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  1. Mud Guppy


    Me too
  2. Mud Guppy

    Futuristic Issan

    Tomas silently braced himself as he forced himself to look at the other team members. He didn't want to know them, didn't want to get attached to them, didn't want to imagine them doing horrible things in ISSAN's name. But obviously he wasn't going to get much to go his way at this point. With a...
  3. Mud Guppy

    Futuristic Issan

    Thomas listened and wondered if he dared to believe that ISSAN was actually concerned for the lost team. They wanted to bury them, right? They want proof that they're dead. Don't be so naive Thomas. Don't place your faith in the company. And do try to read behind the lines. You are being sent...
  4. Mud Guppy

    Futuristic Issan

    The room was vast. It was easy for the boy to settle his gaze on something just close enough to his group that he appeared to looking that them. Thomas didn't want to see them yet. Keeping his eyes unfocused, but his expression friendly, the boy tried to decide how to exist within this group and...
  5. Mud Guppy

    Futuristic Issan

    Thomas stared at the clock and with very motion of the long hand his angst grew. His first mission. His first group. His life, so young, was over. Now, instead of being a lab rat, he was a minion "employed" by a multi-bizillionaire company that pretended to be but a humble helping hand when it...
  6. Mud Guppy

    Issan - Lore

    Back story for the boy . . . Hacking for this boy again? Someone out there is going to think you're a stalker. Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know I'm doing this for valid reasons. A stalker would say that, would he not? Aramus! Thomas scolded the voice in his head, It's only because of him...
  7. Mud Guppy


    Hello! Look forward to RPing with everyone!
  8. Mud Guppy


    Edit complete :)
  9. Mud Guppy


    Got it, should I edit his powers above or just post it down here? The spirit is pretty much just a voice in his head. If I come up with something more to do with it, I will note you later on and see if we can work something out then? The spirit is always asking for Tomas to surrender...
  10. Mud Guppy


    Name: Tomas Oliver McCloud Age: 20 Gender: M Species: Experimental Mutt Strike: One Skills/powers: Can heal by mutating genetics and taking resources from elsewhere in a persons body. Can fix a bone to the point of new cartilage, but cannot make it all the way solid. Healing takes time...
  11. Mud Guppy


    Is your signature a quote from a Robert Frost poem? My grand made me memorize a poem with a very similar verse. I still have the thing memorized . . . more than ten years since she passed . . .
  12. Mud Guppy

    uhh hello !!

    Welcome! I have been out of gaming for a while too. Cheers to finding the game you're looking for :)
  13. Mud Guppy

    I Am Sleipnir, Lokidoter!

    I need to brush up on my Norse and Zelda. I got your animals, other mythology and so-forth covered though :) Welcome!
  14. Mud Guppy

    Greeting everyone!

    Hello Gillean! Welcome to the site--I am new as well. Still haven't sorted it all out yet--so many games here, so little time!
  15. Mud Guppy

    Who art thou?

    I have to admit, that was a pretty epic entry post. Bravo sire, bravo!
  16. Mud Guppy

    How does this thing work? O__O'

    I can relate to your nerves. I've not played in an open game in a long time. Moreover, I've never been on a site like this. It's huge.
  17. Mud Guppy

    Finally! A mobile friendly RP forum!

    I'm still listed as a lurker so I've not had a chance to work with character sheets yet, so I am not sure what those will translate to with a tablet. Good luck :)
  18. Mud Guppy

    New in town

    Thank you both :) I am terrible with consistency. I have had too many usernames. I am properly obcessed with foxes, with a special throne for fennec and artic foxes.
  19. Mud Guppy

    Finally! A mobile friendly RP forum!

    I am new too. It's tablet friendly also, though I am not so good at typing on it yet. I don't think the bold is too troublesome.
  20. Mud Guppy

    New in town

    Hello, I've been in and out of rps for a few years now. Looking for a long term rp with some other awesome people. Nice to meet you all.