Tempting as Blood

Ender looked up. Haku had finally awoken, and she looked confused, her mind clouded. He smiled to himself Perfect. "Haku, you fainted. I was worried, so I took you to my place since I wasn't aware of where you lived. Are you feeling okay?" He leaned in a little closer. "Do you need blood?" He was willing to give her some, a vampire's bite wasn't the most painful thing to a demon. And by drinking his blood, she would trust him more. Luckily. demon blood tasted and looked no different from human blood, so she wouldn't grow a craving for anything but human blood, since most demons would laugh and devour her if she tried to drink a drop of their blood.
Haku blinked. "I just feel a little strange......like when you don't eat for a while and get sick." She leaned in towards his neck and stopped. she waited a moment gathering that it really was ok for her to. She slowly sunk her fangs in his neck. the blood trickled down her throat. Why was this so normal or at least why hadn't she 'needed' it before? She only craved it. This man knew of her dream. was he really that boy from long ago? A tear fell down her cheek. she was so confused as to, why?
Ender felt the pain of her fangs sink into his neck, but he didn't flinch. He'd endured much worse. He felt something wet on his neck, but it wasn't his blood. A tear, maybe? He put one arm around her in almost a hug, stroking her hair with the other. "There there, Haku. I know you must be confused, but just drink now. I promise I will answer any questions you have, but first you need your strength." But I never said I'd answer them honestly.. Well if it doesn't hurt I will, but if the question is against me I might have to lie. You'll forgive me though, Haku.
Haku pulled her fangs from Ender's neck. she buried her face in his chest. This stranger she had just met seemed the only one to tell truth, to truly reveal what had been hidden from her for so long. Do I trust him? Maybe i should, but just stay on guard. A nearby glass shattered with her unable to control her powers.
Ender was secretly relieved when she stopped drinking his blood, it was weakening him a little. He held her more securely as she buried her head in his chest, continuing to stroke he hair. "It's alright Haku, I'm here for you." He whispered to her gently. A nearly glass shattered. Of course. Her powers were just awakened by me, she couldn't be in control of them yet.
Haku pushed away and looked up at Ender. ''if your the one in my dream, what happened that night? Why was there so much fire and those eyes....." This was a question breaming in her mind. Along with all the other Why's.
(Im thinking it was an attack from Yoru in attempt to get Haku and take over that failed)
(The one who saved her was suppose to be the second guy. DeathWeaponStar made that guy. But of course Ender being the devious demon he is lies xD )
(Okay cool xD )

Ender sighed, pretending to be troubled. He was going to have to lie about this one, smiling to himself. Lying was fun. "Well you see.. There's this evil group called the Hikari. They were trying to abduct you to keep you and marry you off to one of their group members who would take control of your family and rule the world. Their operation failed, but you were in too much danger to be able to be kept with your family. So they sent you off and erased your memories and sealed your powers and sent you off for your own protection. I saved you from the fire that started. But they took you away and I've been looking for you ever since since it's your time to awaken." He lied. But she wouldn't know that.
Haku listened intently. So that's it. Why everything has been being this way. The Hikari. I hate them in that case. Haku shifted her position. "well then I have to thank you. Despite the memory erasing I have had that dream over and over for the past 3 years. I knew it couldn't be just a dream. So again thank you........... Do you think.....they....Hikari will come after me again?"
Ender laughed to himself. She bought it! He put a solemn face on. "I don't know, Haku. That girl, Tae... She was one of them. That necklace she was wearing? That's the mark of the Hikari. Be careful if you ever see anyone wearing a necklace like her's, okay?"
Haku looked down. "But Tae was my friend? If she was really going to hurt me wouldn't she have done it?" Haku was confused, but she still trusted him so she figured she should listen. "So your not human either are you? Or are you just special?"
"Tae might've been forced to join the Hikari, so perhaps she truly is your friend. They can be pretty cruel to some of their members, maybe if she told you anything they would kill her."

He shook his head sadly. "I'm not a human, I'm actually a demon." Before she could respond he quickly said "But I'm not evil or anything, everyone always just assumes because I'm a demon I'm evil!" He sighed frustratedly. "I promise I'm not demonic. Both my demon parents abandoned me, so I didn't grow up with any demon influences at all. I just want to be normal and liked by people. But it's hard when people judge me based on my birth." He looked at Haku 'pleadingly' "You trust me... Right?" I think that's convincing enough.
Haku smiled."well no one else has been so straight forward with me so yes i do trust you." Haku honestly did trust him, but had her suspicions. all in all he seemed like a pretty nice man. "Ender, why did yo save me that night?" she layed down on the bed. "I mean other than being a nice guy."
Ender paused. "Well you're a princess, I couldn't just let you die there. It's my job as a man to save someone in need, especially people like you. And besides." He paused to smile. "You were the cutest person I'd ever seen." That part actually wasn't a lie, he had seen her as a child and thought she was adorable. But he didn't save her. He was such a liar, it was so fun.
Haku blushed slightly, turning away embarrassed. "Oh I-I see." How could this guy get to her like that? Really it was fine though. Haku had never considered a 'dream guy' so she didn't know if he was that guy. She put her arm over her head. "I smell people outside." She said looking at the window in the far side of the room.

Tae stood outside the house with two other Hikari members. "Haku is in there! Be careful now because she has awoken and I know nothing about the guy she's with. No telling what he's told her either." She gritted her teeth.
Ended perked up his ears, using his demon senses to hear Tae's words. "Be careful, princess Haku!" He said in fake worry. "There are Hikari out there! I believe your friend Tae is among them." He looked at her. "If they intrude I want you to use a secret tunnel to escape while I fend them off, then follow you down. I hope I won't have to resort in the death of anyone!" He looked distressed, but inside he was gleeful. He got to kill people, yes! It was so much fun.
Haku sat up in the bed and swung her legs to the side. "Alright." She hoisted herself down into the tunnel. If she were human it would have been pitch black, but she could see fairly clearly. She blinked several times shocked. "This is gonna take some getting use to." She whispered t herself and walked forwards.

Tae and the two members entered the home through the window in the bedroom. "Where is her highness!" A orange haired male said. A large black haired male stepped behind Ender. "We can use force if necessary."
"Oh I'm sorry, she isn't here." Ended said 'innocently'. "Would you like me to help look for her? I'd love to be of assistance to her majesty." With his innocent face still on, inside he prepared himself to go all-out demon. It would be easy to do, these looked like regular members. If they were leaders they might be slightly more difficult, but he would still beat them.

(Is it okay if Ender kills anyone?)
(Yes. the two random members are ok but I don't want Tae dead yet only maybe hurt)

Tae stepped forward. "Don't play games with me! You are the one who triggered her awakening! If you had any decency you would have kept your mouth shut." Tae nodded her head, and the tall black haired member struck at Ender with a punch.
(Okay! She can probably escape or something)

Ender let the man lunch him. He fake-fell back in pain before spinning around and sticking his whole hand into the man's chest, grasping his heart, and yanking it out of him. He dropped it on the ground before kicking him down and facing the outer man, reverse-punching him to the ground. "You fools thought I was weak, didn't you?" He cackled, revealing his true nature.
Tae grimaced. "Maybe so, but now I can tell your not human!" Tae transformed into her werewolf form aided by the full moon that hung in the sky outside. The orange haired member came from the side witches knife in hand. "You are a monster!" Tae struck at him as well.

The hot stench of blood wafted over Haku. "Whats going on up there?" She almost wanted to go check for herself, but was unsure. She crouched down against the wall burring her face in her lap.
Ended cackled. "You just figured that out, little girl?" He let his eyes glow red and slit, claws grow sharper. "You're stupider than I thought!" The knife was a minor inconvenience, he yanked it away and stabbed the orange-haired guy with it before grabbing his head and tearing it off completely. He then turned towards the girl, Tae. He ran towards her and slashed at her with his claws. They ripped and tore at her side, not enough to be fatal but enough to hurt quite a bit.

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