Search results for query: *

  1. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX sprinted at his maximum pace through the streets of the city throwing up twenty foot waves of dirt every time his foot hit the ground coating people with dust as he raced through the town. JAX had been carrying out a business of his when he heard all of the commotion on the comms. JAX had...
  2. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX walked out among the small group analyzing and storing useful data and information on all of the men. He waited for someone who would lead the group to the apparent store that there was. JAX didn't fit in so he would just stay silent and walk afew feet behind everyone else. He turned and...
  3. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX sat alone in the middle of the cargo bay which was his home next to a massive container of metal scraps, that he had been collecting to modify his body and make weapons out of. JAX began deleting his medical lessons and downloading weapons smith weapons. JAX didn't like guns. He hated them...
  4. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    (I have to go for tonight. See you guys tomorrow!)
  5. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX looked down at Reena's hand on top of his and felt a large flow of emotion through him as his color emotion indicator on his head began to change between purple and red. "Thank you." He said. Jax took a knee and began checking and prodding Reena's leg where the metal had been. JAX took his...
  6. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX stabbed the metal into his body as it quickly absorbed the rod. The wires that had been fried quickly began repairing themselves. JAX looked over at Reena and began downloading the medical lessons. Afew seconds later JAX was upright and fixing Reena's leg. JAX's voice wasn't all the way...
  7. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX called out weekly over the com system to anyone who would help. "H-h-h-h-elllp" His internal voice was distorted he needed part and electrical repairs. "R-r-r-ee-e-n-a" JAX called to the cockpit. "N--e-ed-d p-a-r-r-rt-s, me-t-t-all" JAX struggled weekly in the engine room to no avail.
  8. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX hacked the com system and replied, "YES I CAN DO IT! GIVE ME THIRTY SECONDS!" JAX began heading for the engine operations room as he downloaded the mechanic lesson software. He magnetized his boots as he sprinted down the halls to the engine operations room to remove the switch. It had taken...
  9. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX had been in the background as a shadow listening to the conversation going on in Rai's room when the whole world began tumbling. JAX used his strength to clamp onto the walls of the ship. He yelled, "Grab onto my legs!" to the people in the room, as he began straightening his body to hold...
  10. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    "Sorry I just do not know you. I am trying to figure out who you are. Who was that on the phone?" JAX said doing his best to keep the animatronic monotone out of his voice when talking. JAX stepped into Raisa's room and looked around studying everything simultaneously. "Who are you?" JAX asked...
  11. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    JAX emerged from the depths of the cargo holds of the ship having been in sleep mode for more than several weeks. He doubted that almost anyone on the ship knew he was there. JAX stood tall in the middle of the main cargo dissembling and reassembling himself, checking for mechanical failures and...
  12. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

  13. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    Also cooper it would be cool if you could tell me if my character is approved or not.
  14. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    Should I start posting?
  15. Zaire Ananta

    Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

    Name: Havard Alders a.k.a JAX Age: Jax is 37 years of age Appearance: JAX was once a human. He was the pilot of a valuable cargo ship that was destroyed in the middle of it's voyage by pirates. Since he was the only one found with an intact brain, the buyers of the cargo had his mind...
  16. Zaire Ananta

    One x One YHS : Young Hero Society

    Character Sign Up Sheet Name: Nickname (Describe how it was given, It can be badass,): Age: Personality (Include all of the little funny quirks and traits you know): Appearance (Include Pic and detailed description): Backstory (Must be detailed and make sense)...
  17. Zaire Ananta

    One x One YHS : Young Hero Society - Settings/Locations

    Settings/Locations for YHS : Young Hero Society Please edit this post to suit your roleplay's needs. See Main Thread: Fantasy - YHS : Young Hero Society
  18. Zaire Ananta

    One x One YHS : Young Hero Society - Rules

    Rules for YHS : Young Hero Society Please edit this post to suit your roleplay's needs. See Main Thread: Fantasy - YHS : Young Hero Society
  19. Zaire Ananta

    One x One YHS : Young Hero Society - Lore

    Lore for YHS : Young Hero Society Please edit this post to suit your roleplay's needs. See Main Thread: Fantasy - YHS : Young Hero Society
  20. Zaire Ananta

    One x One YHS : Young Hero Society

    @Zaire Ananta, please edit this post to include any OOC information.