Tempting as Blood

Tae jumped back. "This isn't good. We are up against a true monster. Hikari is gonna need its top dogs." Tae went back until she managed to reach the window she entered in. She slashed at Ender to fend him back long enough for her to slip out the window. Outside waited another member. A sickly looking boy who's only talent was healing. He helped Tae to escape.

Haku kept her face buried in her lap as more blood wafted over her. what's going on. I cant stand it. it is so strong!
Ender was about to give a chase, but he stopped when he realized that Haku might her curious. So he looked more beat-up, he scratched his arm hard and long, giving the appearance of a knife and hit himself in the face a few times. That should do it. Ender made himself look back to a normal person. He then washed the blood off his hands. He limped to the entrance of the tunnels, lowering himself down. "Haku?" He asked, 'shakily', sounding worn out from battle. "A-are you okay? They won't attack anymore.."
Haku looked up quickly her eyes wide with fear. All she could smell all she could register was blood. Despite that she nodded. "Are you ok?" she managed to squeak out her eyes not changing and she didn't move.
(SO SORRY!!!!) Yori saw the tears starting to form in the young girl's eyes and was about to reach out to comfort her as she ran down the hall. Yori looked down. He had not been fast enough to help her. He stared after her wondering why she had so suddenly become upset. Had it been something he did?

The thought of someone being that unhappy made him run after her down the hallway. He searched the crowd of people but couldn't find her so he kept on running on and on. He would find her, something was now telling him that he needed to hurry so blocking out all other smells he searched for the faint one of Haku. and followed it.
Haku turned slightly the only movement. "Im fine. But you...... what happened exactly." She touched the cut down Ender's arm and part of it healed. She jerked back her hand. "What was....why did I...."
As he left the school a new smell crashed into him. there was blood. someone had been injured. he ran after the smell of blood which he hoped wouldn't lead to Haku. He didn't want to see her get hurt.
Haku touched another one of Ender's wounds. It healed as well. "I-is this n--normal for a vampire I mean?" She asked Ender.
Yori turned the corner and the smell grew stronger. He overheard her question and froze. She was a vampire? Had his senses grown so week that he didn't notice, was that why he could barely smell her back at the school?
Haku calmed a little. "Who knew such a spell existed to make me temporarily human." she sighed. "my memory's still foggy. I barely even remember living in the castle."
He took a deep breath and ran over to her. "Haku, are you alright? What happened? There was blood... i was worried you got hurt."
Haku nodded. Her eyes could see it. He too........Was a vampire...... "Y-your they guy from before......I saw such sadness in your soul......but your also a vampire....." her eyes where wide. Before she had no clue. None at all.. now she could tell. All of this was strange still these powers
Endear tensed. When did this guy show up?! He would ruin their his plans! He's a vampire too.. Well I can't let him get in the way! "Who are you?" Ender asked warily, feigning protectiveness over Haku. "Please explain yourself and how you got in here. Haku be careful, this guy could be dangerous." He told her, faking worry.
Haku aloud him to step between them but whispered in his ear. "I don't think he is. In his eyes I see such sadness and something else I cant entirely make out. It seems similar to my dream I think."
Aw crap, maybe he's the guy that actually rescued her!! "Still, be careful. Looks can be deceiving." He warned, keeping his eyes on the new boy that arrived. "I won't attack you vampire boy, but please explain yourself."
Haku had relized the truth... what had happened though, it was still unclear. "Usually people introduce themselves first before asking of someone else. I am Yori Hayashi and i go to school with Haku. We had been talking when she suddenly took off. I was worried something was wrong and then i smelled blood.... What happened?" Yori felt like some thing was off about the man but he wasn't sure what. It almost seemed like he should know who he was but couldn't quite remember.
Haku looked to the side. "Some people came in and tried to take me. They were part of some organization." She looked ant Ender a moment berfore averting her gaze again. "He stopped them and was hurt a little in the process."
"Some organization?" he wondered what they had wanted with her. "And you helped her? Thank you. I don't see any wounds though.. where were you hurt?" He continued looking the man over trying to find where he was hurt. "I am glad your okay Haku."

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