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  1. floppyDisc

    Other Other languages you're learning/know?

    For japanese, I just use jisho (the dictionary for new words + their grammar guide). The rest is just "exposing myself to the language", like watching anime or reading fanfiction in pixiv. It's not that good of a method, but it worked with english, so I just go along with it
  2. floppyDisc

    Other Other languages you're learning/know?

    Idk why its "japanese" and "chinese" pronunciation, but that's how it's explained everywhere Under Jisho and other resources, they're called "onyomi" and "kunyomi" (i don't remember which one is which). You'll know what pronunciation is the japanese or the chinese one because the former is...
  3. floppyDisc

    Other Other languages you're learning/know?

    From what I know, it's because kanji tend to have 2 main pronunciations: the japanese one and the chinese one. When the kanji is alone, you pronunce it with the japanese word, but when combined with other kanji, they all take after the chinese pronunciation. I'm on my phone, so I won't add any...
  4. floppyDisc

    Other Other languages you're learning/know?

    Indeed. I'm still amazed at how much nonesense one has to deal while writing in english. However, spanish it's not free of sin. It may have a somewhat logical writing system, but the grammar.... oh boy And then there is japanese
  5. floppyDisc

    Other Other languages you're learning/know?

    Native spanish speaker. Learned english a few years back thanks to the internet and its memes. I'm still learning it, because I like rp'ing in english and I feel bad whenever I play with someone that actually knows how to write Also learning japanese because.... well, we all know why. I'm stuck...
  6. floppyDisc

    Other || Witches, Cute Familiars, Magic & Teenage Girls? ||

    Did you draw the familiars? They're beyond adorable! If you didn't, I humbly offer myself to help with the costumes or any other needed art. In any case, a magic girl rp is something I've been craving for a while, so I'd be happy to participate if posible
  7. floppyDisc

    Fandom Major League Gaming Heroes: Crossover

    Game Universe: Persona 5 Name: Yusuke Kitagawa, codename Fox Gender: Male Age: 17 Race: Human Class: Magic Swordsman Appearance: Equipment: Katana Replica AR Fighting Style: As a member of the Phantom Thieves, he'll try to sneak around and wait for enemies to pass him unnoticed, avoiding...
  8. floppyDisc

    Biggest Insecurity While RP-ing?

    I'm not a native english speaker, so my insecurities always lie on whenever I'm explaining myself well enough. Description in general is my main weakness, and it really shows on my character sheets, with "personality" and "backstory" taking the biggest hits.
  9. floppyDisc

    Fandom Video Game RP - Poll included (OC or Canon, Arena or Adventure)

    This sounds pretty cool! Though I'd be more interested in rping a canon character, I wouldn't mind going with an oc
  10. floppyDisc

    Fantasy Magirose Hybrid Academy [interest check]

    sounds fun then! Count me in
  11. floppyDisc

    Fantasy Magirose Hybrid Academy [interest check]

    I second this. I'm interested, but before deciding I'd rather know a little more
  12. floppyDisc

    Fandom Pokemon: The Frontier (Advanced)

    this looks incredible and I'd love to join, is there a slot left? Also, I can't send pm's yet, would that be an issue?
  13. floppyDisc

    Fandom (CLOSED.) Tear in the Multiverses: Adventure Awaits Edition

    @Neko of the North no its fine! im already in the discord. thank you
  14. floppyDisc

    Fandom Enter the Hallownest!

    Hollow Knight is one of my fav games! I added you on Discord