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Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts

Name: Norugami Kenji

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Half Human , Half Demon

Skills in magic: Shadow manipulation and necromancy



Backstory: Loneliness....The only word that have been used in his entire life. Family? He's an orphan. Friends? He's an outcast of the society because of his...power that the society called 'Curse'. He only felt despair until a man, a mentor and master that he called grandfather adopted him. The man named Master Houdini. He teach him how to controls his 'curse' and how to use it for goodness. Finally, he found something that he really wanted, Happiness but it didn't last long. Before he been accepted to the academy, his mentor been killed by unknown person. He swore vengeance towards the killer.



~ Darkness Solidification

~ Cloaking

~ Flight

~ Darkness Healing


~ Death Sense

~ Pain Suppression

~ Reanimation

~ Resurrection(Cost lots of mana)

~ Summoning

Personality: Nerd, Friendly, Smart, Sarcastic, Low-Tempered, A little bit immature, Emotionless..(Sometimes)

Likes and Dislikes:


~ Books

~ Rock Music

~ Fighting

~ Snow

~ Cute animal...don't judge him


~ Lightning

~ Bully

~ People who forced him smiles via touching his face

~ Idiots

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Fate!!!

Classes: (I don't know)

Class: Wizard

on his right arm

Home: Demons Edge (Far away from Excelius)


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[QUOTE="Kid of Darkness]Name: Norugami Kenji
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Half Human , Half Demon

Skills in magic: Shadow manipulation and necromancy



Backstory: Loneliness....The only word that have been used in his entire life. Family? He's an orphan. Friends? He's an outcast of the society because of his...power that the society called 'Curse'. He only felt despair until a man, a mentor and master that he called grandfather adopted him. The man named Master Houdini. He teach him how to controls his 'curse' and how to use it for goodness. Finally, he found something that he really wanted, Happiness but it didn't last long. Before he been accepted to the acedemy, his mentor been killed by unknown person. He swore vengeance towards the killer.



~ Darkness Solidification

~ Cloaking

~ Flight

~ Darkness Healing


~ Death Sense

~ Pain Suppression

~ Reanimation

~ Resurrection(Cost lots of mana)

~ Summoning

Personality: Nerd, Friendly, Smart, Sarcastic, Low-Tempered, A little bit immature, Emotionless..(Sometimes)

Likes and Dislikes:


~ Books

~ Rock Music

~ Fighting

~ Snow

~ Cute animal...don't judge him


~ Lightning

~ Bully

~ People who forced him smiles via touching his face

~ Idiots

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Fate!!!

Classes: (I don't know)

Class: Wizard

on his right arm

Home: Demons Edge (Far away from Excelius)




I don't really want to speak for Veyd, but he has made it clear that firearms of any kind are not allowed due to this being a medieval rp. See the previous few posts
Kazehana said:
I don't really want to speak for Veyd, but he has made it clear that firearms of any kind are not allowed due to this being a medieval rp. See the previous few posts
My bad...i will change it! :D
Name: Preston

Age: 21


Race/species: zombie

Skills: sword and shield, running

Weapons: sword and shield, magic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-8_12-28-57.jpeg.30e6a7dba98b1112424248f95db906d8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-8_12-28-57.jpeg.30e6a7dba98b1112424248f95db906d8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: DIED IN A HOLE!

Abilities/Powers: can mimic people and their powers (have to stare right into their eyes)

Personality: funny

Class: Battlemage

Classes: Destruction, life and death, alteration, restoration, alchemy, illusion, enchanting

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

Home land: (Where you are from) a hole

(and anything else you want to add)



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[QUOTE="Kid of Darkness]Name: Norugami Kenji
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Half Human , Half Demon

Skills in magic: Shadow manipulation and necromancy



Backstory: Loneliness....The only word that have been used in his entire life. Family? He's an orphan. Friends? He's an outcast of the society because of his...power that the society called 'Curse'. He only felt despair until a man, a mentor and master that he called grandfather adopted him. The man named Master Houdini. He teach him how to controls his 'curse' and how to use it for goodness. Finally, he found something that he really wanted, Happiness but it didn't last long. Before he been accepted to the academy, his mentor been killed by unknown person. He swore vengeance towards the killer.



~ Darkness Solidification

~ Cloaking

~ Flight

~ Darkness Healing


~ Death Sense

~ Pain Suppression

~ Reanimation

~ Resurrection(Cost lots of mana)

~ Summoning

Personality: Nerd, Friendly, Smart, Sarcastic, Low-Tempered, A little bit immature, Emotionless..(Sometimes)

Likes and Dislikes:


~ Books

~ Rock Music

~ Fighting

~ Snow

~ Cute animal...don't judge him


~ Lightning

~ Bully

~ People who forced him smiles via touching his face

~ Idiots

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Fate!!!

Classes: (I don't know)

Class: Wizard

on his right arm

Home: Demons Edge (Far away from Excelius)




butterblock said:
Name: Preston
Age: 21


Race/species: zombie

Skills: sword and shield, running

Weapons: sword and shield, magic

View attachment 216583

History: DIED IN A HOLE!

Abilities/Powers: can mimic people and they're powers

Personality: funny

Class: Battlemage

Classes: Destruction, life and death, alteration, restoration, alchemy, illusion, enchanting

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

Home land: (Where you are from) a hole

(and anything else you want to add)
About the mimicing things, could you limit how you do it? Like you could do it once a day or have to have eye contact?
Name: Miziki Kurone

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race/species: Kitsune

Weight: 95 lbs

Height: 5'1

Skills in magic:

Spirit Magic

Weapons: Depends on summon.



Backstory: TBR(?)


Enhanced Senses: Includes everything from smell and hearing to kinetic and spatial sense.

Enhanced Agility: Enhanced speed/balance/dexterity. Parkour stuff/dodging, ya kno'?

Personality: Mizki can be extremely shy towards new people, especially those she finds intimidating for any number of reasons, once she warms up to you she's generally a kind person. She's a klutz and generally has the worst luck someone could possibly have, people that know her tend to blame her for their misfortune.




-Other Kitsune





Sexuality: Bi-Sexual



Healing Class, Combat Class, Archery, Spiritual Magic, Hand to Hand, and Alchemy

Class: Cleric/Mage


Home: A Kitsune village

Other/Misc: She's blind, ya kno'?
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Name: Kate Lynn

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/species: Half angel, half devil

Skills in magic: Fire and Ice


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.96a9a99eeff16a7971c2ed9ae233764f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.96a9a99eeff16a7971c2ed9ae233764f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

No magical properties. She just carries it around for a weapon and it gives her comfort in a way.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8692a50bb18ed2378996947168283b3a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8692a50bb18ed2378996947168283b3a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Half Demon, Half Angel Form.

Her hair turns black with white streaks in it. Her clothes turn completely black. Wings sprout from her back. The wings are white with black streaks.

Backstory: She grew up in a small cottage with just her mother. When she got to me around 17 she was killed trying to stop some assassins from killing innocent people. She woke up one day and she was still alive but not really she was a spirit yet she wasn't an angel or a devil.She always walked around trying to find out her purpose for the situation she was in. She one day visited her mother and she was being robbed but she wouldn't tell the robbers where anything was so they were about to kill her mother. She stepped in and tried hitting them, trying to get them away but her hands went straight through the robbers bodies. She got her hand caught in something and she pulled back, ripping their hearts out with her hand. She saved her mother but she was mortified. She then blacked out again. When she woke again she was half demon, half angel. When she saved her mother, she did it because she loved her mother but she also had hatred running through her blood while she was saving her mother. She then became half demon, half angel. She was able to be seen again. She always had to leave somewhere when the people started getting suspicious. She always kept her abilities hidden until recently.


Fire- Can sumon and manipulate fire to her will

Ice- Can summon and manipulate ice to her will


She is really nerdy but sweet. She can be very kind but very dark and uninviting also. She always has to try to keep her personality positive or the darkness will pull her over completely. If she goes way too far and gets extremely mad or cruel, she will loose control and her demon self will take over. It takes a long time for her to calm down and go back to normal but if she doesn't calm down in a certain amount of time the darkness will take her. She is always in a struggle with the light and the dark. When she is her normal self she will be smiling. She can be very shy and quiet. She is very patient and understanding. People have looked at her before, and they were afraid of her. She tries to keep in control because she thinks if she looses control everyone will look at her with fear which is the last thing she wants. She can seem very emotionalless at times but typically isn't. She can pull a good prank and she does know how to laugh.



The cold


Being happy


Loosing Control

Being Cruel (even when she can't control it)

Being lonely


Heterosexual (straight)



Classes: ?????

Class: Mage (i think)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.40324d97f469345f11ea4c6bef5e658e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.40324d97f469345f11ea4c6bef5e658e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has this printed on her left shoulder blade. It means fearless.


She is from a small village. She has moved around practically everywhere.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9c61322f54773a4497c863d77961ab26.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9c61322f54773a4497c863d77961ab26.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.33fc7e3fa3fe87348f48643dd8993d0b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.33fc7e3fa3fe87348f48643dd8993d0b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is always wearing this. It is from her mother and it helps her keep in control.​



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Mitchs98 said:
Name: Miziki Kurone
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race/species: Kitsune

Weight: 95 lbs

Height: 5'1

Skills in magic:

Spirit Magic

Weapons: Depends on summon.



Backstory: TBR(?)


Enhanced Senses: Includes everything from smell and hearing to kinetic and spatial sense.

Enhanced Agility: Enhanced speed/balance/dexterity. Parkour stuff/dodging, ya kno'?

Personality: Mizki can be extremely shy towards new people, especially those she finds intimidating for any number of reasons, once she warms up to you she's generally a kind person. She's a klutz and generally has the worst luck someone could possibly have, people that know her tend to blame her for their misfortune.




-Other Kitsune





Sexuality: Bi-Sexual



Class: Cleric/Mage


Home: A Kitsune village

ScarlettRose16 said:

Name: Kate Lynn

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/species: Half angel, half devil

Skills in magic: Fire and Ice


View attachment 216765

No magical properties. She just carries it around for a weapon and it gives her comfort in a way.


View attachment 216779

Half Demon, Half Angel Form.

Her hair turns black with white streaks in it. Her clothes turn completely black. Wings sprout from her back. The wings are white with black streaks.

Backstory: She grew up in a small cottage with just her mother. When she got to me around 17 she was killed trying to stop some assassins from killing innocent people. She woke up one day and she was still alive but not really she was a spirit yet she wasn't an angel or a devil.She always walked around trying to find out her purpose for the situation she was in. She one day visited her mother and she was being robbed but she wouldn't tell the robbers where anything was so they were about to kill her mother. She stepped in and tried hitting them, trying to get them away but her hands went straight through the robbers bodies. She got her hand caught in something and she pulled back, ripping their hearts out with her hand. She saved her mother but she was mortified. She then blacked out again. When she woke again she was half demon, half angel. When she saved her mother, she did it because she loved her mother but she also had hatred running through her blood while she was saving her mother. She then became half demon, half angel. She was able to be seen again. She always had to leave somewhere when the people started getting suspicious. She always kept her abilities hidden until recently.


Fire- Can sumon and manipulate fire to her will

Ice- Can summon and manipulate ice to her will


She is really nerdy but sweet. She can be very kind but very dark and uninviting also. She always has to try to keep her personality positive or the darkness will pull her over completely. If she goes way too far and gets extremely mad or cruel, she will loose control and her demon self will take over. It takes a long time for her to calm down and go back to normal but if she doesn't calm down in a certain amount of time the darkness will take her. She is always in a struggle with the light and the dark. When she is her normal self she will be smiling. She can be very shy and quiet. She is very patient and understanding. People have looked at her before, and they were afraid of her. She tries to keep in control because she thinks if she looses control everyone will look at her with fear which is the last thing she wants. She can seem very emotionalless at times but typically isn't. She can pull a good prank and she does know how to laugh.



The cold


Being happy


Loosing Control

Being Cruel (even when she can't control it)

Being lonely


Heterosexual (straight)



Classes: ?????

Class: Mage (i think)


View attachment 216787

She has this printed on her left shoulder blade. It means fearless.


She is from a small village. She has moved around practically everywhere.

View attachment 216789


View attachment 216790

She is always wearing this. It is from her mother and it helps her keep in control.​
Both are great! And @Mitchs98 I forgot to mention I have a two character limit if that's alright.
Veyd Sahvoz]Both are great! And [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] I forgot to mention I have a two character limit if that's alright.
Ye. That's fine.
Name: Aisha Flint

Age: 17

Gender: female

Race/species:Faerie (Greek)is a type of Fairy that is the average size of a human but with the fairy characteristics such as wings and pointed ears.

Skills in magic: black magic






Aisha's parents where killed by a masked figure when she was no more than a young teen. This man also blinded in one eye leaving her scarred, despite this her other sences are at a higher quality.


Her general knowledge allows her to pursue others with ease. The tattoo on her hand allows her too use magic but it exhausts her strength after a while and she is brilliant with weaponry. She also uses magic of all types but has a preference to dark.


Aisha is strong headed and determined, she is incredibly smart and has buckets of common sense. She comes across as rude a lot of the time as she tells the truth (despise how people may not want it) and is blunt despise her sense of humour. Although she seams cold and practically bitchy she really is kind, she does the right things and helps people where she can. But she does push them away out of fear most of the time.

Likes and Dislikes:she dislikes nosy people and likes to be left alone most of the time.


Crush: N/A

Classes: (What classes you have in the academy) black magic, alchemy and other magic relating stuff.

Class: black magic/magic

Markings/Tattoo's: She was born with a tattoo on the inside of her palm and also one on her back of wings that actually unfurl from the tattoos as real wings like the ones in the image.



Home: (Where you are from) Kilead
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JustCallMeAimee said:
Name: Aisha Flint
Age: 17

Gender: female

Race/species:Faerie (Greek)is a type of Fairy that is the average size of a human but with the fairy characteristics such as wings and pointed ears.

Skills in magic: black magic






Aisha's parents where killed by a masked figure when she was no more than a young teen. This man also blinded her leaving her eyes a milky colour, despite this her other sences are at a higher quality.


Her general knowledge allows her to pursue others with ease. The tattoo on her hand allows her too use magic but it exhausts her strength after a while and she is brilliant with weaponry. She also uses magic of all types but has a preference to dark.


Aisha is strong headed and determined, she is incredibly smart and has buckets of common sense. She comes across as rude a lot of the time as she tells the truth (despise how people may not want it) and is blunt despise her sense of humour. Although she seams cold and practically bitchy she really is kind, she does the right things and helps people where she can. But she does push them away out of fear most of the time.

Likes and Dislikes:she dislikes nosy people and likes to be left alone most of the time.


Crush: N/A

Classes: (What classes you have in the academy) black magic, alchemy and other magic relating stuff.

Class: black magic/magic

Markings/Tattoo's: She was born with a tattoo on the inside of her palm and also one on her back of wings that actually unfurl from the tattoos as real wings like the ones in the image.



Home: (Where you are from) Kilead
A talking mouse, 3 zombies, a lich, an blind amnesiac and now another strict girl xD xD xD Accepted.
Just noticed that that is a triquatra :D that represents 3 siblings and something about magic...The rest I forgot.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]A talking mouse, 3 zombies, a lich, an blind amnesiac and now another strict girl xD xD xD Accepted.

You mean a blind kitsune and an amnesiac. Miziki isn't an amnesiac :P
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]A talking mouse, 3 zombies, a lich, an blind amnesiac and now another strict girl xD xD xD Accepted.

Edited the picture a little so there weren't two completely blind people, and thanks.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Edited the picture a little so there weren't two completely blind people, and thanks.
That picture looks cool, lol. I have a hard time finding good pictures usually, which is why I only use anime pictures. I don't really want a fat american dude in a sailor moon outfit for a picture, despite google showing me such.
Mitchs98 said:
That picture looks cool, lol. I have a hard time finding good pictures usually, which is why I only use anime pictures. I don't really want a fat american dude in a sailor moon outfit for a picture, despite google showing me such.
Lol, I've changed it again if you're taking about the girl in black. I couldn't decide what I wanted her to look like, knowing me I'll change it back.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]The other pic was good :3 xD

Yeah but I like the idea if her being blind in only one eye.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Lol, I've changed it again if you're taking about the girl in black. I couldn't decide what I wanted her to look like, knowing me I'll change it back.
I like the new one even better. Lol
Name: Amelia Kraft

Age: 16

Gender: female

Race/species: Fire elemental

Skills in magic: Practices emotional magic, but fire magic comes more naturally to her.



The Mourning Blade: a powerful greatsword (about 6 feet tall) thought be only a myth by most. The Mourning Blade only presents itself to a select few and only appears to them in a moment of complete desperation (meaning it won't come to her if she's in, like, a duel but will come to her if her life or something important to her is in danger). It has a mind of its own, making the blade wield the person more than the person wields the blade (basically the sword is a master swordsman).

Appearance: She has short brown hair with orangish tips. She's pale, skinny and a little shorter than the average person. Her eyes are dark brown and pale face usually holds a frown.

Backstory: You'll find out if I decide to let you find out. What I will tell you is that whatever did happen left giant scar on her life.

Abilities/Powers: She can both generate fire and is resistant to it. She can also slightly manipulate people's emotions.

Personality: At first, Amelia seems like a withdrawn, cold, emotionless girl. But if you get to know her and become her friend, you'll find out that she's actually a withdrawn, cold, angry girl. But despite being a bitter girl, she really is there to make sure nothing bad happens to her friends, even if she scolds and yells to do it.

Likes and Dislikes:



+Being alone

+Drawing morbid pictures


-Basically everything else

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Classes: No preference.

Class: Support witch

Markings/Tattoo's: N/A

Home: She traveled until she was accepted into Excelius.

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UnwantedTruth said:
Name: Amelia Kraft
Age: 16

Gender: female

Race/species: Fire elemental

Skills in magic: Practices emotional magic, but fire magic comes more naturally to her.

Weapons: N/A

Appearance: She has short brown hair with orangish tips. She's pale, skinny and a little shorter than the average person. Her eyes are dark brown and pale face usually holds a frown.

Backstory: You'll find out if I decide to let you find out. What I will tell you is that whatever did happen left giant scar on her life.

Abilities/Powers: She can both generate fire and is resistant to it. She can also slightly manipulate people's emotions.

Personality: At first, Amelia seems like a withdrawn, cold, emotionless girl. But if you get to know her and become her friend, you'll find out that she's actually a withdrawn, cold, angry girl. But despite being a bitter girl, she really is there to make sure nothing bad happens to her friends, even if she scolds and yells to do it.

Likes and Dislikes:



+Being alone

+Drawing morbid pictures


-Basically everything else

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Classes: No preference.

Class: Support witch

Markings/Tattoo's: N/A

Home: She traveled until she was accepted into Excelius.

Name: Alphus

Age: 4

Gender: N/A

Race/species: Golem

Skills in magic: Body Alteration Magic- He can change his mass, size, shape and what his body is made off.

Weapons: Does not wield a weapon unless it is a part of his body.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-10_21-3-44.png.2df38fe56d6b45883e95ac668e448715.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-10_21-3-44.png.2df38fe56d6b45883e95ac668e448715.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: Alphus came to Ecelius from Ireland because of his previous masters commands. After fulfilling his duties he was told to forget his life with them and the actions they had him commit. His final commands were to go to this school and find a new master. From then on he has been searching for his new master.

Abilities/Powers: Alphus has great amounts of strength and his magic abilities as stated above. In addition he cannot be effected by magic attacking his mind or emotions.

Personality: Lacks a personality, however, if commanded by his master he would be capable of pretending to feel. He is dedicated to his master and will attempt to serve them to the best of his abilities. He is an exceptional cook, butler and house keeper. However his dedication is limited to the writing of ones name in blood around his soul rune. The soul rune can only be destroyed by the master but the masters name can be erased by anyone. All in all he has a servants attitude towards everything.

Likes and Dislikes:





+His Soul Stone

-Being unable to fulfill

Sexuality: N/A

Crush: N/A

Classes: He will follow his master to their classes unless a higher power says otherwise.

Class: Servant

Markings/Tattoo's: His eyes are like glowing fires that are constantly changing colors.

Home: Ireland

Other/Misc: His master and Soul Stone are two things he naturally treasures.



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Seraph said:
Name: Alphus
Age: 4

Gender: N/A

Race/species: Golem

Skills in magic: Body Alteration Magic- He can change his mass, size, shape and what his body is made off.

Weapons: Does not wield a weapon unless it is a part of his body.


View attachment 218075

Backstory: Alphus came to Ecelius from Ireland because of his previous masters commands. After fulfilling his duties he was told to forget his life with them and the actions they had him commit. His final commands were to go to this school and find a new master. From then on he has been searching for his new master.

Abilities/Powers: Alphus has great amounts of strength and his magic abilities as stated above. In addition he cannot be effected by magic attacking his mind or emotions.

Personality: Lacks a personality, however, if commanded by his master he would be capable of pretending to feel. He is dedicated to his master and will attempt to serve them to the best of his abilities. He is an exceptional cook, butler and house keeper. However his dedication is limited to the writing of ones name in blood around his soul rune. The soul rune can only be destroyed by the master but the masters name can be erased by anyone. All in all he has a servants attitude towards everything.

Likes and Dislikes:





+His Soul Stone

-Being unable to fulfill

Sexuality: N/A

Crush: N/A

Classes: He will follow his master to their classes unless a higher power says otherwise.

Class: Servant

Markings/Tattoo's: His eyes are like glowing fires that are constantly changing colors.

Home: Ireland

Other/Misc: His master and Soul Stone are two things he naturally treasures.
Accepted, would it be alright if he worked for the academy? Like he could meet Draconus and perhaps find a new master.
Of course he can work for the academy but do you mean meet Draconus and him become his master or just meet him then become some elses servant?

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