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  1. Kid of Darkness

    Fandom Justice No More (DC RP) Character Sign Up

    So those that mean I'm in?
  2. Kid of Darkness

    Fandom Justice No More (DC RP) Character Sign Up

    Name: Jonathan Nero Lancaster Alias: Night Speed, Johnny, Brother Nero, Lanca-jerk, Professor Jerk Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: Human: Costume: (Without the belt and the emblem was NS) Personality: "I don't give a damn' From the first impression when people met him...
  3. Kid of Darkness

    It's JoJo Bizarre Advanture Reference. A fan of this guy name Dio (Super jerk and pretty hateful...

    It's JoJo Bizarre Advanture Reference. A fan of this guy name Dio (Super jerk and pretty hateful also meme always come from him)
  4. Kid of Darkness

    Fandom Justice No More (DC RP) Character Sign Up

    Hey! You still accepting characters? I would like to join this RP....cause why not? I have nothing else to do...
  5. Kid of Darkness

    Kono DIO is the Best in ZA WARUDO! Not even JOJO can stop me from it cause it MUDA MUDA MUDA!

    Kono DIO is the Best in ZA WARUDO! Not even JOJO can stop me from it cause it MUDA MUDA MUDA!
  6. Kid of Darkness

    Fandom Marvel Collided Volume 1 (of 3) RP Interest Check

    Hey man....umm...I heard that you're looking for some people for RP...I was thinking of joining it if you wanted...Just asking...*fidget finger*
  7. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    The Pantheon of Gods, Goddess and Monster Ao Kuang, Dragon King of the Eastern Seas Chang'E, Faire of the Moon Guan Yu, Saint Of War He Bo, God of the Yellow River Hou Yi, Defender of the Earth Ne Zha, The Third Lotus Prince Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven Sun Wukong, The Monkey King Zhong...
  8. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    The Pantheon of Gods, Goddess and Monster Ao Kuang, Dragon King of the Eastern Seas Chang'E, Faire of the Moon Guan Yu, Saint Of War He Bo, God of the Yellow River Hou Yi, Defender of the Earth Ne Zha, The Third Lotus Prince Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven Sun Wukong, The Monkey King Zhong...
  9. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    ~RULES~ Use only anime picture Don't be Mary Sue or Gary Sue.....not everyone perfect Cussing is allowed! Don't shortened or use text messaging word. No one can read aliens! Don't make the roleplays boring. Put some drama in it but not to much. Its The Great Gods War, everyone will get...
  10. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    Name: Nicknames(Optional): Age: Which side of Mythology?: (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Mayan, Chinese, Hindu, Or Norse or even MONSTERS!?) Godly Parents: Which side are you?: (Good, Evil, Bloody Traitor, Neutral) Abilities: (3 Powers only) Weapon: (The world we knows have gone back to...
  11. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    For centuries, we live in peace and harmony. People all around the world worship their gods in the certain area. But chaos struck and humanity is about to crumble. The gods have found the solution on how to repopulate the earth, reproduction with the humans and thus, creating demigods in secret...
  12. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    ~RULES~ Use only anime picture Don't be Mary Sue or Gary Sue.....not everyone perfect Cussing is allowed! Don't shortened or use text messaging word. No one can read aliens! Don't make the roleplays boring. Put some drama in it but not to much. Its The Great Gods War, everyone will get...
  13. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

    After centuries, the world full of peace and harmony where people are together, have a great time together. But suddenly, the battle between the Good and Evil started and humanity became crumbles. The only solution to of humanity still exist is the gods must reproduce with the human, so the...
  14. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    Kenji still don't know what is he doing an decide to just sleep on the stairs like a boss...even though his not a boss anyway. "It's been an hour and I still don't know what am I doing...Where is everyone?" He sighed before tried to stand up...but end up slipping and falling down the...
  15. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    Kenji looked around the area where he is at. He's at the 5th floor...well, after he just heard from a man by walk by. "I've been at the fifth floor all of sudden? Wow, i'm am really bored..."
  16. Kid of Darkness

    From start to finish, I will always climax!

    From start to finish, I will always climax!
  17. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    Kenji walked around the academy while holding a book about alchemy. "This is boring! I really need to find a way to entertain myself. But how?" He looked around area which...he totally don't know where he is. "Well, this fun. On the first day of school, i'm officially lost! Good day to me..." He...
  18. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts

    My bad...i will change it! :D
  19. Kid of Darkness

    Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts

    Name: Norugami Kenji Age: 18 Gender: Male Race/species: Half Human , Half Demon Skills in magic: Shadow manipulation and necromancy Weapons: Appearence: Backstory: Loneliness....The only word that have been used in his entire life. Family? He's an orphan. Friends? He's an outcast...
  20. Kid of Darkness

    Fandom One Piece the New Era

    Leon is making his way to the church since he don't want to be one of them. "I work at the cafe for one week and didn't realize that I was working at a place full of zombies?" He ask himself while shooting at a zombie giving the monster an eternal rest. "I need a new glasses." He arrive at the...