Advance of Giants (Attack-On-Titanish, Needs Members)

So i'm making a character sheet, but I'm wondering if I have to use a picture of someone from AOT as my out-of-armour? It wasn't said anywhere, but I've noticed most people using them so far ^.^
Excellent, and thanks! I've read most of the lore and have a character concept in mind already. I'm thinking of using a Maelnoor who essentially wound up in the Knights in about the same way as Meld, choosing service over rotting in a dungeon somewhere, though how he ended up in the dungeon in the first place will obviously be different. If you have any more details on the Maelnoor that aren't in the big book of lore, I'd love to hear them.

I wrote the character up as a Knight of the Cloak because I felt like that was the branch his skills would make him most suited for. However, I realize they are suppose to be the smallest of the branches, and we already have two members, so if you read the sheet and still feel like he should be elsewhere let me know and I will be happy to edit his history and stuff to move him over to the Knights of Steel. Also, I put him in Squad 2 because I figured with him being a bit of a "problem child" he'd be placed under a senior member of the Cloak, but feel free to place him wherever you like if you want him elsewhere. Just let me know if anything else needs changing to make him fit.


Appearance (In and Out of Armor):


Ugh, forgot to edit the ears to make them look human, but I don't have time right now...just imagine they're human ears for now.


Name: Ildin Corsala

Squadron: 2

Branch: Knights of the Cloak

Age: 23

Race: Maelnoor

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Skilled Acrobat

Expert Lockpick

Novice Level Pyromancy

Intermediate Level Umbraflectere

Expert Marksman

*Absolute rubbish in hand-to-hand combat (in fact, he barely passed training to become a Knight of Historia due to his low skill in this area)

Brief History:

Born in Akar's Den, Ildin grew up surrounded by thieves and murderers. His father, whom Ildin rarely ever saw, was Varook Corsala, second mate and eventual captain of The Dragon's Flame, a lesser known but still somewhat successful pirate ship. His mother was Yara Corsala, a former thief who settled down and became a bar maid in order to raise her son, as she felt it was a duty to her people to try to ensure their lineage. When he was eight his mother became pregnant with his younger brother and no longer felt safe working in the rowdy tavern. In order to pass the time she began teaching Ildin the skills of her former trade and the myths of the Maelnoor people.

The boy proved a quick study, and by the time his brother Leando was born it had become a joke among the more jovial denizens of Akar's Den that there wasn't a door in The Den that Ildin hadn't picked his way into and been chased back out of. One night he happened to pick his way through a door that lead to the home of Lirian, an Elf who was rumored to have been a Ranger that fled to Akar's Den to avoid a false warrant issued by a jealous noble. The young Maelnoor found a beautiful bow in the home, and became so enamored with it that he did not hear the Elf walk up behind him. Rather than grow angry with the child, Lirian decided to teach him, as punishment for entering his home uninvited. The tutelage of Lirian did prove quite punishing, but Ildin suffered through in the hopes of one day owning a bow like the Elf's.

At the age of seventeen Ildin had accumulated many skills and even ran with a small gang of thieves for a while, but he was beginning to grow restless. “Wanderlust,” his mother called it, and encouraged him to go out and explore the world, and so he did, eventually gaining passage to Historia on board his father's ship. Once there he immediately set out to make a name for himself among the shadier circles of Historians. It wasn't long before he made a mistake, targeting a house belonging to a close friend of one of Historia's nobles. The noble in question put a large part of his resources into tracking down the thief and seeing him clapped in irons. After only a few months of nearly starving in a dungeon Ildin chose to plead for mercy. His mother had instilled in him the belief that it was a sacred duty for him to help the Maelnoor people carry on and once again thrive, but he could not do that sitting in a cell, so he took the one option he could think of; he would join the Knights of Historia if granted freedom. The noble who had had him placed there felt that any death he found with the Knights would be far more painful than simply wasting away in prison, and so gave his blessing.

Ildin was trained and placed among the Knights of the Cloak due to his skills. It was made clear from the start, however, that though he technically outranked many other knights if it was found out he had attempted to issue orders to any knight who had been in service longer than him he would not enjoy the consequences.


Ildin is cocky, loud, and fancies himself the “comic relief” of his Squadron. These characteristics occasionally earn him the ire of his superiors, but it is more often his fellow rank-and-file knights who end up having to administer a good smack to the head. Despite this he is excellently suited to the role of a stealthy infiltrator as many years of burglarizing homes while the owners were inside have taught him the lessons of light feet, nimble fingers, open eyes, and closed lips. He secretly harbors a feeling of deep connection to his people and their history, and hopes to one day see them return to their former numbers and glory. Due to this he also harbors a grudge against the entire race of Orcs.


-Ildin carries an Uru'bakrah bow. He claims to have taken it from an Orc after killing him, but in truth he bought it from a black market trader because it was the closest thing in quality to the Elven bow he so covets. Due to the bow being balanced for a larger handed and more heavily muscled being, Ildin has hung several small trinkets from the bow to correct the balance for his use. Among them is a likeness of Sithis carved from dark stone, and a wooden talisman of Meerkesh, a minor god his mother claimed to be the patron god of the Maelnoor.

-He also carries a small brace of throwing knives, a curved short sword, and a dagger.
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Me like. Adding him to Squad 2's Roster now. I'll detail some of the newer races later.

@KaiaWolf Also, yes, you can use any pic you want, just used one from AoT because I like the art-style.

In Armour:


Out of Armour:


Name: Ellis Jacklyn

Squadron: 1

Branch: Knights of Steel

Age: 23

Race: Human (Northern)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Skills / Traits:

-Hand to hand

-level headed


-Quick thinking


-Sticks to her own ideals over others'

Brief History:

Born and raised in a small northern town, Ellis never grasped the more feminine things in life. Her mother tried desperately to teach her womanly skills and other things, but as soon as the gruelling lesson was done she was long gone, off to wrestle with the young boys or help in the fields.

As she grew up, and started to actually think about a feasible future, Ellis grasped onto the idea of the Knights of Historia. She'd only heard about them, never seen them, but the option sounded miles above the others, so that's what she did. Over the next couple years, she trained herself up and achieved status as a Knight of Steel, enjoying it more and more along the way.


(Sorry if the history's a little awkwardly written or too short. I have trouble making up this kind of backstory for characters, for some reason. Just let me know if something should change ^.^)

Personality: Ellis is a serious young girl, always trying to do the responsible thing and not get into trouble. She's smart, and sharp-tongued, and easily prepared to stand up to people, whether they're stronger, older, or of higher rank than herself. If she thinks they're wrong, she will challenge them

Unfortunately, this has gotten her into quite a bit of trouble, as she sticks highly to her own moral code. Not following orders is a dangerous thing, but Ellis really tries to learn and understand the reasons behind certain decisions. She's a stubborn creature, and though she'd never say it out loud, is nervous about taking another's life if situation demands it.

Other: Very curious about the different magic styles, Sanguistractus and Umbraflectere especially.



Name: Amelyn Mastotah

Squadron: 2

Branch: Knights of the Rose

Age: 32

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skills / Traits:

Trash Talking

Defensive Combat

Skilled Sword/Shield fighter

Healing/Augmentative magic

Short tempered


Brief History:

Born into a military family living in Garador, Amelyn was taught to wield sword and shield instead of pursuits that were considered more 'womanly'. With an excellency in combat and recommendations from her parents, Amelyn was a full fledged member of the Knights of the Rose the same day as her eighteenth birthday. Fighting in numerous conflicts on Historian land, Amelyn was also a part of a small regiment of the Knights of the Rose that was shipped out to help in the battle of the Uthgardian Valley. Since that event, Amelyn has remained in Historia, training herself and other Historian Knights in the event there was a dragon attack.


Rarely seen without her armor on, and never seen without her shield and sword, Amelyn is never hesitant to take up arms. Her knowledge past that of the magic and combat tactics she uses is limited, but she will quickly reach to insults with a swift punch in the face.


Her shield -

Amelyn is respectful to all the major gods of the pantheon, but she ultimately regards Herrin above all. The idea of a mortal ascending into godhood is captivating to her, and she will always say a prayer to Herrin before battle, no matter the situation.
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I like the Herrin part. :3 Me like.




Archus Gale (Archy)




Knights of Steel




Half Elf





Skills / Traits:

Skilled Navigator

Skilled Sailor

Expert Alchemist

Expert Tactician

Skilled Swordsman

Skilled Marksman


Brief History:

Archy grew up in a big city, Parthun, a port city, known for it's large amount of crime. Well, after all, it was located on Bandit Island, where most of the world's outlaws reside anyways. Archy had to grow up a thief because of his early orphaned state, and was a skilled one at that. He later joined a pirate crew, and managed to escape after being abused for a few years. He found himself on Historic ground, and was suddenly back to thieving again. However, a man named Meld Durhim caught him, and offered him a place in the military, or a place in prison. Archy happily accepted the first option, and it seemed rather fateful that he would end up on a mission with his former captor, when in all reality he isn't sure why he was picked in the first place.


Archy is very cocky, the funny guy, you might say, and knows how to make a lady laugh. He is clever, intelligent, and still very youthful, having a rather innocent aura about him, one that is somewhat soothing. Archy, however, can be serious when he has to be, but isn't one to not try and lighten the mood in times of stress. Archy is happy doing what he's good at, and that is usually navigating or sailing. Thankfully, Historia is full of rivers that would make Archy useful during the mission.







E'landor Faelarah, "The White Knight of Historia"




Royal Guard, Former Elven Prince




Wood Elf / High Elf





Skills / Traits:

Expert Marksman

Expert Swordsman

Expert Mage

Skilled Tactician

Skilled Thief


Being an asshole

Brief History:

E'landor is shrouded in mystery, some say he is the descendant of the Elven King of Historia, another says he is a mercenary, working for the government when confidential business is involved. However, the truth is, E'landor is simply a noble's son from the Elven lands, and was sent to become a Royal Guard of Historia to improve relations. Because of his childhood training as an Elven Prince, he has the skill of a Knight of the Cloak, and the mind of an archmage. E'landor made the perfect Royal Guard, and serves the Royal Houses and Thrones to their every word, making a good example for his father's kingdom. E'landor was suddenly sent to overview a mission, and intervene if necessary. While the Knights kill the beasts, E'landor would study them.


E'landor is an expressionless husk most of the time, but when you get him to talk, he can be rather rude. In a rather quick summary, E'landor would be best described as a badass asshole. He himself is skilled, but is no where close to any kind of social security. He never had friends, so he doesn't know how to treat others who consider him one. He doesn't truly understand love, and has never felt it in his life. E'landor is like a robot, not merfolk, but mechanized, forced to obey the command of the Royal Houses and Thrones, doing it for the sake of a master he doesn't even remember anymore.






Aura Aaronsdell, "Pot Knight"




Knights of the Rose




Half Human Half Shifter





Skills / Traits:

Master Swordsman

Master Cook

Expert Priest

Average Marksman

Professional Tactician


Extremely fast

Brief History:

Aura Aaronsdell was born in the Mithraal Mountains to a middle-class family and lived a rather normal life until her father's business started tumbling down when a rival arrived and settled in town as well. She knew she had to secure some kind of respect for her family, or they would be dirt poor. So, to get her family a name for itself, she signed up for the Knights of Historia, disappearing without a word to her family. Rumor has it that they're one of the top businesses in the Mithraal Mountains now, and will await until their daughter returns home. Since her joining of the Knights, she has been rather prestige, a natural at most things. She took a liking to light magic the most, including swordsmanship, and was well-known throughout the knights for her cooking, which she demonstrated when she made food for her fellow students every day. Aura later graduated to become a Knight of the Rose, and was called into this mission for her array of skills.


Aura is usually seen as steadfast, stubborn, and mother-like. However, she can become very warm and gentle around those she comes to adore as friends, and is very sensitive about their condition, still retaining the mother-like trait about her. She is hard-working, but not too hard-working, as she can procrastinate on cooking rather easily. Aura personally worships the gods Arkay and Sithis, combining their powers to be overall effective in battle and out.



I like these characters people have been posting...

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