Interest Check for Dragon Blooded Game

All set. You can start posting stuff and coordinating characters now.
I'm having some trouble generating a sufficient character idea for the game concept, but if I can't make it jive then I'll say so. Still generally interested, yes.
Thinking of doing an air aspected social character. Is the role of bridesmaid of honor taken ?
Got room for a newbie? I've got the books needed to play but I'm new to the site and the game in general but off all the exaltions out there I feel the Dragon blooded fitbest to myself. But if you have no room or don't want a new player I understand ;)


Forgot to put in my character idea...

I'd be most interested in playing an outcast. He would be from the local area and very new to the whole deal with being exalted. Since it looks like the locals are interested in peaceful interaction with the realm they would have him locked up in a cell waiting to hand him over to the realm as a peace offering. If accepted I'd aim for him to be an Earth or Fire aspect, depending on what there is less of.
I have no problem with newbies in a game. We all had to start somewhere, after all. My only concern is that I have a lot of players lined up for the game. Let me see how things fall in line as the game starts up, and I'll let you know if I have a opening for you.
Now that I think of it my character was meant to focus on performance rather than socialization. So maybe we can have two air aspects since there seem to be two water aspects already in the game. The most basic premise for my character attending the wedding would have been to fulfill a favor and possibly play during the ceremony. does that sound? Sherwood? Midboss?
Not for me to tell you what to do. Mine is the sort who's very good at arranging contacts and so fourth. Knows how to get things done. Not going to specialize in performance if that's your concern. Might dabble in sorcery maybe.
You'll find that I'm pretty flexible when it comes to what you'd like to play. There are very few concepts that just won't work for this game. Write something up and I'll have a better idea of what you have in mind, and I'll let you know how it will do.
If you end up needing/wanting more people I have an Earth aspected Tepet mostly done up that I would submit for consideration, but it sounds like at the moment you have enough. :)
Actually, I think I'm going to have to withdraw from the game. I've been very uninspired lately, and Dragon-Blood ideas just aren't working out too well...Hopefully someone else can enjoy taking my place.
Hmm. Ah well. At least you let me know. Hopefully you'll be able to find your inspiration somewhere else.
With Inari pulling out of the game, it leaves me with an opening for another player. Since Dirathsk was the first runner up, if you are still interested, let me know. I'll send a PM your way, too. Get back in touch with me soon. We are in the final steps of character approval and will be beginning the story soon.
Oh, gee -- how did I miss this? I was in the last iteration of this game, and I was disappointed when it faded away. :cry:
Sorry for not answering the PM but I've been unable to access the site since the 23ed... Not sure what happened but let me look at my time table and get back to you in a few hours.

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