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  1. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    Having heard the news of his parents being in town soon, he got a little excited. Ran got up and washed his hands and face, feeling a sudden wave of drowsiness sweep over him. He laid down beside Yoona as he shortly fell asleep. He sleeps till the next morning. He had not even moved in his...
  2. Marcus Brooks

    Realistic or Modern Unexpectedly Soulmates

    And then he realized he was in a park, sitting in the grass with his legs crossed as he stroked the blades of grass adjacent to him. Aztec Mushrooms, huh? He smiled, indicating his pleasure derived from the quality of the shrooms he had purchased and consumed. How long had it been? He looked...
  3. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    Ran continues reading on for his book, thoroughly engrossed in the novel. He always loved the author for his ability to portray grand works of art, using your mind's eye as the canvas and words as the paint. "Holy crap, this guy is great!" Ran thought. When hearing that he had gotten another...
  4. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    ((Apparently, I had a full conversation with my mother in my sleep last night... LOL)) Ran opened his eyes a while later and noticed that Yoona had fallen asleep. He came off the bed and put a thick blanket over her. He opened the windows and lit the last cigarette in the box. "Ohh, man...
  5. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    "You don't need to feel scared and alone anymore. I'm here." He puts his arm around her shoulder. "I'm glad I made you happy." Ran pokes Yoona a few times in her side, and looks at her adjust some strands of hair. "Don't feel anyhow from now on, okay? And if you do, just remember that...
  6. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    He takes a long, hard pull and sinks it all into his lungs and closes his eyes. Wow, this rush is really what he loved. "Are you nervous?" She asked him. He chuckles at her question and thinks to himself, "Not anymore" "It's funny how I've been a human all my life and I still can't even begin...
  7. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    He stammers a bit as she gets closer to him, "Uhh, err... Yoo... Err I have no clue. We'll just errr.. see where the day takes us, I guess.." His words trail off into silence. He spots a soft pillow behind him that he could hold on to in order to dispel some of his nervousness. He wondered...
  8. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    Ran, being such a light sleeper phased in and out of sleep as the Osiris became active in the room. As he drifted in and slipped out the influence of the sleep, his thoughts were trailing. He was thinking about what he would do the next day. In his mind's eye, he envisioned himself walking to a...
  9. Marcus Brooks

    Unexpectedly Soulmates

    Name: Dmitri Rogers Age (18+): 19 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Traits: +Critical thinker, Empathetic, Energetic/-Impatient, Insecure, Irritable (At times) Personality: Dmitri is often blunt and straightforward. He's insecure about his skin tone and when in social...
  10. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    What could Yoona possibly want to ask him? Ran always hated this question, and became nervous and tense by the suspense. As he finishes grating the cheese, he layered the pasta and beef, then covered the top in a layer of cheese. He stoops down in front the stove as he opens it, and puts the...
  11. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    Ran walks into the complex, nodding to the receptionist. They walk up the stairs. "Yoona, this is where I live. It's an apartment complex and there are many other people and osiri living here too. I hope I can make some friends here." "I live in section B of this structure" His stomach...
  12. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    His focus isn't phased as she wipes the ice cream off his face. He turns on the car then slams it into drive. He then speeds homewards, looking only at the road. He wants to light his cigarette, but to do so, he would have to slow down. That would mean he is hungry for a longer time. This was...
  13. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    Short attention span much? He laughs as she walks towards the ice cream truck. Free ice cream?? He squints and rubs his eyes to make sure that what he's seeing was correct. He started feeling quite hungry a while back anyway, and ice cream may have been the best thing to quell and sooth the...
  14. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    "Ohh, dude, don't lie!! You can do that?!" He was genuinely surprised. He didn't even have to log into anything! Knowing how he looked as a baby, he was slightly embarrassed. "Yoona, don't look at those!!" He laughs as he looks down at her, holding onto his arm. The pair walk into a...
  15. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    "I used to live with my parents up until recently. I had to move out to attend college. I'm sure they will visit sometime in the not so distant future. You would love them." Ran drives towards the Central business district of the town, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding his...
  16. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    "I'm eighteen years old. I just started college in the area. My mother and father live in another country from here. They sent me the funds to purchase an osiris, that I did." He pulls out his pack of blacks and puts a cigarette between his lips. He lights it and inhales as he closes his...
  17. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    "I live in an apartment complex not too far from here" Ran stated, "Yoona, my name is Ran Osei, but you can just call me Ran" They strode to the cashier's counter to complete the transaction. He inquires about the price of the aesthetic model. "15,000 credits, sir," the cashier responds...
  18. Marcus Brooks

    My. Subjective. Universe. My heart is gold, my soul is gold. I do what I want, not what I'm told.

    My. Subjective. Universe. My heart is gold, my soul is gold. I do what I want, not what I'm told.
  19. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    Having decided what he was going to do first, he puts on his black jacket and changes his shoes. Since Ran was a young child, he made it a habit to brush his teeth and wash his hands and face after each meal, so this is what he proceeds to do. He watches himself in the mirror, staring into his...
  20. Marcus Brooks

    Futuristic Osiri

    "FINALLY HERE!" Ran thinks that he may just be the most elated and excited person on the planet at that moment. He walks to the receptionist's table, pulling his black trolley bag behind him, inquiring about a room, and she notifies him that only 1 room is unoccupied. Room B-1. She hands him a...