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Fantasy The Great Gods War(RP)

Kid of Darkness

The Best in ZA WARUDO
For centuries, we live in peace and harmony. People all around the world worship their gods in the certain area. But chaos struck and humanity is about to crumble. The gods have found the solution on how to repopulate the earth, reproduction with the humans and thus, creating demigods in secret. At 2020, a Trickster God named Loki have started a war against the gods, creating chaos and destruction. Monster came out from nowhere and invade the city. People ran away into the forest, far away from the mainland. Some of them survive, other been capture or even having a 'Corpse Party' with Hades and Anubis. Will the demigods survive this war and even stop it? Which side will their choose? The light or the dark...?
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  1. Use only anime picture
  2. Don't be Mary Sue or Gary Sue.....not everyone perfect
  3. Cussing is allowed!
  4. Don't shortened or use text messaging word. No one can read aliens!
  5. Don't make the roleplays boring. Put some drama in it but not to much.
  6. Its The Great Gods War, everyone will get injured or maybe dead! Well not dead..they soul will only transferred into The Underworld. You can create other character or we just save you soul from the dead...no biggy.
  7. Poop!...I have no idea why I put this in here....just continue your work...

(Put your favorite rules and song in the form if you accept it)
The Pantheon of Gods, Goddess and Monster


[Tab= Chinese]
Ao Kuang, Dragon King of the Eastern Seas
Chang'E, Faire of the Moon
Guan Yu, Saint Of War
He Bo, God of the Yellow River
Hou Yi, Defender of the Earth
Ne Zha, The Third Lotus Prince
Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King
Zhong Kui, The Demon Queller

Anhur, Slayer of Enemies
Anubis, God of Dead
Bastet, Goddess of Cat
Geb, God of Earth
Isis, Goddess of Magic
Neith, Weaver of Faith
Osiris, Broken God of the Afterlife
Ra, Sun God
Serqet, Goddess of Venom
Sobek, God of the Nile

[Tab= Greek]
Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty
Apollo, God of Music
Arachne, The Weaver
Ares, God of War
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt(She is exceptional since she is a virgin. But you can be her Huntress or Apprentice)
Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
Chronos, Keeper of Time
Hades, King of  the Underworld
Poseidon, God of the Oceans
Scylla, Horror of the Sea
Thanatos, Hand of Death
Zeus, God of Sky

[Tab= Mayan]
Ah Muzencab, God of Bees
Awilix, Goddess of Moon
Cabrakan, Destroyer of Mountain
Chaac, God of Rain
Hunbatz, The Howler Monkey God
Kukulkan, Serpent of the Nine Wind
Xbalanque, Hidden Jaguar Sun

[Tab= Norse]
Fenrir, The Unbound
Freya, Queen of Valkyries
Hel, Goddess of the Underworld
Loki, Trickster God
Odin, The Allfather
Thor, God of Thunder
Tyr, The Lawgiver
Ullr, The Glorious One
Ymir, Father of Frost Giant

[Tab= Roman]
Bacchus, God of Wine
Ceres, Goddess of Agriculture
Cupid, God of Love
Hercules, Champion of Rome
Mercury, Messenger of The Gods
Nox, Goddess of the Night
Sylvanus, Keeper of Wild
Vulcan, Smith of Gods

The Pantheon of Gods, Goddess and Monster


[Tab= Chinese]
Ao Kuang, Dragon King of the Eastern Seas
Chang'E, Faire of the Moon
Guan Yu, Saint Of War
He Bo, God of the Yellow River
Hou Yi, Defender of the Earth
Ne Zha, The Third Lotus Prince
Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King
Zhong Kui, The Demon Queller

Anhur, Slayer of Enemies
Anubis, God of Dead
Bastet, Goddess of Cat
Geb, God of Earth
Isis, Goddess of Magic
Neith, Weaver of Faith
Osiris, Broken God of the Afterlife
Ra, Sun God
Serqet, Goddess of Venom
Sobek, God of the Nile

[Tab= Greek]
Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty
Apollo, God of Music
Arachne, The Weaver
Ares, God of War
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt(She is exceptional since she is a virgin. But you can be her Huntress or Apprentice)
Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
Chronos, Keeper of Time
Hades, King of  the Underworld
Poseidon, God of the Oceans
Scylla, Horror of the Sea
Thanatos, Hand of Death
Zeus, God of Sky

[Tab= Mayan]
Ah Muzencab, God of Bees
Awilix, Goddess of Moon
Cabrakan, Destroyer of Mountain
Chaac, God of Rain
Hunbatz, The Howler Monkey God
Kukulkan, Serpent of the Nine Wind
Xbalanque, Hidden Jaguar Sun

[Tab= Norse]
Fenrir, The Unbound
Freya, Queen of Valkyries
Hel, Goddess of the Underworld
Loki, Trickster God
Odin, The Allfather
Thor, God of Thunder
Tyr, The Lawgiver
Ullr, The Glorious One
Ymir, Father of Frost Giant

[Tab= Roman]
Bacchus, God of Wine
Ceres, Goddess of Agriculture
Cupid, God of Love
Hercules, Champion of Rome
Mercury, Messenger of The Gods
Nox, Goddess of the Night
Sylvanus, Keeper of Wild
Vulcan, Smith of Gods


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