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  1. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Justin watched fro the shadows, his dark violetish fur blended well he shook his head, and slowly crept away, Kevin walked up to him, his ears flopped, "Justin... stop watching them, you'll only hurt yourself." He whined. Justin just growled at him, and turned tail running into the forest...
  2. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Kevin had already headed home, he though about his older brother, and wondered if the Beta knew what Justin was really like is she would still be nice to Justin. he shook his grea shaggy head and shifted into a human as he neared the edge of the wood.. Justin bared is teeth in a smiled, "Ok"
  3. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    btw your chra was accepted.
  4. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    ((So sorry, but could you guys delete your last posts? next time have them in OOC ^_^ my house is being foreclosed on nd I have no where to go so I'm scraping by on as much wifi s I can get.. the RPnation doesnt seem to work on my phone.)) Justin was huffing softly, he had panicked, "I-Im...
  5. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    Ok, so t all of you i havent had wifi, our house is being foreclosed on, but I'll post as often as possible, I'm really sorry.
  6. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    Awesome. now, do you want to wait for a couple others? I have someone who claimed Poison, they just havent done their CS yet.
  7. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    (Elf) Name: Luka Age:231(looks sixteen)) Dragon Type:Shadow Born Magic: Illusion magic Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow Appearance: Bio:has lived on the isles her whole life, the great great granddaughter of elder Savannah. at the age of 16 she was hunting in the forest and was...
  8. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    @TheRomanHope, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  9. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    @TheRomanHope, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  10. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    CS (Elf) Name: Age: Dragon Type: Born Magic: Weapon of Choice: Appearance: Bio: (Dragon) Name: Species: Appearance: Bio:
  11. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Dragon Isles

    The Riders are nearly extinct, their rivals, a reptilian humanoid species known aas the Drakeel, have wiped out most elves and dragons. there are only eight left in the world. Elder Savannah, the oldest elf known, has told her underling, Luka, that all the riders are returning. Luka waits with...
  12. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Justin who was larger jumped in after him, stories about how Zelda had nearly lost her life to a river swimming at the front of his mind. he grabbed Luka's scruff and drug him to the bank very forcefully, showing tat if he wanted to be, he could be a Beta. ((@FadeAway where are you? did you...
  13. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Justin leaped off after him, and kevin just kinda sat u and watched them, and decided to wait for them to return.
  14. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    ((ok seer is a female vampire that is gifted with extreme mental abilities that lows them to see into the future and use telekinesis, as well as their original power that shows up right after their turning. there can only be one, and when she dies the next seer emerges in one of the young...
  15. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    ((look at the Overveiw)) Justin smirked and twitched his tail at kevin, and they crept up on Luka and in unison jumped on hi.
  16. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Zelda shifted too, and adjusted the skirt on her pirate styled blouse, " Riley, I am just trying to teach you to be an Alpha. you are the perfect Beta, all Betas that have any potential to be an Alpha are just like you are. you just have a little to learn, alright Riley? I'm not trying to put...
  17. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Justin nosed Luka, still wheezing slightly, "See Ill take care of you." he murmured in Lukas ear. Kevin wagged his tail, and looked to Zeda, 'Can we continue? ohh if we find a rabbit can I kill it? That would be fun right Luka?" Zelda whuffed a small laugh and nodded her consent. as Justin and...
  18. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Zelda dipped her head and licked Luka's muzzle, "That is fine." she then turned to Riley, "Riley, You know I made you Beta fr the fact tat you are my friend, and a strong wolf. but, if you don't stop acting like an Alpha, I will demote you... and not in a pleasant way." She flattened her ears...
  19. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Zelda shifted, and ran after Riley, she towered over both of them, a trait that an alpha would have. "Riley, stand down," she growled. she had no problem with the strong willed beta when she wasnt around other pack members, but it was things like this that got on herr nerves. she turned her...
  20. TheRomanHope

    Fantasy The Clan

    Zelda smiled at her, "Oh just a disturbance from two of the younger vampires, you know the ones." SHe laughed softly. she liked the Beta, even though she knew that the Beta fashioned herself an alpha. but she ignored that fact. Zeek lead the two younger vampires towards a herd of elk. "Ok...