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Fantasy Magirose Hybrid Academy [interest check]


~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
[div class=Background][div class=Body][div class=Image][/div][div class=Text][div class=Title]Welcome to Magirose Hybrid Academy! [/div][div class=Divide][/div]


we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Magirose Hybrid Academy!

you have been accepted here because you are a hybrid of an animal and human, given this you must learn to hone your skills and senses as well as recieve a normal education!
school will begin soon! we hope you will attend!

~ Headmaster Fredricks

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Huh... Simple premise. I like it. Ive already got a few ideas for characters. Do you have a restriction on what we can hybrid with or is it open game?
im pretty lax on post length but one-liners are irritating for me, as for activity, Im aiming for atleast once a day unless of course life gets in the way, rp is a hobby not a chore ;)
thats fine, i just ment the main forum where we would rp is up now, basically up top there is link that says characters, click it, copy and paste the template and fill it out on that character forum

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