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  1. G

    Legends of Ithilien

    As he finished eating Bult felt at the top of his head. He felt an apparent dent in his thick skull. He exited the building and sat on his club trying to remember something, without any idea of what to remember.
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Seeing Lite prepare to fight, Phyxius dropped off the wagon and drew his cutlass and dagger. "You'll not be taking all the action for your self," He said with an excited tone. He told himself these men broke the law and would pay, petty criminals could easily be dispatched by two experienced...
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Quietly Phxius whispered, "The black bottles, they are fragile and meant to be thrown." with his free hamd he griped the reins tightly. He stared at the men again.
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Trying to think of a plan Phyxius played along and asked, "Whats the toll?" Keeping one hand on the hilt of his dagger he went for his coin pouch.
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    (sorry i havent posted, couldnt get my internet connected, wont be a problem now though) Phyxius starred at the men and said,"No one said anything about a toll at the last town." He slowly move his hands to the hilt of his weapons.
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    The Secrets of a Deadly Virus (Info/OOC)

    Sounds like a cool rp but a few questions: 1) Would it be detrimental if i can only log on in the afternoon -around 3:00pm pacific- because I cant get on much at school? and 2) Do I need to write multiple or long paragraphs every post?
  7. G

    Legends of Ithilien

    With looked like a smile, Bult picked up his club and followed Dusk, leaving a small rut as his club dragged on the ground. "You is nice, not like others," He said with a happier tone to his voice.
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    Legends of Ithilien

    Bult looked at the elf with a simple expression on his face and said, "Shaman make me leave. I not kill nice human and elf. They not mean like others." He looked around and felt his stomach growl. "Bult need food but not good hunter. Dose you have food." Bult looked at the elf as a beggar would.
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    Legends of Ithilien

    Bult lumbered along a wooded trail draging his log club behind him. The troll droped his club on the trail and sat on it muttering to himself in a human tongue, "Bult not dumb, shaman dumb." As the troll sat there he heared what he thought was elves or humans.
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    Legends of Ithilien

    ((mind if I join in?))
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Phyxius sighed, "Useful potions and chemicals. Dark bottles are bad, light bottles are good, look at the labels." He looked around and back at the map trying to determine their location. He loosend his grip on the reins and the bull began to charge.
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Phyxius narrowd his eyes at Mioante. "You think I'd let things like that bounce in fragile bottles. Listen and tell me if you hear them. I had that rack secured so the. Bottles wouldn't break for anything less than a tree falling on the wagon." Phyxius looked back ahead and gave a sigh of relief...
  13. G

    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Pulling out his map again Phyxius said, "To shorten my story, I am acting as a courrier while I search for an elven artifact to help my queen retake her throne," He looked to the back of the wagon, "Please be careful of that rack of bottles, It would be very unpleasent if they fell on one of you."
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Seeing the three in the wagon Phyxius loosened the reins and the bull started lumbering, gaining speed as Phyxius commanded. "If I can find the town we'll be there soon. Also, have you seen any elves recently?" Phyxius asked.
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Phyxius rolled the map up. "Aye it would not be goid to leave the little ones, i have plenty of room in the wagon. We should be able to find the road." He turned to the man and gave a salute, "Phyxius" he introduced. Walking back to the wagon he continued,"We'd best get moving soon."
  16. G

    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Looking around Phyxius said, "I remember a doctor at the last town, but I've been lost since I left." He pulled a map from his pack and unrolled it. "I do know that we should be somewhere on this map."
  17. G

    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Phyxius walked to the wounded man and handed him the bottle. "This should help, it'll at least close some cuts"
  18. G

    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Noticing what looks to be a badly wounded man and a pair of kids, Phyxius hurries the bull pulling his wagon. As he gets closer he sees the severity of his wounds and shouts, "You there, do you need help?" Phyxius slides off the wagon and pulls a white bottle from the back of the wagon.
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    The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

    Name: Phyxius Age: 18 Race: Human Appearance: Medium height, slim build, short messy black hair, grey eyes. Carries a dagger and cutlass. Background: After being raised in the Arcane Academy; only learning minor magic, Phyxius was noticed by the Royal Library and became an agent who was...
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    Highschool is Hell

    Name: Gale Age: 17 Personality: Quiet, seceretive, nice, usually bored at school. Description: 5'7", plain face, green eyes,short brown hair, neatly trimmed goatee, wears blue jeans with plaid shirts and an olive drab jacket. Other: Practices archery daily and has a number of projects...