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  1. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren looked at Aedyn, her centaur form finally showing. Siren smiled, in a way she didnt look any different than her human form. Kaze seemed to look a bit taken back however. Siren was beginning to gain back her strength and composure and was beginning to play with a napkin laying on the...
  2. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren smiled at Thomas and she took a sip of the water in front of her. "a Druid huh? thats a big accomplishment. I am trying to be a first order caster like my mentor, but thats a long way off. I was hoping by going to a human school i could get some more knowledge of the world around me...
  3. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren nodded. Ice mage, that made sense. "Yes," she answered him, "I am witch. Puddles is the framilar i was given as a child, his real name is Serpine Dracox, but when I was little I called him Puddles. I am an apprentice to Madame Trouve, Caster of the first Order. She was where that portal...
  4. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren was to tired to answer Kazes question. She nodded instead. All of a sudden she seemed to notice a cool chill in the air. She looked up at Kaze, then into the janitors closet where Aedyn and picked him out of. There was the remenants of ice blocks and alot of water seepeding out of its...
  5. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren and Aedyn went hurtling through the portal. It seemed to last a life time. Finally they were spat out and Siren hit wood floor, pretty damn hard at that. When she looked up she saw Aedyn lying next to her and three large boys looking pretty stunned, one of them she recognized as the red...
  6. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren and Aedyn were walking through the woods following the blue shimmer of light to Kaze. Then all of a sudden Siren stopped. Aedyn almost bumped into her. "Hey I think we need to talk about what you just said back there," Aedyn said. "yah sure," Siren replied sadly, "but after we find...
  7. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    (hey, bedtime :) pick up again tomorrow, ttfn)
  8. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    "Yah i agree...ok um...we really need to find Kaze and you seem to be taking this whole portal thing quite well so...long story short I am a witch and i need to cast a spell." She didnt wait for a response, she didn't have time for the gawking or the screaming. She quickly casted the spell...
  9. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren stopped. The only way to find Kaze was by using the Lost and Found spell...Siren wondered if using it in front of Aedyn was a good idea. I mean c'mon, Siren thought, i pushed her through a portal, how could she not know. But Siren didn't think Aedyn did know, and if she did it was the...
  10. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    "Oh Yah, fine." replied Siren. She looked a little embarassed, "I have a lot of explaining to do, dont i? First we need to find Kaze. He has got to be around here somewhere." She pulled Aedyn out of the small space and into the woods. Puddles was waiting outside flapping his wings in the...
  11. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren heard Aedyn from inside the shed. She ran over and tried to jar it open. It was locked. Siren put both hands on the door handle, "Open!" she commanded. The door the burst open. Aedyn was standing inside the little room. Siren ran over and hugged her.
  12. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren followed the purple line of magic through the woods. She was walking toward Madames cottage, "Please god, dont let them end up in the cottage, Madame will kill me and then probably them unless i get to explain what happened." Siren picked up her pace. Puddles was way ahead of her...
  13. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren sat in the field alone. Oh no! she bothed it. everybody must have gotten split up in the transport.."Well crap now what?" Suddenly Siren came to a solution. She searched through her bag and through open on of her spell books. She turned to a spell, Finding things that are lost, Siren...
  14. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Everybody landed on the lush grassy field with a thud. Siren was the first to come to her senses, teleporting was an everyday occurance for her. The others looked a little more woozy. Siren took this time to try and come up with an excuse about what happened...nothing was coming to...
  15. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren saw the large boy Kaze was so scared of. Well...yah he was kinda intimidating...Siren was losing time, Justin didn't look to back-offish of the two girls and Kaze....He began walking over to the three friends. He was coming right up to Kaze with a look that could kill. Siren was...
  16. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    "Oh, some boys are giving Kaze a hard time. Maybe all of us together will be enough to scare them off." Siren said. Her eyes slanted toward the oak tree. Puddles looked at her from around the trunk, a pleading expression on his face.
  17. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren looked over to Aedyn, she was awfully far away. Siren couldnt get to far from that portal without closing it. Who knows who could jump in without her seeing it? She was beginning to get jumpy "No! i mean..lets call Aedyn to us!" "Aedyn!" she shouted, "Aedyn! Over here!" Please for the...
  18. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    Siren was about to step into the portal she had created when she saw a boy running toward the tree. It was Kaze and, OH SHIT, he was coming toward the oak tree. He was too close for Siren to close the portal and Puddles was looking at her expectantly. "Sorry Pudds, we need to hold of for just...
  19. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    After the hecticness of Lunch the day seemed to be uneventful. Siren flew through creative writing and daydreamed through physics (god that class seems awful). She couldnt stop wondering about the grass at lunch and Aedyns strange reaction to it. It all seemed so...normal to her, like a regular...
  20. killingjokelol52

    Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

    (hey, its late guys. going to bed :) have a good night, seeya tomorrow)