My Little Pony: Equestria World [Inactive]


Aki of Hearts ♡
Akihito submitted a new role play:

My Little Pony: Equestria World - Yeah, I actually liked the movie.

This takes place in the alternate dimension following the concept of the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. This is NOT the same plot. In this roleplay, instead of the school, it takes place in Ponyville, like regular, however all ponies are humans.
What happens in this Equestria World? Everything can! The citizens of ponyville will live out their lives like they always have. They'll love, fight, have fun, and most importantly, keep friendships and make new friends.

Because obviously, Friendship...
Read more about this role play...
"It's okay, Tank." Rainbow Dash looked at her tortoise pet with rare worry, as she flew for her friend Fluttershy's cottage. The poor guy had fallen out of her cloud home- just plummeted through the clouds! Sure she had caught him after he fell but an inch, but, she didn't want to him to get hurt! He was a tortoise! She loved her dear tortoise! With a swift motion she landed in front of the cottage and knocked on the door rapidly.

"Fluttershhhhy! Fluttershhhhhhy!"

Plodding through this new town, Falsetto felt completely lost. No matter where she went, new people, new places, nobody ran out to help her, nothing. No obvious hotels, no nothing. While she didn't exactly expect someone to rush out and greet her, she might have at least expected a map or something. "Not really the type to ask for help am I?" She cast a glance around, then re positioned her grip on her bags, messed with the collar of her windbreaker, and kept walking.
Colgate pursed her lips, pushing her way through the heavy door of Dentistry District - the place she worked day and night. Plunging her cutie-mark-cue-card into the small check-in scanner, she attempted to walk past the front desk where the receptionist worked. "'Ey, did you sign in to the nexus yet?" She heard him call after her, and she turned sharply on her heel. "Nexus? Is that what you call it now? Just lovely." She scoffed, then continued down the hall without another word. Then, holding down a shriek, she furiously stormed back into the lobby, now equipped with her white coat. "I'm off to the grocer - Aqua Fresh forgot to buy more plastic toothbrushes." She huffed, approaching the door. "Put the crystal pony - Minerva or whatever her name is - on my duty, please."

"It's Minuette!" She heard a screech from behind her, but she only shook her head and continued on. "Oh, bugger off!" She muttered, pulling the edges of her coat closer together as a chilly wind raced over her. Unfair. Today is a sunny day. The breeze has no excuse to be pardoned. She finally found the calm inside her to replace her scowl with her usual frosty-white smile, though she had to fight to keep it there, what with her wand rubbing against her hip through her pocket and causing quite a pain. "I've no respect for slackers that don't bother with a slight trip to the tooth-care section for a slight nip of supplies." She growled through clenched jaws, folding her arms as she approached the grocer.
Falsetto decided rather then avoid people, to ask for directions. Now someone to stop to ask for directions... Someone, looking rather pissed off, stepped out of a.. dentists' office? And headed for the grocer. "Oh, uhhh.. Excuse me? Miss?" She shouted, and rushed after the blue-haired woman. Looked familiar. That hair looks like my toothpaste. She thought as she approached, "I am so sorry, I'm new in town, can you point me to the nearest hotel?" She looked at the woman, unable to figure out the connection between the toothpaste hair and the woman.
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Pinkie Pie bounded out of Sugar Cube Corner with a bounce in her step, as always. She had heard of a new person coming into town today and was more than happy to go and greet them, show them around Ponyville, and throw a party for them. The only problem was that she had to go and look for them around Ponyville. Sure it may be a relatively small and quite place but that didn't mean that it was easy to navigate through.

Letting her eyes narrow in determination she continued to skip along the streets of town in hopes of finding the new person, yelling out an exuberant greeting to everyone she passed by in typical Pinkie Pie fashion. After about 3 minutes of searching up and down the streets, knocking on house to house, she took a small rest stop at the nearby grocer.

Swaying her eyes to and fro as she sat on the bench her eyes rested upon someone who didn't look familiar. Could it be? The new person! Pinkie thought to herself with excitement ringing throughout her head. Better not waste one second while my target is in site! And, low and behold, the pink headed ball of happiness arrived to the female within not even a second. Must be a new record...

Letting a great big smile grace the girl's face like it seemed to always do she finally began talking to the mysterious person who stood before her.

"Hello there! My name is Pinkie Pie, although I usually go by Pinkie. What's your name? Wait never mind I can learn about that later! What I should be asking you is why did you decide to move to Ponyville? Oh, is that too straightforward?!? I'm so sorry if I'm being nosy but I just can't help it because I'm so excited to meet a new person and Omigosh!!! I forgot to say 'Welcome to Ponyville'! Hey, do you need help getting around because I know where everything is along with the best spots to go to when you need something. Hmm... I should take you on a trip around Ponyville! Then once you know the place and get settled in we can have a great big party just for you! Doesn't that sound fun? Of course it does! No one is ever too old for a party! Oh, and if you have any question just ask me because I'll answer it without hesitation!"

Everyone around barely spared a glance in Pinkie's direction, knowing that she always did this, and once the pink headed female finished talking she took in a breath of air. After all, she did just say all of that in only one breath.
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Colgate pointed toward the East, giving a tiny smile. "Other side of town... Might want to call on a taxi, you wouldn't want to-" She blinked, looking up as Pinkie bounced by. "Hello to Pinkie, goodbye to me..." She muttered, slowly edging away, toward the grocer. Hopefully she'll be too busy to bugger about me. Dear dear, I hope she's forgotten about the whole sweet-tooth incident. It was bad enough when I took out her wisdom tooth. She sighed and shook her head, continuing on her somewhat-merry way.
With a jump, Falsetto stepped back as a pink haired girl literally bounced right over to her. Like wow! Bubblegum pink blast to the retinas! Then she started to talk rapid fire, Falsetto not being able to understand half of it. Something about her name being Pinkie Pie, Well that's pretty obvious, and welcoming annnnd whatever else. By the time that shpeel was over, she found herself wide-eyed, and leaning back, as if this girl was about to explode in happiness at her arrival.

"....WOW. You sure are a cheery people here aren't ya?" She adjusted the pack on her back, flapped her wings a little, then continued. "Yeees, I am moving here from Manehattan. Can yoooou show meee to a hotel?" She said slowly, her brain still processing what Pinkie just said.
Pinkie let out a giggle as she listened to the girl talk. "Don't worry, you'll get used to my super-fast-talking-speed." She said in a normal speed and tone of voice before answering the girl's question. "And sure, it's just like Colgate said - OH AND SORRY COLGATE FOR INTERRUPTING! - which is that it's located on the other side of town. Although since I'm here you won't need a taxi. I'll be your escort!"

The curls of the bubbly female bounced with each step she took as she talked, her body slowly leading the black and white haired newcomer towards the nearest hotel. Taking time to let everything settle into the females head, because it sure did look like she needed it, Pinkie once again began talking.

"This must be quite a bit of a contrast from Manehatten huh? Don't worry though because Ponyville is the best place any person could possible live. It's full of entertainment, great food, tons of events, wonderful inhabitants, and much more. Everything in Ponyville is just amazing but I do have one warning; don't go in the Everfree forest. Or at least not by yourself. You could get hurt and we wouldn't want that! Oh, and before I forget... would you mind telling me your name?"
She looked around, then said quietly, "Is this normal? Does this normally happen?" Somebody nearby said, "Yes." and kept walking. With a sigh, Falsetto followed the bouncing girl with the bright pink curls. To be honest, she hardly listened, just walked. "Yeah, it's a small town compared to Manehattan. Not that that's bad or anything. It's quaint, I like it."

She looked up at Pinkie when she asked for a name. "My name?" Without even thinking, she said, "Falsetto.." Once she realized what she said, she squeaked and stared at Pinkie, then sighed.

What's the chance these ponies here know who I am? My stage name is Falsette anyway.
Pinkie smiled at Falsetto but her bouncing slowly stopped, a thoughtful look streaking across her face. "Falsetto... Falsetto." Taking a second to glance over at the other person she took note of the grey and black streaked hair styled into a choppy cut, giving her a sort of stylish punk look. The next thing she noticed, after taking stock of the wardrobe, were the eyes that were a bright emerald green in color. Just looking into those eyes made her entire face light up with a smile as she added a face to the name. There was something about a person's eyes that could make her recognize them almost instantly.

"Falsetto, huh? Is that your real name because I like it better than Falsette which I'm assuming is your stage name... although they both are quite similar in spelling and sound." About halfway through Pinkie's words she had started to talk more to herself than the girl beside her, the sweet words trailing of in a slight mumbled as she got that contemplative look in her eyes once again. "Even so they still are both pretty names. Unique too..." The pink haired girl soon snapped out of her trance like state after her words had trail off for a second time, horror glistening in those bright blue orbs that were her eyes.

"Oh, did you not want me to say it? I'm so sorry! Oh, please don't hate me for doing something so stupid because I was just talking to myself... well I was talking to myself aloud which means that you heard what I said and I'm sorry because I tend to get lost even in my own thoughts in typical Pinkie fashion which is what I just did... ah! Sorry for talking so much but I just can't help it..." As the air stopped her from uttering another word she looked towards her feet, down at the ground right beneath them. It wasn't typical for her to be so glum and not her good ol' happy, hyper, exuberant self but she absolutely could not stand the thought of someone, anyone really, hating her. Call it insecurity if you might.

Licking her pale pink lips to moisten them from their dry state she looked back over to Falsetto. "How about this; I Pinkie Pie Promise not to tell a soul about who you are unless you want me to. I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Even as she said the worlds Pinkie still did the motions, her arms falling limp by her sides once she was done as she felt dread pool into her stomach like lead, hoping beyond all hope that the person who she had previously talked to would not think of her as a fool.

But even if Falsetto never wanted to acquaintance with Pinkie Pie again she could never ever break the Pinkie Pie Promise she had just gave the star.

(I just had to add the Pinkie Pie Promise/Swear somewhere into this Rp >~<)

(It was perfect. Don't worry.)

Falsetto immediately looked horrified that this little- fluffball, knew who she was. Next thing she knew, the paparazzi would be mobbing her in this little town! But soon the horror melted and was swiftly replaced with confusion as Pinkie launched into some weird promise/swear about cupcakes and flying. She tilted a head to the side, then shook her head, and pinched Pinkie's lips together, lightly so it wouldn't hurt, more it just made a silly face. "Shhhhhh, it's okay, Pinkie.... Just, please, stop talking so fast. You're confusing me and I'm getting lost again." She let her go, and sighed, blowing some hair out of her face. "Yes, my stage name is Falsette, but when we're in public, just call me Tangle, okay? It's short for Tanglewood, it's my favorite tree. It's a name my brother gave me. Okay? I don't hate you Pinkie."
Pinkie was surprised when she felt fingers pinching her lips together, a curious look overtaking her features, but listened nonetheless to what Falsetto had to say. Once the female was done talking she nodded her head to show that she understood what was just said before she gently pried the fingers from off her lips to speak up, the words coming out at a much slower and softer pace then previously.

"Alright Tangle, and don't worry because I'll try and ease up on the talking..." She let the words trail off, her bottom lip being pulled into her mouth by her teeth as she thought. "Well, as long as you don't hate me then I guess everything will be A-OK!" The luscious pink curls of her hair whipped around her body as she turned back around, another smile working its way up onto her face to replace the frown that was previously held there.

"So, you sad something about a hotel, correct? Well if that's the case then we should go ahead and get moving again so we don't waste anymore time that could be spent on doing much more interesting things. Oh, and your party almost slipped right past my thoughts! I hope you don't mind me throwing you a party, because it's something I do for every person who is first arriving at the town, but it's really up to you."
With another sigh, Falsetto set after Pinkie once again. She wasn't sure how to react tot he party proposal, she was just really tired and wanted to sleep. Flying from Manehattan can do a number on someone, and it showed in the way she was slouching and the dull gleam to her emerald green eyes. But she felt she had to accept. She'd probably be lured into some party anyway, or this bouncy haired girl would become depressed and go insane in some crazy way. "Sure Pinkie, a party. But maybe later in the week, okay?"
Rarity finished up the last dress she needed to work on for the day in her shop. She gave a sigh of relief and pulled her chair away from the sewing machine. It was quite the exhausting work for her but she was glad it was all done and ready to be sold tomorrow! She turned to her cat Opalescence who was perched on top of her rolls of fabric. Rarity took the dress she was working on off of the table and held it up to her body. "How's this look Opal? You think the commissioner will like it?" She asked.

Opalescence just rolled over and dropped on the floor. She stretched and left the room to go back to the main room of her shop.
"Well you are just a cat..." She rolled her eyes and put the dress back down on her work table.

Rarity finally had the rest of the day all to herself. She headed out the front entrance of her shop and looked around at what shops she could go to.
I haven't been able to do anything fun in a while now that I think about it! She thought and headed down the street to look around.
Pinkie smiled at Falsetto, not at all fazed in the slightest way. "Of course silly! I have to make all of the food and prepare all of the decorations before anything else if we wanted to have a party anyway. So you are going to have plenty of time to rest and get settled if that is what you'd like."

As she looked around the quiet streets of Ponyville, whatever people actually there in the roads greeting one another with friendly smiles, she took a glance over towards Falsetto. She took note in the way that the girl slouched, as if the weight of the world was resting atop her shoulders, and let out a sigh of her own. "We're about halfway to the hotel so it shouldn't take much longer from here."

Right after the words left her mouth, she heard the chime of a bell nearby ding and looked over to where the noise came from, a smile blossoming across her face as she looked at the person who had just stepped out of the door. "Hey Rarity! I'd like you to meet Tangle. She's new here and I'm just showing her around Ponyville as I take her to the nearby hotel." Pinkie Pie said before deciding to strike up a conversation with her high-maintenance friend.

"So... how's that dress coming along? The one you were planning on selling tomorrow? I mean, coming from you, it's probably fantastic as all of your pieces are but I'd still like to know how the progress is coming along."
"Hellooo..." She grumbled, then cleared her throat and louder with more confidence "Hello. I'm moving into town. Do you live near here, miss Rarity? Did I get that right?" She looked at Pinkie, curiously. She took in this girl, Rarity. She stood with an air of regality, but not in a snobbish way, in more of a gracious manner. Falsetto never really liked pretty girls. Most of the pretty girls she knew had been complete snobs, but she didn't get that from Rarity. "I'm Tanglewood."
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Rarity came across Pinkie and another girl as she was about ready to head out to one of her favorite shops. As usual Pinkie told her a lot which she didn't mind as long as she could understand what she was saying. She and the other girl introduced her as Tanglewood. "Hello there darling yes Rarity is correct. Tanglewood...that's a unique name. I like it!"

She turned to Pinkie, "The dress I've been working on is finally finished! It took some time but now it's ready to be sold tomorrow. And I'm assuming you'll be throwing Miss Tanglewood here one of your wonderfully extravagance parties?"
"Dress? Oh, you make dresses? Maybe I'll have to stop by?" Dresses. Fitting. She wanted to sound friendly, despite the fact that she didn't particularly care for fashion. She looked for function, not fashion. Clearly, look at what I'm wearing. She looked down at what she was wearing. The worn jeans, the windbreaker. The spikey soled sneakers. She normally got razed by her stylists for this "horrid ensemble". But you know what? I don't care, I'm going to wear what I want when I'm traveling.
Pinkie nodded her head to Rarity, smiling at both of her friends... well at Rarity and Falsetto. She didn't exactly know if the haired girl considered her a friend yet or not. Shaking her head slightly to get rid of her thoughts she spoke up once more.

"That's wonderful Rarity! I'm sure they're going to absolutely love it and yes, I'll be throwing Tangle here a party. Not right now though because she has to get settled in and all of that jazz... and it might just be a small party instead of the whole town. Yeah, I'll only invite a few people because I don't think Tanglewood would like such a big party. Anyways..." Pinkie Pie slowly trailed off as she looked between the two females, for once at a loss of what to say.
Falsetto laughed, ran a hand through her hair. "I'm honestly just very tired. I'd like to get settled in before I have a party. Where would it be anyway? I don't think they'd appreciate me hosting a party in my hotel room." She laughed again, adjusting her backpack once more. She cast a glance around, then looked back at Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "Is that you're boutique over there?" She looked back the Carousel Boutique.
Rarity looked over her shoulder to where Tanglewood was looking. "Why yes! You're free to look around in there if you want. I may even give you a discount if you want to buy anything. My treat." She said with a smile. She wasn't exactly sure if Tanglewood cared too much about fashion but it was worth a try.
"Sure, I'll stop by after I get settled in." Falsetto smiled. Rarity sounded nice, good enough for her. I do need some more dresses for that upcoming concert... Of course it would need to be a breathable material. All the aerial flips and spins I pull out all depend on my outfit being able to handle it. She yawned, and stretched. "Well, I think I can see the hotel from here. Thanks Pinkie, you've been a big help. Really. But I should go and check in. I'll see you later, Pinkie." She turned and started to walk away, then turned and said, "And nice to meet you as well, Rarity!" before she walked off again.
Colgate squirmed under the weight of two heavy bags of toothbrushes. "Ah, filthy lot, why can't they just buy their own toothbrushes?!" She muttered to herself, lugging them back to Dentistry District as quickly as she could. She couldn't possibly be late for the appointments she had. Why, her cutie mark just wouldn't allow it! She'd even seen one of her co-workers designing a game called 'Colgs vs. Tardiness'. A rude title, but charming nonetheless.

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Apple Jack headed into town from her home on Apple Acers. Her bags loaded with apples to sell at the stand that day. She happily trotted over to her apple stand and got to work setting up her cash of apples while humming a little tune to herself. She stepped back from the stand after some time and looked it over. Thinking it looked alright she said to herself, "I reckon that'll do mighty fine!" and moved to the other side of the stand.
Queen Chrysalis in the form of Twilight Sparkle strode purposefully out of the Everfree Forest. Behind her walked two young men in the disguise of random people from the nearby town. They were actually her body guards, and they looked the part too with large muscles and menacing glares. "You know what to do." She whispered to them. They each nodded their heads before stalking off towards the town.

Queen Chrysalis smirked as she watched the men head off. They were going to kidnap Twilight Sparkle and take her back to a cave deep in the Everfree Forest where Queen Chrysalis had set up her headquarters. Of course, she couldn't be there for the actual kidnapping. If something went wrong, she'd be too easily identified. No, she had to be patient and lie low until the kidnapping was successful.

So what should she do until then? As Chrysalis pondered this, she saw someone standing outside a small cottage near the forest. Upon closer inspection, she saw it was a girl with rainbow colored hair. Actually, the girl looked kinda familiar. This instantly set Chrysalis on edge, and she began walking quickly in the opposite direction of the cottage, hoping the girl wouldn't notice her. 
Queen Chrysalis in the form of Twilight Sparkle strode purposefully out of the Everfree Forest. Behind her walked two young men in the disguise of random people from the nearby town. They were actually her body guards, and they looked the part too with large muscles and menacing glares. "You know what to do." She whispered to them. They each nodded their heads before stalking off towards the town.

Queen Chrysalis smirked as she watched the men head off. They were going to kidnap Twilight Sparkle and take her back to a cave deep in the Everfree Forest where Queen Chrysalis had set up her headquarters. Of course, she couldn't be there for the actual kidnapping. If something went wrong, she'd be too easily identified. No, she had to be patient and lie low until the kidnapping was successful.

So what should she do until then? As Chrysalis pondered this, she saw someone standing outside a small cottage near the forest. Upon closer inspection, she saw it was a girl with rainbow colored hair. Actually, the girl looked kinda familiar. This instantly set Chrysalis on edge, and she began walking quickly in the opposite direction of the cottage, hoping the girl wouldn't notice her.

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