. AlexSoul

    One x One Crazed

    @Spectrum65 here's the sign up sheet, should be self explanatory. If you could, please include a picture of your character :D
  20. AlexSoul

    One x One Crazed

    @AlexSoul, please edit this post to include any OOC information.