Greeting everyone!


New Member
Hello there everyone. My name is Gillean, or Gill, really anything works. I'm not new to the Roleplay community, however its been sometime that so excuse my rusty writing.

I can do really any roleplay and l can do any length from one liners, to multi-paragraph. One down side is I'm not very fast at replying, and can sometimes take a few days. So please bear with me and I will try my hardest to reply fast, but patience is a vertue.

Hopefully we can be friends everyone! :)
I don't even... xD Your avatar. It's... it's... it's... wonderous! I love it!

Anyways, welcome to RPNation Gill. What sort of genres pique your interest the most?
Thank you so much~! I love my picture as well, the shit you get into at wallmart!

As for genres that attracts me really anythingngooes mainly twisted history, and Steampunk mainly. However I do like many other those two stick out the most. Out of the genres given her in the forums I will most likely be in Fantasy most.
Hello Gillean! Welcome to the site--I am new as well. Still haven't sorted it all out yet--so many games here, so little time!

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