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Fandom Major League Gaming Heroes: Crossover


Five Thousand Club
Game Universe:
Class: (Think of something that describes them in one word. Fighter, Aegis, Mage, Sniper, Etc)

Appearance: (Picture or Description or hybrid is okay)

Equipment: (Picture or Description or hybrid is okay)

Fighting Style:


Game Universe: Metal Gear
Name: Sniper Wolf
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: (Vanguard) Sniper

Appearance: 39cb913e0f1f55de0e404e7923e636e0-700.jpg

Equipment: She used the Semi-automatic PSG-1 Chambered in 7.62NATO and had a Colt 1911 as a sidearm

Fighting Style:Long ranged sniper

Sniper Wolf was a highly skilled sharpshooter, capable of waiting for her targets for days, even weeks, without eating or moving. She typically formed an emotional connection with her targets before killing them. Her favoured weapon was the Heckler & Koch PSG1, and she used mercury bullets to poison the victims. She was addicted to diazepam, a drug that relieves anxiety and stops muscle spasms, which she used to enhance her accuracy. She didn't kill for sport, and she did not like harming women and children. She was also a dog lover. She spared the wolf dogs on Shadow Moses, and fed them, sometimes even allowing Otacon to feed the dogs as well while the latter was a prisoner.

Sniper Wolf was born in Iraqi Kurdistan sometime after the Second Kurdish-Iraqi War. She was constantly being hunted and always had to move from one shelter to another on a regular basis, hiding from the Iraqi regime. When she would wake up from sleep, she would often find one of her friends or family dead beside her and prayed that she would make it through each day. The international community did nothing to help her or stop the fighting, which made her hate the political world.
Wolf was rescued from her harsh upbringing by Big Boss, who raised her as a soldier. She eventually came to look up to Big Boss, whom she called "Saladin." Wolf also trained under the Gurkhas of Nepal, regarded as the world's finest marksmen. Specializing as a lone sniper, she felt that she could watch and wait, and see the war from the outside rather than from the inside. After the presumed death of Big Boss, Wolf was later recruited into FOXHOUND, to get her revenge on the world.
Game Universe: Persona 5
Name: Yusuke Kitagawa, codename Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Human
Class: Magic Swordsman



Replica AR

Fighting Style: As a member of the Phantom Thieves, he'll try to sneak around and wait for enemies to pass him unnoticed, avoiding fights if possible. If combat is unavoidable (or beneficial in some way), he'll fight his enemies with a mix between ice magic, fencing, or long-range with his gun, depending on which serves the situation better, that is to say, which one is more stylish.

Personality: A mad artist who follows true beauty, Yusuke will do anything for his art's sake. He doesn't understand people that much, and tends to be too honest with his feelings and opinions, but his intentions are very pure.

History: His mother used to be a great artist under Madarame's tutelage, but she died from an untreated seizure when Yusuke was 3 years old. Madarame adopted him and raised him as an artist too, but as time went on, his master became colder and colder with his pupils, eventually abusing them and plagiarizing their work for his own gain. With time most of his pupils left, but Yusuke stood by the man he owed his life to, even if he knew the situation wasn't right.

The Phantom Thieves eventually targeted Madarame, and they did so by using Yusuke's connection with him. When they uncovered one of his mentor's many misdeeds, Yusuke accidentally followed them to Madarame's mental palace, where he awakened to his persona by witnessing the true face of his mentor. After that, he could no longer ignore his crimes, so he joined the Phantom Thieves and helped them bring down Madarame by changing his heart and making him confess.

He later continued working with the Phantom Thieves and helping them in their many heists.
Game universe: Tom Clancy's EndWar

Name: Leon Piekos

Gender: Male

Age: 39 years

Race: Human

Class: Rifleman (its actual unit class from the game, it characterizes troopers specializing in fighting infantry)

(note: not actual appearance, my character does not use shield and gun modifications are not reflected, its the closest one I can find)


-- E3000
(note: not actual gun appearance, does not reflect present modifications)


Highly advanced bullpup assault rifle, praised for its high rate of fire and stopping power. Bullpup design makes the gun compact, easy to use in confined spaces. Standard issue weapon for European Federation Enforcer Corps kommandos and grenadiers. E3000 weighs 3.44 kg (7.6 lb) and fires 7mm NATO cartridge. Rifle is often modified by komandos who wield it. This particular gun comes with low power scope (although this is standard), canted iron sights and grenade launcher mounted under barrel. Leon does carry around a supressor for use in his rifle, but its not always in use.



9mm pistol, used as a sidearm. Not much to say about it, its a decent pistol, although old design, it still retains high usefulness on the battlefield. For this weapon too Leon has a supressor, but its hidden in his pocket most of the time.

--Combat knife

Generic combat knife, you can buy it in pretty much any military gear store you stumble upon. Given to every single soldier in all armies around the world in various forms.

--Interceptor armour

Combat armour used by European Federation Enforcer Corps. Mixture of flexible kevlar gear with more protective heavy plating. Mostly bulletproof, does provide some protetion against cutting weapons, although works best against piercing or blunt force.

--Active camouflage

Stealth systems employed by EFEC kommandos and American JSF ghosts. This equipment can mask the wearer, making him undetectable by most common means. This isn't flawless however, as camouflage isn't perfect and can be detected by specialistic systems. Sadly, these means can be carried around under soldiers helmet. For some reason though, nobody thought to install those on helicopters or combat vehicles.

--Tactical display

Incorporated into Leon's helmet, EFEC tactical display has many functions. Its primary function is to display battlefield info, highlight positions of landmines as well as similar traps and protect against effects of weather and intense light. This is paired with several other devices installed into kommando's helmet, including small flashlight to light up dark rooms, camera to monitor his movement's from HQ, target spotter for artillery and stealth detector (look above).


A bunch of grenades, can be thrown by hand or launched from special weapon attachment. Nothing fancy, just frag greandes, some flashbangs and multiple colorul smoke grenades for signalling friendly units, as well as confusing the enemy.

--Gas mask

Included in the helmet as seen on image, includes communications equipment. Not much to say here.

Fighting style: For fairly obvious reasons, Leon prefers to keep his range, gunning down the enemies with his rifle. When up close, he still prefers using the assault rifle. After all, bullets are just as devastating when fired from two centimeters away, as when fired from hundred metres away. Pistol and knife are mostly used as a backup weapon, when E3000 runs out of ammo. Double commando training gives him a considerable edge while fighting most ordinary enemies.

Personality: Leon has developed a rather interesting personality while serving in EFEC. He might seem friendly at first, but is always suspicious of people until they really gain his trust. When it comes to matters of duty, he is unrelenting, and often will put his obligations to Federation above other people. Along the course of his life, Leon has developed an attitude of judging others by technology and equipment they carry. That means he is more likely to get along with people using modern or future gear, while those with highly outdated or just badly designed will have a harder time getting Leon on their side.

History: Born in Cracow, Poland, Leon had an interest in military since he was young. After finishing school, he managed to enlist in the Polish army, and after some time, join JW GROM, elite unit of Polish commandos. Just after Leon finished basic training for GROM operative, news arrived that European Federation was formed. This new superstate, encompassing majority of Europe (excluding UK, Belarus, Switzerland and Russia for obvious reasons, as well as large part of Balkans for less obvious reasons) established joint military for all the member states. In this military, there was European Federation Enforcer Corps, special forces unit including best of the best commandos from all nations. And as GROM was seen as one of top commando teams in the entire world, its natural that most of its members got to join EFEC too. That is how Leon ended up with two special forces trainings, one from JW GROM focusing on general military and antiterrorist operations, as well as primary EFEC training, specialization in counterterrorism operations, electronic warfare (includes hacking, important to note), urban combat, battle tactics and operating vehicles. When World War 3 broke out, former GROM units, including Leon, were among the most effective while combating Spetsnaz and JSF.

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