Hello RpN

The Zombie

New Member
I am The Zombie, but you can call me Zombie, Jere, "hey, you," or whatever else you like. Just don't call me early, that's when I sleep. I've been lurking for a few days reading information and skimming RPs with every intention of joining when I had time to type out a coherent introduction thread, but one RP really caught my attentiom today and I decided to go ahead and join the site in the hopes that the owner/creator (whatever the correct term is) will allow me to take part.

Now for some actual details. Brace yourself; this might be a long one...

As for the man behind the curtain: no clue if my birthday shows on my account as I haven't fiddled with preferances yet, but I am in my mid-twenties, I have a daughter who means the world to me, and I have a full time job that I hate. Though, at this point I should classify it as an over-time-or-no-time job. I have a rather extensive list of hobbies, but the main ones can be summed up as gaming, music, and the written word.

In gaming I enjoy both tabletop board, card, and dice games and video games. On the table I will try anything you put in front of me, but I really enjoy games that pit the players as a team against the board like Arkham Horror and Pandemic. I've also been getting into Netrunner lately. On the screen I will play pretty much anything except sports or rhythm/dance games. I am primarily a conaole peaset (sorry, just prefer the relative simplicity), but I will occasionally sneak into the PC camp to play RTS. There is just too much going on during a Zerg Rush to consider a controller an acceptable input.

I honestly am just in love with music. I will give any genre a try, and my collection looks like it's shared by a dozen people or more. The only genres I can't seem to get into are J Pop and K Pop. They're just too "bubblegum" for me. Lest you think I am simply a consumer I also play guitar, bass, and piano. I am hoping to also learn viola or cello, but those will have to wait until I can afford lessons with one of the few instructors in my area that loan out student instruments. I can't afford to buy one of those without knowing if I will actually be able to play them.

Written word is much simpler; I enjoy reading and writing. Which leads me to the part you all actually want to hear about; RP experience.

I have been RPing since my sophmore year of high school. Mostly by-post, but I have done some by-email as well. I have done various fandoms, fantasy, modern/realistic (including one crime noire type thing that was a lot of fun), future/sci-fi, and one that..well, I suspect the creator was under the influence of some seriously mind altering stuff when he came up with the concept. I haven't written for an RP in about a year, however, as I got a bit burnt out being stuck in single setting forums all the time, which is a big part of what drew me to RpN; the variety.

As for preferances;

I don't really have a preferred genre, but fantasy and sci-fi (especially post apocalypse and cyberpunk) catch my interest the easiest.

I prefer RPs with more detailed posting. I am a "wall of text" writer if given enough things to react to. In fact one of my favorite people to RP with and I have a running joke about the two of is secretly competing for post/reply length. She currently holds the record at just over four pages in a Word document (granted, we do know one another well enough to be comfortable puppeteering one anothers characters a bit). That said, I am fine with shorter post lengths, so long as I am given something to react to.

I also only write hetero or non-sexual male characters. I have tried my hand at writing other genders and sexualities, but I didn't feel like I wrote them believably, so now I leave those characters to people who can write them well.

Now, I apologize if this was longwinded or seemed disorganized and scatterbrained; I wrote much of it between handling my various duties at work (night shift). Anyway, glad to be here, looking forward to writing with you, and thanks for reading.
Rofl. Don't call me early because that's when I sleep? (> :D )

What the..lol.

I'll give you a proper intro as soon as I'm on a real computer =p

Here is the Cliffnotes: Welcome to RpN!
Zombie, Where is the "tl;dr"?!

Seriously though glad to have you on bored. We're always glad to have experienced role-players on hand. Although I'm not sure
I can forgive you for choosing console peasantry over the master race, but I'll do my best to not eviscerate you every time we pass in the halls.

Joking aside, here is a link to more links and some information about everything you need to know about RpN:

If you have any questions beyond what is in there, well too bad, because you ain't getting answers! I mean, you could probably bribe me with a cookie; and I'm sure one of these mods or admins who are supposed to help you out just might do that.

I hope you enjoy your stay here at RpN International, and if you need any extra pillows, sheets or toiletries, feel free to let the receptionist at the front desk know.


The roleplays with crime noire (or crime noire-esque) settings/themes are always my favorite. Unfortunately, I never seem to find very many. And, when I do stumble across one once in a blue moon, the roleplay is already full or too far along to reasonably catch up with.

Alas! Such is life.

I also think its hysterical that there is a (secret) competition to see who could get the longer post length. Though, I shouldn’t say anything. I’ve done that, too. Not long term. I write too slow for that. But every once in a while I’d get a hit of inspiration and run off with it and develop some rather longer posts.

Anyway. Welcome to the forum! I hope to see you around. ^.^
Thanks, everyone!

@White Masquerade I work night shift, so it's actually a joke with some basis in reality lol.

@GOOEY I have trouble summarizing my thoughts IRL, so I guess it's appropriate I forgot to slap a tl;dr on the end of all of that. Also, just as the world needs fry cooks and manual laborers, so too does the world of gaming need people to impatient to deal with PC to continue supporting Microsoft and Sony. Perhaps one day I will have fast enough internet to deal with the all-digital world of PCs and then all my other hangups with gaming on them will seem small and pointless and I will pull myself up from this gutter full of shiny plastic boxes and wireless controllers to join the master race. Until then, though...

@Syrena They do seem pretty rare. I grew up watching old detective movies with my grandfather, so the one that I did find was a lot of fun for me. Perhaps once I've been here a while and gotten settled in I'll have to make one myself and invite you.
@The Zombie I didn't watch many old detective movies, but the bits and pieces I saw always captivated me. Something about them just calls to me... And I love reading mysteries that have those elements. Of course, lately, I've gotten into the criminal part. Mostly with thieves. I just can't resist. If you do settle in and create one, please let me know! ^.^
@The Zombie Oh my gosh! I love it. lol. I don't know what it is about the criminals that is so resistible. Though, sometimes the murderers scare me. The really gruesome ones. Still. The preference for criminals... It's like a fly buzzing into a light. But, I also like the corrupt detectives too. Sometimes.
It seems we have a party then if this comes to light. I enjoy writing as cutthroat cops. (^.^)

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