My Little Pony: Equestria World


Aki of Hearts ♡



History/Bio: (Optional)

Canon or OC:

~Characters Reserved~ (PM or Post in OOC to reserve)

Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo

Vinyl Scratch


Rainbow Dash

Time Turner
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Name:rain runner

Appearance:a tall skinny man blue skin red eyes and hair where's blue jeans white tea and a black leather jacket with a rain cloud on the back

Personality:play it in the role play

History/Bio: he just arrived here with little money and no home or job he is trying to start a new live here
Name: Falsetto



(Made this on the Pony maker on this site {Just to credit the site}

Now transform to human)

Falsetto has many outfits she wears at concerts, but when she's out in town, she wears a green windbreaker with a white treble clef (see cutie mark) embroidered on the back. As far as pants go, you'll see her in worn down, holey and paint splattered jeans. She keeps her hair choppy and uneven in hopes that nobody recognizes her. She wears white sneakers with black spiked rubber soles (like her hooves above.).

Personality: Loner type. If you can get her to warm up to you, she can be funny, sweet and loyal, with sarcasm to spare.

History/Bio: I grew up in Manehattan, with my father, brother and sister. My uh, my mom died before I could know her, so... Anyway, I guess I was destined for greatness. Velvet has her successful mechanic garage, G is on the Royal Guard. Dad too, but hey. That's not me.

I found my career after my brothers wedding, where I sang his wife's favorite song. I was showered with praise that day and G even gave me a a big piece of cake. Heh... caaaake.... *salivates*

*Ahem* Annnyway, after the wedding, people were writing and calling from all over asking me to show up at their weddings, family reunions, yada yada, and until suddenly, I'm a huge star! With thousand of records sold a year! Now I see my face everywhere, hear people humming the song I wrote myself! It's weird, but I liked it. Then the paparazzi started mobbing my apartment, so I left after packing up my things, saying bye to my family and telling them where I was going- Ponyville.

Canon or OC: OC.

Other: Eats a lot.

Name: Rainbow Dash





Do those two even need to be filled out? Come on, it's Rainbow Dash.

Canon or OC: Canon. Definately.
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Derpy Hooves




Do I need to explain it? xD

Canon or OC:


Name: Doctor Colgate "Colgs"

Appearance: (Thumbnailed below. Click to view, yadda yadda yadda.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.1544ced9555a80a522aad43dc26427b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.1544ced9555a80a522aad43dc26427b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Colgate is easily offended, and can get a bit cranky when interrupted and/or ignored. She's mostly a gentle, caring person, though she could easy crack under the pressure when someone is late, or even if she is late, which is very rare. On occasion, she may be brash, but never rude, only because she takes pride in her work. Often sarcastic, she may offend someone, but will make their day perfect faster than she ruined it. She isn't the open type, and prefers to place walls around herself, and it seems that only few can break through them.

History/Bio: Colgate was born in Manesborough, a town in Equuland. She was raised to have proper etiquette, just as many of her peers were. She absolutely adored a large clocktower that was set in a nearby city; enchanted by it, she moved to a closer location, to perhaps learn more of this mysterious timepiece. Upon sneaking inside one early morning, she found an hourglass at it's heart. However, guards were on their way to capture her, so she made haste to escape as quickly as possible. Thus, she earned her trademark hourglass, and gained a personality trait that detailed in never - ever - being late.

She soon moved back to Manesborough, intending to open a clock shop, however, things did not go as she planned. Her parents, upon a visit, convinced her to head to an academy for dentistry, to continue family tradition. While at this school, she invented her own brand of toothpaste. After four years of learning, she began searching for a job. The only one available was at a place called Dentistry District in a quaint town called Ponyville.

Upon arrival, she began to pretend that she was absolutely obsessed with dentistry, but only because she'd discovered that one of the guards who'd chased after her so many years ago now resides in Ponyville. After some time, the pretending began melting into her personality, and she almost completely forgot about clocks. She remains in a sort of limbo to this day.

Canon or OC: Canon (Background)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/equestria_girls___colgate___minuette_by_rariedash-d6cow1k.png.af310c4881a040a07f18f473e723f17d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/equestria_girls___colgate___minuette_by_rariedash-d6cow1k.png.af310c4881a040a07f18f473e723f17d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: AppleJack

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea469690_2014-01-1717.19.44.jpg.a6e5d83e2a80e3bb819ce2b42b484c91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea469690_2014-01-1717.19.44.jpg.a6e5d83e2a80e3bb819ce2b42b484c91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

personality:real laid back honest country girl who would stand up for her friends no matter what happened.

History/Bio: Explained through the show... but basically one of the mane six and one of the spirits of the elements of harmony. Her and her friends have saved Equestria on multiple occasions.

Cannon or OC: Cannon



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Name: Rarity

Appearance: source



As the holder for the Generosity Element, Rarity is the most generous pony out of the group. She is often shown creating dresses for her friends without hesitation. At one point she ends up creating dresses for every one of her friends for the Grand Galloping Gala. She cares a lot about her appearance and others. Shown in numerous episodes she does not like to get dirty and will do anything to avoid it. (Taken from this site)

Canon or OC: Canon of course!~
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(Just a forewarning: I went a little overboard xD It's just so much fun to write about her >_<)

Name: Pinkie Pie




Pinkie is hyperactive, excitable, and outgoing. She warmly welcomes new faces to Ponyville like she did with Twilight and true to the element of laughter she represents, she loves to make people smile and laugh.

Pinkie tends to have a lighthearted manner in serious situations. As a result, she is often not taken seriously even by her closest friends, who occasionally call her out on her seemingly illogical behavior. She has a strange love for throwing parties even if it is for the simplest of things.

But underneath all of this lighthearted nature she does have an insecure side to where she tends to doubt her friends and even herself, the change in her behavior not something most people want to witness.


Pinkie Pie was raised on a rock farm with her sisters Marble Pie and Limestone Pie, her mother Cloudy Quartz, and her father Igneous Rock. Everything was muted in color, always being dull, until she found her special talent and came out of her shell. She threw her very first party for her parents and it seemed that once she did this, she found a special love for the activity. When Pinkie Pie turned old enough she finally moved out into Ponyville and made the best of friends with Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight.


Pinkie Pie works at the most known sweets shop in all of Ponyville which would be the Sugar Cube Corner, the cause of this being her undying love for sweets.

Canon or OC: Canon!
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Name: Time Turner. (Also known by some few as the doctor)



All credit goes to this guy for drawing this and plenty of other great looking stuff:


Do you remember when you were a child? Not when you were young and you were already becoming shaped by the world you lived in- even jaded. I mean, when you were really young; when you looked at the world with wonder- when you looked at a leaf floating on the breeze and were so enraptured by it, you'd follow it, jumping around it and delighted in its every movement. When things you see now as dangerous were just another fascinating mystery in this impossibly big world. When that world it seemed was so huge- you'd look at yourback yardand imagine the buildings beyond it, and beyond those buildings were fields and beyond that was a whole country! You'd stare at the ocean that stretched at the horizon and see it go on forever and way beyond that were whole other countries, so impossibly far away- that ocean so impossibly deep and fading into blackness. You'd stare up at the stars and see not a sky, but a greatdark oceanlooming over you and you'd claw at the ground just to be sure that you wouldn't fall into that impossible void and you'd float in that great beyond, another star among a trillion billion others where anything impossible could happen and the very thought of it excited you and gave you goosebumps!

That is the life of Time Turner. Lived in a constant state of perpetual wonder. Oh many others would become disenchanted with life, the more they learn. Everything is explained away oh so scientifically. The days and seasons come and go because of a planets rotation and its orbit around it's sun. The colouring of the Matio Nebula in the Soaron Galaxy is because it's dust particles have been altered by the gravitic mass at the nebula's heart, that allow the naked eye to see the incredible array of colour. Everything becomes a scientific explanation and cold boring fact.

Not so for Time Turner- oh yes he knows his sciences and has forgotten more than what most geniuses dream of understanding in a lifetime. But that wonder, that child-like wide-eyed wonder at the sheer awesomeness of the universe is not ever for one moment lost on him.

In fact, it is that stuffy cold fact knowing way of many of his contemporaries that lead him to his wandering. What was the point in knowing about life and the universe if one didn't experience it?! That is Time Turner- a man who experiences life, the universe and other things. For better or worse. Oh the things he's seen- the glories, the wonders...and the horrors. But not a moment of it, not a single moment of it, he would lose. Life and experience shape a man and his plethora of experiences have certainly shaped him. But it is the choices- I'm not talking what do you want for lunch choices, but the hard choices, the impossible choices, those choices that haunt your dreams for years that echo in your's those choices, that define a person. It's in those critical moments, that we decide who we are. Time Turner, is, The Doctor. The one who makes people better.

Turner’s razor sharp intellect and compassionate heart, all who he is, is determined into a driving force to make people better. Yes, he travels all time and space in his joy for life, but everywhere he goes, by choice or fate, he gives himself and has given himself to make people better.

Those that try to oppress others, to break the backs of others for their own gains; Time Turner despises, but even then, he tries all he can to see them turn around- for if they have the power to oppress, how much more would they have the power for good if they chose. His is an unflinching sense of right and wrong. Unfortunately, sometimes when traveling in time, he must endure an evil to continue- as the laws of time cannot be tampered with. A sad fact which often shatters his hearts.

He's a friendly fellow with a constant smile and in insatiable curiosity. Always giving people a chance to prove themselves, even if they might not deserve it. He hasn't ever been a fan of violence, much preferring quick wits and fast legs to carry him out of undesirable situations.


The life and history of the person behind "Time Turner" is incredibly complex. In fact, his life is not bound by the typical space-time parameters you and I face; as such, finding a place to begin is irrelevant. There are only two things you need to know to begin to have an understanding of him.

Firstly, is is no ordinary person- in fact, he's extraordinary. For he is a Time Turner of Gallopfree- Masters of space and time.

The second is that "Time Turner" has lived many lives- some even crossing each other’s paths; but the life we are concerned about is the man he is now.

There comes a moment in every Time Turners life, especially when one’s life has become notable or even legend; that a moment of simplicity is desired. Not the bustle of tourist worlds or the excitement of newly discovered places. Most certainly not the Whispering Peaks of Octavius IV- where he had most recently been; locked in a battle of wits against his Nemesis who sought to use the whispering quality of the mountains to transmit a code across space that would unravel the very fabric of reality.

But the simplicity of fishing at a pond or rowing down a river. For Time Turner, that simplicity was found in Ponyville; a lovely little town in Equestria on a quaint little backwater world he'd become enamoured with over the centuries.

His arrival in Ponyville was an eventful one. After parking his time vehicle for from the town, he arrived in time for a parade. He delighted in the experience of the culture and could feel himself relax for the first time in decades. Such feelings were short lived however as he was bowled over by a trio of youths chasing after a float. If that wasn't welcome enough, then the hoof shoved in his side knocking him down again was. He stared up at the stranger who'd treated him so rudely- a rather cranky woman who demanded to know where he'd been.

Between her ranting, Turner could gather that this woman believed she had known him for some time and he had just vanished from her life without a word.

Realising the wibbliness of the situation, he attempted to placate the irate lady, trying to explain how time could be a big ball of timey wimey- but she wasn't exactly in a listening mood. She'd searched for his machine at the usual place in town but couldn't find it. He asked why he'd have it in town- his holiday suddenly getting complicated.

Apparently, he had had a Parasprite problem in the Everfree Forest- where he was currently parked. Finding opportunity in another rant to slip away; he hurried back to find his machine infested. It took him a long time, but he finally managed to get the pesky critters out- although not without some damage to the controls. When he tried moving his machine to the place the woman had mentioned, it moved himself- and the parasprite asleep atop. The little critter was shaken awake in time and was spat out upon some hillside who-knows-when.

Turn Turner and his machine rematerialized in the town’s clock tower. He fell in love with the sound and smell of the whirring gears and clunking clogs- such a novel way to track time. It was here, moments after he turned on his vehicles perception field (to prevent anyone from noticing it), that he was approached by Ponyvilles mayor.

Initially he was taken aback- she had addressed him as Time Turner; how could she have possibly known what he was? As the conversation progressed, it became apparent she had been expecting a "Mr. Time Turner" of Trottingham; who had been accepted for the position of clock keeper. A shown form of the application in his own handwriting brought a smile to his face.

Assuring the mayor that the town’s clocks were in good hands, he waited till she left before he made a quick trip in his machine to make sure that "Mr Time Turner of Trottingham" applied for his position.

His return to Ponyville brought him to a beautiful day and a nifty identity to hide behind.

He enjoyed his small little life only for a short while though; as it soon become apparent that exciting things could happen in small places. Whether that be buying apples from a rambunctious little girl, or being trapped in a pool of jelly for hours in a chocolate rain-storm. Yet, as odd and fantastical as the situations that arose, the people of Ponyville always managed to solve the problem in delightful fashion. Actually, it was an odd but refreshing feeling for him to be rescued for a change.

He eventually met that irate woman through his clock keeping duties- at this point in time she was certainly much more agreeable without all the yelling. She had a rather temperamental clock which gave cause for a lot of meetings.

He eventually became friends with her and trusted her with his secret after her many talks of wanting to see new places. That, and he was getting a bit restless. The two made a quiet, weekly habit of venturing out into all of space and time; but those are other stories. She did beg him to take her to a particular tea party in Canterlot once, but he knew the one of which she spoke of- he had been to it several times as his previous selves and going there could cause a tear in the very fabric of reality which would do a lot of unpleasant things to every inhabitant of the galaxy in all of time.

Canon or OC: Cannon… ish?
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Name: Queen Chrysalis


When Queen Chrysalis is in her own form, she looks like this:

Right now though, she is pretending to be Twilight Sparkle, so she looks like this:

Personality: Usually, her personality depends on who she's trying to be. If she's pretending to be a nice person, she can't exactly be mean and expect to go undetected. Even so, some of her own personality might slip through. She might seem to be impatient, quick-tempered, and rude. If something isn't done the way she wants it exactly, she will let you know. When she slips up, she'll usually say it was due to stress, and most of the time, people buy this excuse. Of course, it's impossible to perfectly replicate someone else's personality, so she'll be aloof and uninterested around those who know the person best.

History: The Changelings live in the cold, snowy, northern region of Equestria. Because pretty much everyone thinks they're evil, they have been forced to live in caves and darkness instead of cozy warm homes. Queen Chrysalis has always thought this was wrong. Her people deserved to be comfortable too. She couldn't figure out how to change this though.

Then Queen Chrysalis heard that Princess Cadence ruler of the nearby Crystal Empire was getting married. Chrysalis didn't really care, but she was tired of being in the cave, so she went to go check out the groom. She pretended to be a random Crystalain and went to join the crowds eagerly awaiting his formal introduction. It was then that she saw him, Shining Armor, and it was then that she knew she must have him.

She would have to be patient though. She couldn't just switch places that very day. She had to get close to the princess first. Under the disguise of the random Crystalian, Chrysalis got the job as the wedding planner for the happy couple. She played her part well, and no one suspected a thing. A few days before the wedding, she made the swap. She brainwashed a few of the guards to throw the real Cadence into a dungeon, and she did have to brainwash Shining Armor as well, but the switch was successful. No one noticed a thing...or almost no one.

Shining Armor's sister, Twilight Sparkle, had known Princess Cadence as a foal. As the wedding got closer, Chrysalis slipped one too many times in her portrayal of Cadence and rose the suspicions of Twilight Sparkle. Everyone thought the girl was being silly. They kept saying Princess Cadence had every right to be demanding. This was her wedding, and it should be just the way she wanted it. While they weren't wrong, it had more to do with Chrysalis' own stress. As soon as she and Shining Armor kissed, she would be even more powerful. She would be able to take over the Crystal Empire and put her changlings into comfort and kick out all those who had exiled them. This can make anyone stressed-out.

Unfortunately, before any of this could happen, the nosy Twilight Sparkle found out Chrysalis wasn't actually Princess Cadence. Of course, Chrysalis had to throw the nosy girl into a dungeon, but it seems brainwashed minions are not the best minions because they threw her into the same dungeon as Cadence. There the two prisoners bonded and escaped, and then they proceeded to stop the wedding just before Chrysalis and Shining Armor kissed. Then, Princess Cadence did some love thing to break Shining Armor's brainwashing curse. At this time, Chrysalis knew she had lost, so she ordered her changelings to attack in order to give her time to escape. This would have worked had Princess Cadence not done some love thing that caused Queen Chrysalis and all her changelings to be driven out of the Crystal Empire.

Once she was back in her cold cave, Queen Chrysalis vowed her revenge on Twilight Sparkle, and so she began to plan.

Canon or OC?: Canon
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Name: Winter Flower

Appearance: A tall girl with white hair with a green streak in it, a pink dress with 3 flowers surrounded by snowflakes and pink sneakers and on the back of her dress two pink wings.

Personality: kind, caring, shy, intelligent

History/Bio: Winter is seen with Fluttershy a lot. Many people think that the two of them are sisters. She has a little hummingbird with her at all times named Spring. Her talent is caring for nature specifically flowers during the winter season. When she was a kid living in equestria she was walking through the forest and saw a little flower trying to survive in the cold temperatures of winter she cared for it every day that season.

Canon or OC: OC
(I don't know if you're still accepting but I'm just gonna go ahead and yeah)

Name~ Raspberry Lemonade

Appearance~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mlpoc.PNG.9c1ec31c907f56261aea9e1b368269b1.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mlpoc.PNG.9c1ec31c907f56261aea9e1b368269b1.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality~ Raspberry Lemonade is a fun-loving pony to be around, and she loves to race since she is a Pegasus. When she was a filly, her mother was watching her race with her best friend, Mist Chaser, who also happens to be a Pegasus. Raspberry Lemonade had won the race, and soon after Mist Chaser had told her about the flying team he was on and he had begged Raspberry Lemonade to join. Her mother made the final decision before Raspberry Lemonade could even say anything.

Her mother had told her it would be fun and to stop complaining about it, and Raspberry decided to give it a chance and tryout for the flight team Mist Chaser was on, which was (A MADE UP NAME IN MY MLP FIC HEHE) called Equestria Flight and Rescue Colts #5, created for skilled Pegasus racers ranging from ages 6 and up.

Raspberry Lemonade made it on the Flight and Rescue Colts and joined forces with her only friend at the time, Mist Chaser. They had to travel around Equestria since they were on a worldwide flight team to compete in tournaments. Which was hard for Raspberry Lemonade and Mist Chaser's parents since they rarely saw them at the time since they had to go to so many tournaments.

Raspberry Lemonade does have a team uniform which I shall enter right here~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mlpocinuni.PNG.846d5267a0f228da6cbaa7940f2021ec.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13298" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mlpocinuni.PNG.846d5267a0f228da6cbaa7940f2021ec.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(This probably gives you a hint that she's a skilled racer xD but it's not supposed to be history or anything coz yeah)

Other than that, Raspberry Lemonade is a cheery, caring, always happy, clumsy and a very hyperactive pony. She also has an obsession with DJ Pon-3 and would do anything to meet her.


Raspberry Lemonade had a happy childhood, playing in her backyard everyday with Mist Chaser until sunset, she was happy with just one friend, which was Mist Chaser, because that was all she needed. But one day her mother decided to take her out of what she loved doing best- racing and competing in Equestria tournaments with Mist Chaser which took place around age 14.

This had upset Raspberry Lemonade, and her mother trying to pull her out of the Equestria Flight and Rescue Colts #5 caused a huge fight between her and Raspberry Lemonade.

One rainy day, they were fighting as usual, and Raspberry's mother had crossed the line with a very hurtful insult. Her mother filling Raspberry Lemonade with such rage, decided to yell at her and threaten that she was moving out if her mother didn't let her stay on the team. Her mother still wouldn't let her stay on, and that's when Raspberry Lemonade gathered all her things and headed to Mist Chaser's house for a while.

But what Raspberry Lemonade didn't know until a few days after was that the next day after Raspberry moved out, her mother had passed away from a serious stroke. Raspberry thought it was all her fault about her mother's death, but soon got over it since her father explained that it was an accident and it was no pony's fault.

No pony ever dared to bring up the subject about her mother's death around Raspberry Lemonade since she was very sensitive about i, making it a secret weapon also.

Raspberry Lemonade did continue to do what she loved with her friend Mist Chaser, but at age 15, a tragic accident took place. During one of their tournaments in a city far away in Equestria, a earthquake came in, this meaning the Equestria Flight and Rescue Colts #5 had to take action. Many ponies were injured and thanks to Raspberry Lemonade and Mist Chaser, no pony died.

This also was a subject no pony tried to bring up around Raspberry Lemonade, since she doesn't like to have attention drawn towards her that much.

Mist Chaser and Raspberry Lemonade were then told to join the Equestria Flight and Rescue Colts #1, which was a group of HIGHLY skilled and talented Pegasi, for any age. ( I think thats the plural form of Pegasus, please correct me if I'm wrong )

They had to move to the Equestria Flight and Rescue Colts #1 headquarters since a lot of emergencies were directed towards that team, so they all had to be prepared and around the area.

And that's all so far X3 Right now, Raspberry Lemonade is 15, and will be turning 16 soon xD



Name~ Mist Chaser

Appearance~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mistchaser.PNG.972154aa6f4f5fa2d1fe1afe98c5a24c.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13301" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mistchaser.PNG.972154aa6f4f5fa2d1fe1afe98c5a24c.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> but he almost always in his uniform, which looks like this, <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Capture.PNG.ba723a22cd5d969ab75c41aa78f254f9.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Capture.PNG.ba723a22cd5d969ab75c41aa78f254f9.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality~ Mist Chaser is just like Raspberry Lemonade, but he doesn't have an obsession with DJ Pon-3, he would rather eat pot roast all day, ( YES THIS IS HIS OBSESSION xD )

But when it comes to self absorbed, Mist Chaser's the one to go to, he's not all that self absorbed, but if he was in a building that was on fire with someone he really didn't like, he'd save himself first, but if it was Raspberry Lemonade, he would save her first since they're relationship is so close.

Mist Chaser is a little less hyperactive than Raspberry Lemonade, but whenever he's with her, it's best you'd stay away.

He's a very brave colt, he's braver than Raspberry Lemonade, who's actually quite brave.

He loves to race (obviously xD ) and that's all I can think of xD


Mist Chaser has a happy life, and Raspberry Lemonade is the only thing he needs besides his mother making pot roast for him.

His father did leave him and his mother for another mare, however, but it really didn't have much of an impact on Mist Chaser since he really never saw his father because of the tournaments and races around Equestria. (this being before he got Raspberry Lemonade on the team)

His mother is dating a colt named Steel Biter, who is a really strong pony and he's quite pushy. Mist Chaser doesn't like Steel Biter and doesn't see him as father material at all.

Mist Chaser did play a role in the earthquake in one of the city's him and Raspberry Lemonade were competing in, saving all the fillies who were about to be crushed by caving in buildings, also saving a few mares that he saw to his liking, but saw Raspberry Lemonade prettier than them.

After the disaster, he began to develop a little crush for Raspberry Lemonade, which she is well aware of, but has eyes for another colt, who Mist Chaser is highly jealous of.




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Name: Big Macintosh


Personality: Doesn't talk much. He is part of the Apple family.

History/Bio: Eeyup

Canon or OC: Canon

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