Search results for query: *

  1. The Zombie

    Fantasy Advance of Giants (Attack-On-Titanish, Needs Members)

    Ildin was amongst the first in the camp to wake, though he had to admit it hadn't been entirely by choice. The previous night as everyone made camp a Knight of the Rose had come around to all of the archers seeking volunteers for a small hunting party to go out just before first light and try to...
  2. The Zombie

    Hello RpN

    The gears in my brain are already spinning. I knew joining up here was a good idea.
  3. The Zombie

    Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

    I don't watch a whole lot of anime, but my first was a cousin's VHS copy of Akira. In case the "VHS" part didn't clue you in, this was a long time ago.
  4. The Zombie

    Favorite/Least Favorite Video Games

    Oh god...just one? There are too many for that. Some favorites: -The Legend of Zelda series. The first game on a gold cartridge in the NES was my introduction to videogames as a child. Ocarina of Time is probably my favorite. -Final Fantasy VIII, Suikoden, and Chrono Trigger because they...
  5. The Zombie

    Advance of Giants (Attack-On-Titanish, Needs Members)

    Excellent, and thanks! I've read most of the lore and have a character concept in mind already. I'm thinking of using a Maelnoor who essentially wound up in the Knights in about the same way as Meld, choosing service over rotting in a dungeon somewhere, though how he ended up in the dungeon in...
  6. The Zombie

    Hello RpN

    @Syrena Funny, I got into writing the criminals more than the good guys, too...I just preferred murderers to thieves lol.
  7. The Zombie

    Hello RpN

    Thanks, everyone! @White Masquerade I work night shift, so it's actually a joke with some basis in reality lol. @GOOEY I have trouble summarizing my thoughts IRL, so I guess it's appropriate I forgot to slap a tl;dr on the end of all of that. Also, just as the world needs fry cooks and...
  8. The Zombie

    Advance of Giants (Attack-On-Titanish, Needs Members)

    SirFlabberghaspy, would it be alright if I threw my hat in this ring? I know not everyone is going to be okay with an unproven newbie joining their RP, so I thought I would ask before I went poking my nose in. If nothing else, should things not work out, just let me know, give my character an...
  9. The Zombie

    Hello RpN

    I am The Zombie, but you can call me Zombie, Jere, "hey, you," or whatever else you like. Just don't call me early, that's when I sleep. I've been lurking for a few days reading information and skimming RPs with every intention of joining when I had time to type out a coherent introduction...