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  1. DeathweaponStar

    My Little Pony: Equestria World [Inactive]

    Apple Jack headed into town from her home on Apple Acers. Her bags loaded with apples to sell at the stand that day. She happily trotted over to her apple stand and got to work setting up her cash of apples while humming a little tune to herself. She stepped back from the stand after some time...
  2. DeathweaponStar

    My Little Pony: Equestria World

    same here
  3. DeathweaponStar

    My Little Pony: Equestria World

    Name: AppleJack Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea469690_2014-01-1717.19.44.jpg.a6e5d83e2a80e3bb819ce2b42b484c91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12172"...
  4. DeathweaponStar

    My Little Pony: Equestria World

    hey could you reserve applejack?i would love to be her for your rp
  5. DeathweaponStar

    gonna be gone for the weekend ill be back afternoon sunday

    gonna be gone for the weekend ill be back afternoon sunday
  6. DeathweaponStar

    good you?

    good you?
  7. DeathweaponStar


  8. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Sparkle tried to hide her blush but with her short mane it was ineffective. She hoped it wasn't to noticeable. No one had ever done that and she wasn't sure how to deal with it but for some reason it made her feel all happy inside. "I'm glad you are okay too.." she forced herself to say. It was...
  9. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Inside Sparkle was yelling at herself for not stepping up like angelic to stop the fight. Wasn't she always saying how she didn't let her friends be messed with? Why hadn't she acted.... suddenly as Angelic bro-hoofed her she realized she had been more worried that Angelic would be left open and...
  10. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    "so... what just happened? Who was that jerk?" Sparkle asked glaring off through the trees in the direction Heart had flow.
  11. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Sparkle flew over and offered a bro-hoof to angelic. "who would have thought you could send him all that way!"
  12. DeathweaponStar

    Tempting as Blood

    "Some organization?" he wondered what they had wanted with her. "And you helped her? Thank you. I don't see any wounds though.. where were you hurt?" He continued looking the man over trying to find where he was hurt. "I am glad your okay Haku."
  13. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Sparkle looked over at Angelic and was amazed at the power that had come from her voice. The two had split apart so fast Sparkle almost didn't see it. Angelic had grown and learned so much in the time they had last met and it now was clear both of them had grown more then she. that was at least...
  14. DeathweaponStar

    Tempting as Blood

    Haku had relized the truth... what had happened though, it was still unclear. "Usually people introduce themselves first before asking of someone else. I am Yori Hayashi and i go to school with Haku. We had been talking when she suddenly took off. I was worried something was wrong and then i...
  15. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Sparkle's eyes widened. Angelic really must be scared to want to go swimming when just minuets ago she hadn't. She nodded still unsure. Sparklfly glanced back at the two stallions knowing something was about to happen between the two. Sparkle stood right by Angelic's side with tentative steps...
  16. DeathweaponStar

    Tempting as Blood

    He took a deep breath and ran over to her. "Haku, are you alright? What happened? There was blood... i was worried you got hurt."
  17. DeathweaponStar

    Tempting as Blood

    Yori turned the corner and the smell grew stronger. He overheard her question and froze. She was a vampire? Had his senses grown so week that he didn't notice, was that why he could barely smell her back at the school?
  18. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    She was starting to like this pony less and less. She glared after Heart and Golden. Running over to Angelic, Sparkle asked. "Are you okay?"
  19. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Sparklefly ran over at the sound of Angelic's scared whimper. she was no longer concerned about her wet coat. "Leave my friend alone." she said with a note of anger. Sparkle can not stand when other ponies upset her friends. This anger brought her back to the confident side of herself.
  20. DeathweaponStar

    sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

    Sparklefly blinked a few times and followed golden out. He seemed so nice this Heart Stealer even though his name and golden's reaction didn't show that at all. Sparkle was dripping with water from the lake. She shook a little trying to get it off. Who was this stallion that got Golden so worked...