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  1. Progress

    [The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

    Apologies as well for the general lack of a character and posts. I've got a slew of finals all next week, and as a result I've spent the majority of time studying as of late. My character is basically "done," but not done, if you catch my drift, so hopefully I'll be able to hop in as soon as I...
  2. Progress

    [The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

    I realized that my previous description of Immaculates was quite incorrect - they apparently only start with "5 Immaculate Martial Arts Charm instead, all of which must be from the same elemental tree" (quoted from MoEP: DB's Character Creation summary). Would you still give the same ruling...
  3. Progress

    [The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

    Fair enough. I had planned in that direction anyways as, if I recall correctly, Errata Team Prime's interpretation was that to include the initiation Charms as part of the 7 Charms for DB games (so to avoid Immaculates being overpowered by comparison to normal Terrestrials) and to have them as...
  4. Progress

    [The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

    Seriously, my character's not even in yet. He'll be in shortly, but I need to clarify something with Sherwood as to Charms: For Immaculate MAists - do you count the initiation Charms required for CMA as part of the 7 received, or would I receive them in addition to the 7 Immaculate MA Charms...
  5. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    Application withdrawn.
  6. Progress

    [The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

    I'm thinking of a Wood-Aspected Cynis Immaculate, a recent grad of the Cloister of Wisdom now spending his days as an itinerant monk. I'll get you a backstory and sheet up relatively soon.
  7. Progress

    Interest Check for Dragon Blooded Game

    Posting interest.
  8. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    My bad, I fell asleep while I was finishing this up last night and forgot to post it after waking up... Name: The Arbiter Concept: Vigilante Player: Progress Motivation: Deliver justice for all in Creation who lack the means to do so for themselves Intimacies: Innocents (+), Truth (+)...
  9. Progress

    35 Guests

    g'DAMN people, sign in already.
  10. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    Cool. I'm not opposed to nerfing it later if it ends up needing it. When writing it up, I tried to balance it out with existing magitech artifacts and neutralize the effect of adding new ammunition sources. To me, the cost for shooting freely for the scene (without the Agg to CoD's) seeme...
  11. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    Hmm.... Dunno. He could be waiting for my full sheet, which I'm in the process of putting up as I type this. Before I do, though, I realized I needed to clarify one thing - Is the Ink Monkeys Ultimate Collection in? I believe it's regarded as canon, but I want to make sure. There are so many...
  12. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    True... But really? If you're sure about it...
  13. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    I'm not sure I like that much more than the original suggestion of 2m, 1wp... If you took away the cost for shot for failure, maybe, making it cost 2m and on failure of the difficulty 3 Cha + Per roll, an additional wp. But still... There are a whole bunch of other faults/flaws already built...
  14. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    A willpower feels a bit rough to me... Is there any chance we can reconcile it to something slightly less? A higher mote cost, or maybe 1m per action? Or require a slotted hearthstone to power it? Whoops, my bad. I'll see to a picture shortly. And thanks! Do you have any examples you'd be...
  15. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    PRAYER PIECE, MARK II (ARTIFACT â—â—â—) Repair: 2 The pet project of a young Twilight-Caste Solar during the High First Age, the Prayer Piece Mk. II was to be a variation on the time-tested design of the original Prayer Piece. Due to unfortunate timing, the Mark II never saw mass...
  16. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    Probably would have to retrieve it, but considering that its made of magical materials, I doubt the ammo would break apart and/or deform like typical rounds. Expensive, but I have some cool thoughts on how effects might be able to work. More to come.
  17. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    What about making ammunition out of one of the magical materials?
  18. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    That was the plan anyways, so that should work. I should have the backstory up shortly. This, sir, is why I prefer a substance that may or may not be legal for medicinal or recreational usage in your area. The pain just melts away, man, and the colors- Whoa, my hands are HUGE.
  19. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    Fair enough, I can get behind that. Would it be safe to assume that Lead would be worth Resources 1? Also, after making the first (for five hours of crafting time, however modified), will the time to produce additional rounds decrease? That would definitely be desirable, otherwise I'm still...
  20. Progress

    [Interest Check] Crafting Madness

    No worries, until I really cracked down on myself I used to do it all the time as well. I'm not personally bothered by it, though. And yeah, that's right, it is 5 hours per round - must have just been wishful thinking on my part Luckily, Craftsman Needs No Tools will give us 9 hours of work...