Advance of Giants (Attack-On-Titanish, Needs Members)


Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.
Easy Lore Link:


1. I am God here.

2. Do not be a fucktard.

3. Realism, please, I may come out as overpowered only because my character is very experienced in his line of work.

4. At least skim over the Lore.

5. As proof of skimming over the Lore, you will have to tell me something you find interesting about it in the Other section of your CS.

6. Have fun.


Appearance (In and Out of Armor):








Skills / Traits:

Brief History:



(Places left empty will be filled by NPCS)

-Squadron 1 Members-

1: Merrick Kornwahl

2: Varia

3: Ellis Jacklyn

-Squadron 2 Members-

1: Naias Schwartz

2: Ildin Corsala

3: Amelyn Mastotah

-Squadron 3 Members-

1: Archus Gale

2: Aura Aaronsdell


-Squadron 4 Members- (optional)




-Squadron Leaders-

1: Meld Durhim

2: Iriiah Telvanyah


4: (optional)


Most Knights are at least adept in some form of magic. The most common would be any kind of Destruction magic, but you will see the benefits of other kinds of magic within this as well.

-My Character, the Captain and his Friend-




Meld Durhim



Knights of Steel




Half Elf





Skills / Traits:



Strong Willed

Very Respected and Well-Known

Very Intelligent

Master Swordsman

Expert Illusionist

Major Marksman

Brief History:

Meld Durhim grew up in a village within the

Historic Forest, son of an elven barmaid and of a

wanted criminal. His father was executed a few days

after he left Meld when he was one, and his

mother died of sickness. By the age of six, Meld was

one his own, and had to learn how to survive. He

grew up as a thief, criminal, and leader of a

small gang by the age of twenty.

Over a long period of success, Meld Durhim's

gang was put to rest by a band of Historic Knights,

who lured them towards an "important" shipment

and captured them. Since then, Meld exchanged his

rumored skill in fighting for the freedom of his friends

and of himself.

Meld is know a well-known and

respected military Captain, but many do not

know his history, only those who captured him

or were close to him know anything of it.


Meld is a man of action, not of words. He uses his skill

in combat daily, if not hourly, and practices in both expert

swordsmanship and expertise of the Illusion school of magic.

The man is usually quiet, unless speaking to team-mates,

or if he is generally pissed off at someone or something,

in which that someone or something should probably run.

Meld is very logical in his leadership, and very honest as well,

brutally honest. He will point out every flaw you have, and

will shape you into the closest you could be to a perfect soldier.

Meld knows that sacrifices must be made in battle, and he

doesn't deny this, yet he condones pointless deaths.






Merrick Kornwahl

Squadron: 1


Knights of Steel


68 (Half Elf Young Adult)


Half/Elf, (Human + Moon Elf)





Skills / Traits:

Skilled Fighter


Reckless but Quick-Witted

Fast Runner

Rather Intelligent

Good Cook

Master Swordsman

Minor Illusionist

Major Alchemist

Expert Marksman

Brief History:

Merrick Kornwahl grew up in the town of Salemsbaarg within the Historic Forest

with his friend Meld Durhim, an orphan he had met on the street. The two bonded like

brothers, and quickly became friends. Merrick's parents took care of Meld like a son for about

three years, until they themselves died after the Kornwahl family was accused of traitorous

acts against the Crown. Merrick went into hiding with Meld, and the two formed a gang.

However, the gang was quickly put to an end after a good decade of raiding, and Meld was

forced into the Military. Being his friend, Merrick refused to leave him behind,

and the two joined together. Since then, they have both had flying colors,

but Merricks' personality got in the way of him becoming any kind of officer.


Merrick would appear as a rather greedy and selfish man at first glance,

pulling his large cart of valuables across the lands, collecting anything

he could get his hands on. However, Merrick is actually a very nice man,

one who cares about a lot of things, but never tends to show it. He's good

at hiding his feelings, but, at the same time, he's a horrible liar.

Merrick is usually very cocky and warm, but in serious situations,

Merrick is very cold, emotionless, and has a sense of anger about him.

Merrick himself has trust issues, as he has never told anyone about

his past, and often refuses to accept help from others.


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Appearance (In and Out of Armor):


Name: Varia

Squadron: 1

Branch: Knights of the Cloak

Age: 25

Race: Human

Gender: F

Sexuality: Bisexual

Skills / Traits:


Not friendly/Very private

Shadow magic

Good with sword and shield

Skilled marksman

Brief History: Varia doesn't really remember her past. Even if she remember it, she tried to forget it. She never knows her father, and her mother works as a whore who never really sees her as her own child and beats her regularly. One day, Varia decided to fight back. Her mother is her first kill. Used with violence and such, Varia then decided to work as a pay for hire. No one is suspicious of a young orphan girl, somehow. She kept doing her job, making tons of money from her contract, that is until she is forced to join the Knights of Cloak in order to assassinate a man named Meld Durhim. Much to her own surprise, she is having so much fun working as a Knight of Cloak.

Personality: Cold blooded. Tricky, she likes to manipulate people into thinking what she want the person to think and say what she want that person to say. She is a reformed kill for hire, and respected her contract very much. Thought she never really show this side of her to anyone, Varia is actually like children. She would always stop to give money or food to street kids, and help any kid that needed one.

Other: Still in the contact to kill Meld Durhim.
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Appearance (In and Out of Armor):

Name: Naias Schwartz

Former Squadron: The Elites

Squadron: Squadron 2

Branch:The Knights of Steel





Skills / Traits:

Brief History: After years of taking taxing orders,arduous chores,and rigorous training,Naias,finally joined one of the greatest armies the world had seen,The Elite Army of Godfrey, For years he and his new comrades fought and won many great battles together under the man Naias came to admire,Captain Gruuder.

As the years passed Gruuder and Naias became as close as a Captain could get to a subordinate without showing favoritism ,eventually taking on the task of Mentoring and training the young soldier.The results of their bond and training finally paid off after Naias was awarded the position of Lieutenant and again the years passed...

During a certain battle,a certain headstrong Lieutenant,defied orders eager to impress and win favor with his mentor,took to the field with a number of soldiers in attempts to single handedly turn the tides of a losing battle...a costly mistake,the results of that battle cost Naias his entire squadron,one of his arms and the life of Captain Lance Gruuder.

Many years have passed since then,No longer the foolish headstrong boy he was,Schwartz has continued to fight,briging many victories to the Elites,even turning down promotions to remain Lt.Naias Schwartz in honor of his fallen comrades.


Distant,Many beleive Naias to be as cold as his prosthetic arm,though he beleives it to keep from forming ties with others


-Naias' "Arm" was made by a Alchemist/Blacksmith from an echanted stone that shares many of the properties that metal would.Autonomous,He can use it from anything,from simply Putting on a pair of pants to battle.Hard as steel Naias puts his arm to use by attaking in conjecture with his sword or defending and blocking blades or other weapons or using the five razor like fingers to cleave flesh from bone.The figers of his arms can also be used as "Anchors" Each one can function as a projectile contected by wire to attach to rock faces or larger enemies to pull him in closer.

- Since that certain battle even today there are those that hold him with hate and disdain and often call him by his old unwanted title "The Frontline Disaster"
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Iriiah Telvanyah

Squadron: Squad Leader

Knights of the Cloak





Skills / Traits:



Practiced Assassin

Master-level Void and Shadow magic

Gathering Intel



Brief History:

Unlike most Drow, Iriiah was born above ground and has lived above ground for her entire life. Displaying talent for magic and swordplay, Iriiah was marked and watched by the Knights of the Cloak from a young age. An unusual sight for the humans of Historia, where she had been living, Iriiah was quickly approached by the Knights of the Cloak and offered recruitment into the ranks of the Cloak. Having worked as a contract assassin, Iriiah was grateful for the chance to work at something that could be much more interesting than killing the targets of spiteful clients. Already showing an affinity for the work of Knights of the Cloak, Iriiah sped through her training and was given her first assignment: apprehend the gang leader known as Meld Durhim.

Through bribery, blackmail, and threats of death, Iriiah was able to exploit those who knew the gang into revealing information about the gang's whereabouts and hideouts. Slowly working her web into the inner circle of the gang, Iriiah leaked information to the gang about an 'important delivery', one that could make every member of the gang enough money to buy ships to Camelot and have personal castles erected. While the shipment the gang sought turned out to be great boxes of cow dung for farmers, Iriiah's information had not been. Delivering the entirety of the gang to the the Historian Court, Iriiah was given free reign to pursue whatever threats to Historia she deemed worthy for her attention. Originally hunting members of Jeeo, Iriiah was drawn to the Historic Forest where she met fellow Knights of Historia.


Despite having lived above ground and in the presence of humans, Iriiah still goes about life with an attitude one could describe as very 'Drow-like'. Uninterested in the daily lives of anyone that isn't her, her companions, or her targets, Iriiah pursues her goals without rest. Using Void Magic to assist her investigations and infiltrations, Iriiah's actions are often condemned by those who known of them, and sometimes by the more righteous gods.

While she may react negatively to criticism, Iriiah knows much can be learned from both her failures and the failures of others. Instead of directly confronting threats or issues, Iriiah waits, observing, listening, hidden in the shadows while waiting for the most opportune time to make her move.

You know me.


I hope you like the backstory, but I can change it if you'd prefer.
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Me like. Meld and her will certainly have some encounters. Anyways, are you a Squadron Leader or just a member?
Posted my character, i hope you doesn't mind that someone is trying to take your character life :v~
Leading, sending messages back to Headquarters, and in charge of laying out battle plans, tactics, and keeping the group sane in rather insane situations. (See what I did thur, I'm so aweeaseufmsums asijoij3qtgo werhg)
Not just one, TWO assassins!

Although the government wouldn't have it out for Meld anymore, he would have lots of enemies in the Noble houses who could portray themselves as Officials, so it would make sense that he has a contract out for him.

Good luck though, he's the Fantasy-version of Levi.
In fact, whether Varia will still try to kill him or bail out from the contract is a decision that will be taken when we start the IC. So if things are great, Varia will not kill him.
Dx aww dammit. Well, it's kinda funny to think that they would compete about which one could kill the target and claim the reward first
They could also be raging a shadow war, with Varia trying to complete the contract and Iriiah sending people or herself to stop Varia.

Anyway, I gotta get to sleep. It's almost 4 in the morning, and I gotta wake at 6.
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Oh my gods, this looks insane. Like a good insane, the kind of insane I'd very much like to be part of :D

I will definitely make a character for this tomorrow~
SirFlabberghaspy, would it be alright if I threw my hat in this ring? I know not everyone is going to be okay with an unproven newbie joining their RP, so I thought I would ask before I went poking my nose in. If nothing else, should things not work out, just let me know, give my character an epic, bloody death, and I'll go on about my business with no hard feelings. Either way, I love the work you've put into the lore and world building behind this, so I will definitely be following along, it'd just be more fun to be taking part.
@The Zombie

Actually, I really love new members. Go ahead and join, we were all newbies once anyway, I'm sure you will get used to RPN soon enough anyways. I've been a member since January 2014, this is just a different account, and I barely feel any different since March, when I really got used to the site. All you need are good friends and a good RP to start off with.


The kind of music I will be listening too while I write up posts for IC when the RP starts.

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