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Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Accepted and nuuuuuu my hidden library passage lol

There can be more than one xD
Name: Darius Falgar

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race/species: Human

Skills in magic: He, himself has very little magical ability, if any at all. Most spells he tries to use himself just fizzle out immediately. Instead he has to channel spells through his partner, Dravlon. Aside from that he specializes in light magic and his best spells come in the form of powerful protective shields that can even reflect some spells back at the caster. He likes to take a supportive role in combat so he utilizes other forms of support magic as well.

Weapons: Dravlon can transform into one if need be. It has the capability to physically cut material and also functions like a staff in that it can channel spells. It also has the strange ability to seal and unseal most things including physical and magical locks. He prefers not to use it unless it's needed.


Appearence: Darius

Height: 5"5

Hair: Somewhat spiky. Black but with a very slight blue tint.

Build: Skinny to a point where he is quite fragile physically but also quick if he ever needs to flee or make some distance

Clothing: A robe with a blue base and turquoise outlines.



Backstory: Tending on a small farm wasn't something Darius could see himself doing for all his life. When it came to farm work he just couldn't manage to perform efficiently and though his father never outwardly showed his disappointment, the subtle clues were enough for the young boy to tell. He would often seclude himself in his room reading his books that he would get whenever his family made a visit into the nearby town. He found true joy in knowledge and hoped that one day, just maybe, he might be able to pursue a career where he might be exposed to knowledge that none have ever seen before. Knowledge that was not yet written in any book.

One day, when he was 14 he discovered something that would change his life forever. Searching the nearby forest for firewood on his own he stumbled upon a mysterious cave. Wandering in, he found evidence of some sort of struggle as forgotten weapons, scorch marks, and claw indents littered the cave. At the very heart of the cave he found what seemed to be a nest of some sort and within, an egg larger than his head. Extremely fascinated Darius went in to pick up the egg but as soon as his hand made contact with the shell a blinding golden light erupted from the it. Shortly after the light faded the egg began to crack until a small blue form emerged. At first Darius was afraid and reeled back but the way the dragonling was looking at him, the childish wonder in its eyes, soon dispelled any thoughts of danger.

From then on the two were inseparable and Dravlon, as he was now named quickly became part of Darius' small family. One day Darius accidentally discovered that he was somehow able to use magic through Dravlon and quickly began delving into the studies of the arcane. This pursuit led him to being accepted into the legendary academy of the arcane, Excelius. As he looks towards a bright future where he can escape a secluded life and pursue his passion he also wonders if he can handle the overwhelming changes coming his way.

Abilities/Powers: Although he isn't consciously aware of it. Darius' soul is bound to Dravlon's in a pact similar to a familiar contract only much more personal. This allows them to sync to a point where they can almost sense what the other is feeling/thinking and allows Darius to use Dravlon as a magical conduit for all his spells. The pure draconic blood makes these spells very powerful but the power also varies depending on the strength of their bond. The other effects of the bond are still shrouded in mystery.

Spell list (So I don't forget and you can reference. More to come)

Liker- Moderate light elemental blast

Likeruga- Strong Light elemental blast

Lirusen- Creates an invisibility field around target by bending light

Zaker- Moderate electric elemental blast

Jikerudor- Creates an electric orb which does not interact with anything but metal or other electric particles. If the conditions for interaction are met then an extremely powerful magnetic field is created or the electric particles are violently disrupted

Aukor- Moderate water elemental blast

Figar- Moderate fire elemental blast

Seoshi- Dome shaped shield that surrounds the target area

Gigano Seoshi- Greater strength dome shaped shield which has attack reflection capabilities

Ma Seshirudo- Powerful barrier but does not cover 360 degrees

Saifojio- Restores the target's magic power and health over time

Raclir- Creates an orb that allies can use to boost their magic power

Soul Resonance- For a brief period of time Darius and Dravlon's souls become one granting them access to their most powerful abilities and spells.

Personality: Darius is a bit shy and introverted but is willing to put himself forward if the situation demands it. He is somewhat insecure with himself as a person leading him to forget that sometimes his life holds precedence over others, especially his friends. Other than that he loves joking and is lighthearted and cheerful around people he's comfortable with.

Although he cannot speak Dravlon is more open about himself and sometimes displays arrogance and pride as dictated by his dragon blood. Despite this, he is extremely loyal to Darius and just about anyone he comes to grow attached to. He shows an unmatched passion in protecting those close to him.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes



-Bad puns

-Talking to Dravlon

-Being too nice


-Being alone in large areas

-Carrying Dravlon everywhere

-Excessive amounts of stairs

-Friends being hurt(emotionally or physically)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Crush: None...yet

Classes: Alchemy, Soul Resonance, Defensive Magic,, Offensive Magic, Healing Magic

Class: Dracomancer

Markings/Tattoo's: A small dragon tatoo on Darius' right hand and Dravlon's forehead symbolizing their bond. Glows during special situations.

Home: A small non-descript farm near a small non-descript town in a non-descript region.



(BTW I don't know how much time I'll be able to devote to this but I really like the concept of the story so I'll participate when i can.)

EDIT 1: Just some additions/changes

EDIT 2: Added Class Schedule

EDIT 3: Added character theme

EDIT 4: Changed Theme
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Gender: girl

Race/species: werewolf necromancer

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.) shadow magic

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such) i use a katana

Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/BlackWolfAngel.jpg.12d9c30c6abc4129a22e1938c62e6985.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/BlackWolfAngel.jpg.12d9c30c6abc4129a22e1938c62e6985.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/af56d53adbcfe178ba7cff999876516e.jpg.71fe3dd4d8d9f35a12e2676ee7d1ce08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/af56d53adbcfe178ba7cff999876516e.jpg.71fe3dd4d8d9f35a12e2676ee7d1ce08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: im an ophan and was raised by wolves

Abilities/Powers:can turn into a wolf and raise and talk to the dead also can control shadows

Personality: shy but if gotton mad very outspoken tomboyish

Likes and Dislikes:likes: sushi art and music also reading and nature :dislikes



Classes: (What classes you have in the academy) i dont know yet

Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)a wolf paw tat on her sholder

Home: (Where you are from) ireland

Other/Misc: (Any kind of rings or necklaces etc. or just anything else you want to add) has a moon neclaces that keeps her from changing and unleashing her powers



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Saria.jpg.e3b7a1d67c6a64ae3193d61676985c60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Saria.jpg.e3b7a1d67c6a64ae3193d61676985c60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Saria Elenaril

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race/species: Forest Elf

Skills in magic: Earth, and Nature (Plants)

Weapons: Daggers, also good with a spear and crossbow

Backstory: Saria, being a Forest Elf is very good at using Earth magic. However, being raised in the forest, she is somewhat uncomfortable going to this school, and would much rather climb a tree than sit in a classroom. But her parents, having lacked the opportunity, insisted she went to study magic, and get a "proper" education.

Abilities/Powers: Magic abilities (above), excellent climber, good at close hand-to-hand combat.

Personality:Saria is friendly, and usually nice to people, so long as they're nice to her. She is adventurous, and always speaks her mind. This sometimes gets her into trouble.


* Being outside

*Sunny days


*Cold weather

*Snobby people

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None, yet.

Classes: Combat, Nature Magic, Healing Magic

Class: Witch

Markings/Tattoo's: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72a491f8_Saria2.jpg.dc8a6161bb6b3c2fc07f8b2510e339ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72a491f8_Saria2.jpg.dc8a6161bb6b3c2fc07f8b2510e339ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Home: The Woodland Realm of Dagirhier.



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ShadowQueen91 said:
View attachment 221720
Name: Saria Elenaril

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race/species: Forest Elf

Skills in magic: Earth, and Nature (Plants)

Weapons: Daggers, also good with a spear and crossbow

Backstory: Saria, being a Forest Elf is very good at using Earth magic. However, being raised in the forest, she is somewhat uncomfortable going to this school, and would much rather climb a tree than sit in a classroom. But her parents, having lacked the opportunity, insisted she went to study magic, and get a "proper" education.

Abilities/Powers: Magic abilities (above), excellent climber, good at close hand-to-hand combat.

Personality:Saria is friendly, and usually nice to people, so long as they're nice to her. She is adventurous, and always speaks her mind. This sometimes gets her into trouble.


* Being outside

*Sunny days


*Cold weather

*Snobby people

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None, yet.

Classes: Combat, Nature Magic, Healing Magic

Class: Witch

Markings/Tattoo's: View attachment 221719

Home: The Woodland Realm of Dagirhier.
I kept waiting for some mention of Navi xD
Kazehana said:
I kept waiting for some mention of Navi xD
xD Oh GODS! That's why that name is so familiar! It's been years since I played that game. Oh well, the name fits, and stays.
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  • Name: Morgan (No last name)

    Age: Actual age 26, maturity (physically/mentally) 16-17

    Gender: F

    Race/species: Partially human, primarily Mountain Dryad (also known as Mountain or Snow Nymphs)

    Skills in magic: Air, Ice, Water magics. Minor interest in Alchemy/potion-making



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shyland said:

Gender: girl

Race/species: werewolf necromancer

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.) shadow magic

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such) i use a katana

Appearence:View attachment 221507 View attachment 221508

Backstory: im an ophan and was raised by wolves

Abilities/Powers:can turn into a wolf and raise and talk to the dead also can control shadows

Personality: shy but if gotton mad very outspoken tomboyish

Likes and Dislikes:likes: sushi art and music also reading and nature :dislikes



Classes: (What classes you have in the academy) i dont know yet

Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)a wolf paw tat on her sholder

Home: (Where you are from) ireland

Other/Misc: (Any kind of rings or necklaces etc. or just anything else you want to add) has a moon neclaces that keeps her from changing and unleashing her powers
ShadowQueen91 said:
View attachment 221720
Name: Saria Elenaril

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race/species: Forest Elf

Skills in magic: Earth, and Nature (Plants)

Weapons: Daggers, also good with a spear and crossbow

Backstory: Saria, being a Forest Elf is very good at using Earth magic. However, being raised in the forest, she is somewhat uncomfortable going to this school, and would much rather climb a tree than sit in a classroom. But her parents, having lacked the opportunity, insisted she went to study magic, and get a "proper" education.

Abilities/Powers: Magic abilities (above), excellent climber, good at close hand-to-hand combat.

Personality:Saria is friendly, and usually nice to people, so long as they're nice to her. She is adventurous, and always speaks her mind. This sometimes gets her into trouble.


* Being outside

*Sunny days


*Cold weather

*Snobby people

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None, yet.

Classes: Combat, Nature Magic, Healing Magic

Class: Witch

Markings/Tattoo's: View attachment 221719

Home: The Woodland Realm of Dagirhier.
Spazzycat101 said:

  • Name: Morgan (No last name)

    Age: Actual age 26, maturity (physically/mentally) 16-17

    Gender: F

    Race/species: Partially human, primarily Mountain Dryad (also known as Mountain or Snow Nymphs)

    Skills in magic: Air, Ice, Water magics. Minor interest in Alchemy/potion-making

Terribly sorry! I have stuff irl that's keeping me preoccupied but accepted! :)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Terribly sorry! I have stuff irl that's keeping me preoccupied but accepted! :)

Fanky! And that's fine, sorry for bugging you about the CS then.


Should my character enter as having already been at the Academy, or should she be introduced as a new student or something?
Already be with the academy, I haven't the time atm to go through orientations and stuff xD Actually I should appoint someone as my Co-GM just for tonight. @Kazehana You will be the Co-GM JUST for tonight. As soon as I get back you will no longer be the Co-GM AIGHT!?
Name: Emily Frostworth

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Half-Elf/Vampire

Skills in magic: Specializes in frost, lightning magic along with healing.

Weapons: Her own staff she made with her mothers help and a shortsword that she crafted with the help of her father.



Backstory: Emily grew up in a city in the cold north of the known world. She always liked the cold and the winter and she could sometimes spend hours outside in the cold, once her parents found out she was very good in frost magic, after she begged them to let her study at the mages college,they let her go to the college. She went to the mages college when she was 11 and has been there ever since (except the occasional time she returns to the small village to visit her family). She recently decided to take a break and travel for a bit to learn more and see what the rest of the world is like.

Abilities/Powers: She has vampiric abilities and what not but prefers not to use that at all, except the fast reflexes. Great with using frost, lightning, delusion/illusion, conjuration, and healing magic but that's not all she's good at, she is very good in swordsmanship and has a 2'4 long shortsword.

Personality: A goodie two shoes sometimes, likes to study and doesn't drink much. She is very a kind, loving and happy young lady that loves to practice magic outside in the snow for hours.

Likes and Dislikes:




-Using her vampiric powers



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: No yet :3

Classes: Dunno yet (still making the scedule)

Class: Battlemage

Markings/Tattoo's: None

Home: Up north


  • Has a small pouch around her belt that she carries various herbs in. Carries a satchel (knapsack) around with her, underneath of her cloak, that has 2 notebooks, 1 tome, and some potions.
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Name: Alexa Hopewill

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/species: Human

Skills in magic: Skilled in a variety of schools of magic, from charms, to destruction, conjuration, etc. Not a master of any, though.


  • 10 inch wand made of rare Blackwood, with a core of Phoenix Feather.
  • Mildly enchanted bracelet capable only of casting weak charms that blow back enemies.



  • Medium height, thin build
  • Long, pale hair and pale skin
  • Light blue eyes


Backstory: Born into a seemingly non-magical family, Alexa demonstrated a proficiency for the arcane when she unintentionally cast a spell on a failing crop, which flourished in seconds. Ever since then, Alexa has been looking for a good magical academy, and finally settled on Excelius.

Abilities/Powers: Alexa has the ability to cast simple charms and enchantments without any magical device, and has some degree of control over nature.

Personality: Alexa is slightly introverted, but manages to see the best in people. She also helps cheer up friends who take the time to talk to her.


  • Rain, thunder, lightning.
  • Beautiful, pure magic.
  • Cheering up others.
  • Schoolwork.


  • Sunny days
  • Profane/evil magic and curses
  • Braggarts and arrogant people.

Sexuality: Seemingly asexual, unless schoolwork and books are considered attractive.

Crush: No one has ever been close enough to Alexa to truly learn about her crushes. Although, many consider schoolwork her "crush".

Classes: Alexa, who wishes to be a Royal Battlemage, is taking the following classes:

  • Teleportation (Beginner)
  • Magical Defense and Offense (Advanced)
  • Charms and Curses (Adept)
  • Alchemy (Adept)

Class: Enchantress

Markings/Tattoo's: None

Home: Alexa is from a region blighted by periodic blizzards, which heavily damages crop yields.

Other/Misc: None
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Name: Marie Protise

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/species: Human, And part ancient (Will be revealed in Rp)

Skills in magic: Teleportation

Weapons: Daggers


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c738063af_Marieteleportater.jpg.ecc2f09129bb656e68fb2884c0cee7cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c738063af_Marieteleportater.jpg.ecc2f09129bb656e68fb2884c0cee7cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I have no backstory, well... Except I remember only glimpses of my past intill 5 days ago after I escaped from a holding chamber of sorts.




Sweet, kind, Confused, lost.

Likes and Dislikes:

im not sure. I like the color violet, but that's all I know.


I am asexual (Prefers neither Gender.)





Class: I am an Ancient, but im not sure what of....

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Prophet.jpg.54526af52c9f8655c66c5cda4a88a6cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Prophet.jpg.54526af52c9f8655c66c5cda4a88a6cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> it means Prophet

Home: (Where you are from)

I..I don't know

Other/Misc: Nope!

(I have two more characters I will post tomorrow if im allowed.) <3



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Name: Desh Byron

Age: 678

Gender: Male

Race/species: Vampire

Skills in magic: Telekinesis

Weapons: Two High Carbon Steel Gauntlets. His mind.


(He looks younger. In his early 20s. Besides that it's right on point.)

Backstory: Desh comes a very high born line of vampire lords. Despite his personality, he was actually raised by rich vampiric aristocrats. It was at his home that he had many trainers from all over the world come and teach him the ways of combat. A natural talent and prodigy, Desh not only quickly learned but also defeated almost every single one of his masters (save a few). However, these were the only times Desh looked forward to. His noble "parents" and siblings were absolute sadists that loved spreading misery wherever they went. When they came to realize Desh's light-hearted personality they soon turned all of their attention to torturing the young vampire. He would spend days being starved, abused both emotionally and physically, and ordered to smile and say ,"thank you very much." While they did so. This torturous game went on for many, many, many years until Desh had finally had enough. He broke free one night and fled the place he once called home. Anywhere was better than there he thought.

And so Desh wondered the world, meeting many different people, learning an incredible number of things over the centuries, and fighting every challenge that came his way.

Abilities/Powers: Given that Desh is a vampire, he possesses the natural traits of a vampire. He has strength and speed several times that of a human being and superior perception. He can take wounds that would normally be fatal to a human being and survive them coupled with some mildly enhanced regeneration. When he fully transforms, he grows wings that allow him to use sustained flight and further boost his natural vampiric abilities. Now Desh's talents are that he is a incredible martial artist and a master swordsman despite preferring not to use them. Using his superior strength, speed, and reflexes he pummels almost anything in his way. Desh's true power comes from mixing his telekinetic prowess into his martial arts. He prefers not use it as he feels it makes the fight far too easy but Desh uses telekinesis in a way that can be incredibly difficult to stop. Using it in explosive blasts to boost his strikes or to manipulate the direction of an enemies attack, causing it to miss it's intended target.

Now Desh also suffers from the natural weaknesses of a vampire. Direct sunlight is a no no. It must be a cloudy day, raining, or wearing some type of enchanted cloak that keeps the light from killing him. His regeneration takes several days to heal from a fatal wound, if he isn't incapacitated by it in the fight. His supernatural senses can be used against him with sudden flashes, noises or smells and fire is his kryptonite. (Despite how much he likes it). (Flashbang, sudden thunder, a sonic/blinding spell, garlic or things of that nature that exude powerful odors.) He is only biologically immortal. Enough damage will kill him like everything else. It's just harder to do so. He's no elder. He must feed on human beings regularly once every 2-3 days and animal blood is no substitute due to his hatred for the stuff(if he is injured he must feed on more people). His luminescent lava-colored eyes are a dead giveaway so he cant hide what he is.

His personal weakness stems from his stubborn mindset. If it seems like a hell of a challenge, no matter how dangerous, he will want to try it. His confidence in his skills is also the reason he gets hurt so often and gets put near death more times than he'd care to admit.

Personality: Desh is a cocky SOB. He's sarcastic, loves to play jokes, optimistic, and is a fighter at heart. (not a lover despite the fact he likes messing around with women). He loves battle and will actively seek it in his day to day life. He is loyal to those he deems worthwhile and would never betray his close friends. In the end of the day, he's a brawler looking for a good time with good friends.

Likes and Dislikes: Blood, challenges, worthy opponents, good friends, drinking. Dislikes betrayal, his family, abuse of the weak, pitiful opponents, disrespect.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

Classes: Advanced Blood Magic, Illusion Magic, Alchemy, Enchanting

Class: Battlemage....technically...I suppose. It makes the most sense for his style.

Markings/Tattoo's: Littered with scars all over his person.

Home: A great castle of renown in the shadow of a mountain.

Other/Misc: He likes to carry around a necklace with a small wolf on it. His youngest sister gave it to him, the one that never tortured him.

When can we start? Hahaha
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ShadowQueen91 said:
View attachment 223046
Name: Atonos, God of Darkness

Age: Unknown, Immortal

Gender: Male

Race: God

Weight: 200

Height: 7'2"

Personality: Cold, ruthless, murderous, torturous.

Likes: Chaos, the torture of innocents, darkness, malice, and murder.

Dislikes: Light, and the creatures that come from it.

Bio: Atonos is the forgotten other son of the God Eres. He has come to Ivalice to destroy it, one life force at a time. He is evil-incarnate, and will be the first to show it.

Realm: The seven circles of Hell, itself.
Ahm. Wrong RP ^_^

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