
Ping Beifong

But Brain, what will the kids look like?
Character sheet:






Weapons on hand:



Which needs to include:

  • General background story.
  • Explain the character's species.
  • Explain the character's city/planet.
  • Who, if anyone, is Issan using to blackmail them?
  • What is so special about them that Issan would want them?
  • What happened to their previous group?
  • What "strike" are they on?

If you have an image for them, please post it with this information.
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What am I looking for in players?

1) Ability to write. I don't care so much for the occasional grammatical error, but you gotta write out your characters thoughts, actions and personality.

2) Creativity. I am trusting all the players with quite a bit of story building. Make the most of it, be as creative as you want.

3) Respect towards other players. I do not mind if your character has an issue with their character(obviously), but the players need to be respectful of each other.

4) Be willing to post at the very least once a week.

5) Posts need to be at least one paragraph, but I'd like to see them being two or three long.

6) Have fun (

:D )
Name: Xavian

Age: Appears to be late 20’s but is likely much older

Gender: Male

Species: Galaxy Dragon (or for short, most just say Galdrake)

Skills/powers: Xavian's true form is the Galaxy Dragon; well within the various abilities of the Galdrake is to camouflage or shapeshift itself to its surroundings. Xavian, like many of his uncommon specie, chooses to hide himself as an only slightly strange looking humanoid. In humanoid form, his senses are normal human level save for his hearing, which is very highly acute. Technically, Xavian can change his shape, but this ability is very limited as he has never learned to be anything else but human. In his true form, he is able to survive entirely without oxygen, can produce a highly powerful energy blast from his mouth (in an atmosphere with oxygen it appears to be fire), can fly and his skin makes excellent armor.

The galdrake is not particularly well liked in most quadrants of populated space, and many have been killed in the name of their unpopularity. The reason for that is because the female of the specie is prone to wrecking small moons and even space vessels in order to gather enough debris to create her own asteroid belt of sorts-- in which a solitary female will lay a single clutch of eggs. The eggs remain protected in this nursery until they are shook lose and somehow find their way to a life-sustaining planet, where they are able to hatch and find enough food to grow. Many gladrake eggs never find their way to a planet and therefore never hatch.

Weapons on hand: Twin laser fandangos. Their shape is curved like a fang, but they are composed of laser energy--they can cut through most lightweight metals quickly, and heavier metals take a few minutes longer to get through. He wields them with deadly precision. Think light saber, basically.

Appearance: Body build is slender and muscular, stands about 6'8in and weighs about 198-210lbs. Very athletic. Clean shaven face with a dark skinned complexion and blue eyes-- hair is a very dark reddish. Somewhat of a threatening look about him but nonetheless considered quite handsome by the standards of most.

History: Born on an earthbound planet called Dayla. There was no space travel, and it was a planet recently destroyed, but only by itself. Literally diseased, Dayla's end was nearing. Nothing was alive anymore, its core, its heart had died. Xavian was the only one like himself whom he had ever met, and when he became old enough and strong enough, he looked to the stars and wondered if there was anything better. And really, it stood to reason that there must be something better than dust and decay. And that night he was able to leave Dayla on his own wings.

He lived in the depths and vastness of space for some time, though it was impossible to tell how long exactly. Soon, though at first space was more sustaining and exhilarating then his own doomed Dayla, it wasn't to last. Loneliness, an emotion he thought he had long gotten used to on Dayla, took on a new feeling.

It was crushing.

There was nothing for as far as could be seen. No other heart or soul anywhere. He found shelter from the nothingness in the form of a asteroid belt, but even in sleep and safely concealed by the massive frowning but silent forms, it was still there. A quiet madness growing in the back of his head.

Finally, however, the vastness of space yielded to him a place. A very small place, but a place nonetheless. It had humans on it. Less than half the size of Dayla’s smallest moon, it had been developed into this twitching and flashing hotspot of humans, all gathering together to take luxury in the form of sexual and illegal pleasures. At first he could only watch; surely, this place was only slightly larger than he was long. However, finding for himself a form that was acceptable (aka a human) it wasn’t long before he found a way in. Only after he saw his new human form reflected back at him in the mirror, did he realize how close to death he had come. Skin and bones, as the people said. Here he stayed for several weeks, his only mentors being hard criminals and those who sought to be hidden. Like him.

Stemming from this place he later found to be called the Twist, he learned the ways a human made a living. There was always a big boss, looking for someone to recruit for some idiotic thing that he wished to be done. Starved and silently watching, the Galdrake inadvertantly proved himself to a particularly infamous boss called Dig, by killing one of his employees for food in the abandoned lobby of his residence where Dig had been the host of a particularly spectacular and lawless party. The dead man’s name was Cal Xavian, so that was the name that Dig gave to the Galdrake when he took him in.

So Cal Xavian learned to be a professional assassin, much like the man whose name he had stolen. Dig liked Xavian a great deal more then he liked Cal--- for he knew a galdrake when he saw one. He paid him generously, gave him a fully equipped space vessel and nearly everything else that he desired, including women and drugs.

However that didn’t last as the day came when Dig sent Xavain on a mission to another planet to kill a rival’s family. Arriving on the planet and finding himself emotionally unable to kill children, Xavian abandoned his mission and Dig. He became a freelancer, of sorts. This was the optimum gig for Xavian, and for 3 years, he was very content. Dig attempted to find him again, but space is quite vast.

However, that too didn’t last.

There came a day when on a job he lost control of a very deadly situation involving an ISSAN agent and was forced to transform into his true form in order to save his own life. It was then that ISSAN set their sights on him, a very rare Galaxy Dragon, to recruit for their ranks. It was only a matter of time before Xavian was in their custody, and 2 years latter, he was a bonafide Sycophant of ISSAN.

He wears a belt around his waist (concealed under clothes) that contains a metal that galdrake blood is highly sensitive and reactive to-- basically, it is constantly ( if only mildly) messing with his chemistry and not only does it prevent him from sleeping much, but also stops any kind of transformation on his part. ISSAN uses this to control when he can transform; it can be removed remotely if they decide to trust him. Which is the plan--- after all they only "hired" him due to his ability to transform. In the unlikely case of the belt's failure and/or the Security Serum not working on his dragon form, he has also been fitted with a collar around his neck which does not expand, which would result in a beheading should he change.

Just recently being released from the re-training program, Xavian is being sent on his second try-out mission as a team member. This is his second “strike”.

OOC: I realize I took some liberties as far as assuming stuff about your RP world, so let me know if changes are required. Thanks!

And this is what he looks like... :)

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I do not mind that you took liberties. That is exactly what I wanted; however, I have some stipulations. First off, Xavian cannot learn to transform into any new bodies without passing it through me first. Second, we need a way to control when Xavian transforms. Rather, ISSAN needs something as assurance that Xavian will not transform and gobble them all up. You can pick a method, be it manotech, a collar or anything else you prefer.
Yea I'm sure I can think of something, if you have no preferences yourself. Thanks!
How you do it is entirely up to you. I want to avoid limiting creativity as much as possible. Good luck (} :) )
So I did edit his profile a bit-- just added the part about his galdrake stopper thingy. Hope its good :-)

And also, I have no intention of letting him ever figure out how to transform into other critters-- he's way too busy for that stuff lol
Name: Tomas Oliver McCloud

Age: 20

Gender: M

Species: Experimental Mutt

Strike: One

Skills/powers: Can heal by mutating genetics and taking resources from elsewhere in a persons body. Can fix a bone to the point of new cartilage, but cannot make it all the way solid. Healing takes time and energy.

Weapons on hand: Pocket knife, small vile of acid, several things of hand sanitizer.

Appearance: 5'6"; slender, almost excessively so. He is not not well muscled, but you can map out what little he has due to his lack of any body fat.


Gailithe was a fully independent moon that had little interaction with any other planet. They were scientifically advanced, extremely daring and curious with genetics, but quiet and kept their secrets to themselves. As the War approached Gailithe, the moon was soon discovered to have Rigdorume, a rare medal being used to create light weight crafts, and without asking the moon's inhabitants, they began mining. Gailithe didn't have any armies or defenses, they had nothing to stop the miners and, more so, no way to defend themselves from the diseases that the miners brought with them. All their years of solitude had made their bodies unable to adjust to countless illnesses that trespassed their boarders daily. Fifteen years later, the miners had long since deprived the small moon of every ounce of Rigdorume and left its people on the brink of extinction.

In the end, the scientists gathered specific genetics from many species throughout the galaxies.

From the Eeps, they had the genetic flexibility to have their genes continuously altered and have their bodies and mind adapt accordingly. From the Gor they had the ability to see through organic matter (to see how it worked or how it was broken) by touch. From the Erk they the ability to understand visual data faster than 70% of other known species. From the Viaroigohg they had the ability change organic material by touch and mend it; though unlike the Viaroigohg, they could alter any species. Each child had different attributes on the side of these.

Tomas was the 12th child. Only a tenth of Gailithe's population was still alive by the time of his third birthday. By the time he was five, the labs were hostilely taken over by a company called Revolution Engineers.

They saw the children simply as experiments and began mixing in DNA of extinct species and more dangerous species. The most exotic change they set out to make was to splice the children's "soul" with that of a Xiaothe spirit. The Xiaothe died off long ago, but a part of them, which were eventually called their spirits, stayed on their planet and they would make all those who trespassed the planet go insane and kill of their crew or themselves. Revolution Engineers found a way to capture 12 spirits and began to see if they could merge them with the children. Legend said that the Xiaothe were masters of war and a strange technology that no one could reach on the their planet due to their interference. Though no one knew what killed them off, there was no end to mystery surrounding their still present "spirits."

Most of Tomas' siblings died upon splicing. Those that lived and survived the rest of the experiments changed beyond his recognition. The night of his splicing, the scientist in charge of his care stole him from the company. Though their roles had been reduced, the old staff had been kept due to their knowledge about the experiments.

Ellie, the scientist Tomas viewed as his mother, risked her life that day and guaranteed her own death in the process. She too had contracted one of the numerous diseases and now that Tomas was no longer being altered to be a better healer, he stood no chance of curing her.

Not long after Tomas' 12th birthday, he had learned enough to know that she was going to have a slow and painful death. He shut down her pain receptors and gave her one last day, one perfect day, and stopped her heart as she lay down to sleep that night. She would have had maybe two more weeks left to live, but they would have been spent in horrible pain as her organs would twist and shut down. He did not want to put her through that, not when he had the ability to save her from it. He could not save her from death, but he saved her from the pain.

Unlike the others, they never finished experimentally injecting Tomas with the Xiaothe. He can hear the spirit, but still has his own consciousness.

Tomas was also spliced with the Fennithe; a species of humanoid canines. He has a heightened sense of smell, hearing and loyalty. He was recruited almost two years ago. He was recruited due to his hacking skills but put into the field as a medic/hacker. Tomas has managed to keep his ability to "heal" secret; however, his high IQ, brilliance with in medic room, and skills as a hacker attracted ISSAN.

EDIT: Tomas can heal small cuts with a brief touch. The deeper and larger, the longer it takes and the more exhausted he will become. For example, a knife or bullet to the lung would take him half an hour, and the person would be left with tenderness and scars. He can heal poison, but again it will take extra time depending on how far the poison got. A broken bone would take him an hour to reach the point of chondroblasts, so the person would be able limp but not apply full pressure to the leg. In two hours he could reach the hard callus stage and start the Osteoclast cells to do their part.

Healing a bone would make Tomas physically weak. He could have problems staying awake or even walking in a straight line. It would also drain the person he is healing of many nutrients, since he is taking whatever he needs to heal them from elsewhere in the body. Basically, they would feel as if they had donated two pints of blood and have the according effects until they replenished their bodies.

((I took liberties as well; let me know what to change. Also, sorry for the length. I tried to shorten it . . . ))
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Daboss: Xavian is in--welcome onboard matey! Just be sure to shrink that image before posting in game.

Mud Guppy: No worries about it being long; I want creativity here and therefore it should be lengthy. That said, I need to know a bit more about Tomas; first off, I need a more detailed list of what he can and cannot heal. What exactly does the spirit do? Sounds like its just an evil little voice in the lad's head, is that correct? Also, if ISSAN doesn't know about his healing, he'd better be a damn good hacker to be out on in the field instead of in their research center. Is he?
Got it, should I edit his powers above or just post it down here? The spirit is pretty much just a voice in his head. If I come up with something more to do with it, I will note you later on and see if we can work something out then? The spirit is always asking for Tomas to surrender consciousnesses to him, but Tomas believes that he will loose himself if he does that. If Tomas ever does give up his body to the spirit, then something would happen, but I honestly haven't made it that far yet. I will not put anything regarding that IG until I run it by you first though.

And yes, Tomas is a very good hacker. He can understand visual data (including what he sees "into" organic matter) more rapidly than the average individual; which is why he is good at hacking and healing.
Go ahead and edit it into his profile at the bottom; just mention it's an edit. I suppose every ship should have a medic and at least one hacker. Let me know when you finish editing his profile :)
Alrighty, you are in. If you happen to have a picture of Tomas or if you find one later, just edit it into your character sheet. Welcome to the game! Looks like we may have two more players in sometime today.

Name: Venus (Cassandra)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Fiouri


Venus has almost supernatural psychic abilities, the origins of which are unclear. She is capable of creating and penetrating mental blocks, weak telekinesis and short range teleportation. She also capable of telepathy but only with other fiouri. She is able to teleport up to a maximum of twelve feet, though can do so every couple of seconds. Here telekenisis is like an extntion of her own body, equivical to what she would physically be able to do with her hands and has a range of up to thirty or so feet. Her abilities can only be used for a short time before she becomes exhausted. Her mind is like a muscle however, and the more it is exercised the stronger it is to become. She also possesses super human agility which she uses in tandem with her teleportation in combat. She is an expert of stealth is brilliant at remaining undetected. As a last resort she can also take her own life using her thoughts alone.

Weapons on hand:

Though Venus often prefers hand to hand combat she does carry one highly specialised weapon she created themselves.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/rsz_images_5.jpg.fdeca16fa4dc4c430de28ed6b9737f7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/rsz_images_5.jpg.fdeca16fa4dc4c430de28ed6b9737f7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her favourite and most useful weapon is her chain blade. Though primitive the weapon is highly effective in Venus' hands. the blade can be fired out at high speed and retracted quickly or simply used as a chain weapon. It is made out of a steel-titanium alloy which can be electrified at will using a small battery mounted in the accompanying gauntlet.


Small petite frame, around 5 foot 3 inches. Fiery read hair that reaches all the way down to her back. Shapely and agile figure. Outfitted with light spec ops armour, threaded with kevlar with a small shield generator embedded in the in her chest. The shield is capable of absorbing several shots before it fails, even then the suit itself can absorb a few hits though each hit leaves horrendous bruises. One weakness though is that the forearms are left uncovered, though her left is covered by her chain blade.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/sci_fi_armor_design_by_telthona-d4ne9do.jpg.49c60bf66e68ac1585503f020672b9be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49299" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/sci_fi_armor_design_by_telthona-d4ne9do.jpg.49c60bf66e68ac1585503f020672b9be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Venus was born on Fiourantasia, a planet within the deep unexplored sectors of space. The planet itself was the only one in its solar system, orbiting a blue star. Seven separate moons orbited the planet, all in different orbits, some sped across the sky while others drifted lazily along. The flora was mostly composed of grass like plants, tall as trees and swathing the land in dense thick forests. The powerful sunlight allowing the grasses to grow in plenty amounts. Smaller berry bushes grew in the shade of their translucent leaves. Trees were rare though existed, nine had been discovered on the main continent, each grows up to a mile high bearing millions of fruit. Not a single predator exists on the planet, all fauna fed the extensive plant life. With no selection pressures, evolution ground to a halt on the planet millions of years ago. The fauna itself is very limited, with less than 2oo known species, inhabiting the the earth, skies and seas.

The inhabitants of Fiouri are the only sentient race on their planet, primitive in their own right. They inhabit only the main continent as none have ever seen the need to expand further. They repopulate slowly and possess colossal life spans of up to two millennia. They exist in small communities, maxing out at around twenty thousand, centred around the few trees for shelter and food. As expected since nine trees dot the planet, nine clans were formed, each ruled by a king and queen. Since all Fiouri are capable of weak telepathy, assuming no mental blocks are erected, no language was ever needed. The planet had been at peace for millions of years so no weapons, military or combat even existed.

"Venus" was born to the king and queen of the most prestigious clan. Dignitaries from the other eight visited for her birth as mass celebrations were held. The celebrations lasted a whole month and were so elaborate that they inspired a new renaissance among the Fiouri. While she lived in luxury the rest of her people made scientific leaps in years which would have otherwise taken millennia. When she was born the tech level of Fiourantasia was equivocal to that of Ancient Greece, within a decade an individual discovered the infra red spectrum, in another three they were sending radio waves into space in an effort to contact others. It's only a shame that Issan picked up the signal first.

Scout ships were sent to the planet and provided a full report. The conclusions were obvious, the Fiori were too powerful and ambitious to be allowed to progress any further. Otherwise they could expand, begin their own conquests. Over the course of the next few months small raids were sent to Fiourantasia, kidnapping the inhabitants who didn't even know how to fight back. The final mission was simple,
all they had to do was knock the delicate planet out of balance. They took a sample of predators from a nearby moon. Canines the size of bears, terrifying beasts which hunted relentlessly in packs. To the Fiouri they were known simply as The End. The final cages were being dropped near Venus' clan in the dead of night. Awakening she noticed the strange lights in the sky and being the naturally curious girl she was decided to investigate. However the second she got close she was mistaken for a threat and shot on sight by an ISSAN agent acting as a sentry, clean through the skull. Flooded with guilt the agent desperately checked for a pulse, surprisingly finding one and rushed her to the medbay, defying orders. The last orders the agent ever received. When Venus recovered she was simply counted as yet another Fiouri prisoner.

There was a reason why Issan had abducted members of "Venus'" species. Their telepathic, telekinetic and teleportation abilities were astounding, and valuable. In the years that followed Issan tried tirelessly to indoctrinate the Fiouri, in hopes of turning them into weapons. However violence was so alien to the species that all but one of them rejected the idea entirely, choosing to end their lives instead. There was one successful attempt however, assigned the codename Venus, she was a complete success, moulded into a covert killing machine. The trauma suffered from the brain injury removed the her pacifistic nature, as well as all memories of her former life. After three years of training she was finally approved for field work. She is strongly motivated by her desire to know who she truly is. She has no idea of her origins and Issan is the only hope she has of ever finding out.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/drop_dead_gorgeous_redheads.jpg.d1d85c7f82c1e337dfa1e5f0114cf2aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/drop_dead_gorgeous_redheads.jpg.d1d85c7f82c1e337dfa1e5f0114cf2aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any criticism or comments are welcome



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Welcome Allcure! Much like the others, I have a few things to clear up with Venus. First off, her powers: what exactly is the range of her teleporting? Along that vein, how weak is her telekinesis? Is it weak based on duration of use or by the weight of the object? How does she electrify the blade?

As for ISSAN's interaction with her planet, hells yes, they would totally do that; however, not with the bombs. They prefer more incognito methods; like poison or gas. Would that still work with her backstory?

Xhela Na'vari

Age: 112

Gender: Blossom ('Female' in GalStandard/Human terms, though the terms don't match up perfectly).

Species: Na'varien

Strikes: None

Skills/powers: Xhela has an unusually high strength-to-mass ratio and her fluid agility means that with Issan's training she is a reasonable hand-to-hand fighter given her innocuous appearance. Her more exotic 'powers' however are a property of her kind; the body of a Blossom Na'varien slowly secretes crystalline 'petals' over time that when fully grown are naturally a part of the species' reproduction. Xhela has found other uses for them however, in service to her employers. The living petals are highly conductive and can be coaxed to grow rapidly with their own (or Xhela's) biological energies. They can also be charged by these energies, releasing them over time in a variety of phases; healing, disruptive, sonic or kinetic. The energy required increases exponentially with the haste of this growth though, which means any large constructs grown hastily are likely to burn out the petals to brittle uselessness long before reaching a useful size. Xhela is reluctant to use them too often though - and even more reluctant to 'burn out' herself as it could prove fatal.

Weapons on hand: Literal mostly; collected crystalline deposits around her hands allow Xhela to manifest inches-long razor-sharp talons on the end of her fingers. She can (and has occasionally) thrown crystalline shards at targets, and carries a small pistol on a belt around her waist.

Appearance: Xhela is 5'6" tall by GalStandard measurement, with a willowy build and pale creamy skin. Her long flowing 'hair' is pink closest to her head, shading through to blue and ultimately a glowing white where it nears her haunches. Her almond-shaped eyes are dark and iridescent while petals form at the top of her forehead and from her outer cheeks all the way out to the points of her ears.

There is minimal body-modesty among her kind, but in broader galactic society she has been persuaded that it is a factor she has to respect. Her volatile form makes tight clothing generally a bad idea, so she usually wears a flowing robe made of smart-weave, belted at the waist by a braided rope with a holster and a pouch hanging from either side.

History: Xhela Na'vari is a young Blossom (by her own lights) of 112, the first of her kind to travel off-world and very nearly the last Na'varien in this or any other galaxy. Grown on the sun-drenched world of Varos II during the final years before the War reached them, she bloomed in an isolationist society aware of but barely interacting with the universe off-world. It wasn't that the Na'varien weren't aware of the wonders out among the stars, but more that they simply didn't care all that much. They were self-sufficient in thought and deed, having long since devoted themselves to the pursuit of ultimate and unattainable perfection; restraint over gross quantity or sullying the natural environment. Among the Na'varien race there are four genders and only the least common, the Blossoms, are capable of bringing life to a new generation. A long-lived race restricted to their home world, they long since out-grew the need for cities but still held their history in high respect and it was a deep cultural shock when the Asatrú flattened their mostly-abandoned capital from orbit.

Before the Asatrú, the Na'varien were the sole sapient race on Varos II, though some artifacts were found that seemed to imply an earlier alien presence. Now they found themselves an underclass on their own world, forced to strip-mine minerals to fuel their war machine under threat of punitive punishment. Bolstered by these new resources, the Asatrú Alignment managed to keep their enemies out of the system for another twenty seven years in which the native population dropped to less than half its number from a combination of regular executions, overwork and mistreatment. Xhela spent most of those years in a mine, like many praying for deliverance from the stars. When it came it wasn't in any form she'd have ever dreamed of. The Elzak had been warring against the Asatrú for over a century, and had at last forced their way into the Varos system. Determined to seize one of the reptilian race's richest subject resource worlds, they opened up with an indiscriminate bombardment and then landed an invasion. Ever since then Varos II has been war-torn, soldiers of both sides fighting each other with little to any regard for the natives caught in between. The Na'varien life cycle requires regular rest periods, as well as peace, security and an absence of greedy aliens in order to reproduce themselves. Consequently the subject race became a dying race - and then Issan came.

Ostensibly there to deliver relief supplies to the local populace, the Issan group had a secret mission to eliminate the leaders of both armies on-planet and did so without either of the militaries being any the wiser. Not so the locals, who were encouraged by the supplies but excited by the blow being struck against their enemies. They made a bargain with the group, trading a smuggled cache of Almorite for safe passage for Xhela off-world. The last surviving Na'varien Blossom, she was to be kept safe, and hopefully negotiate with the leaders of the powerful Issan Company to drive the War away from their world, or to rescue the lost souls left upon it. Unfortunately that's not quite how it worked out.

A month after arriving at Issan's regional headquarters, word reached her that the Elzak had gotten the upper hand and were on the point of seizing Varos II and all its assets. The Asatrú were sore losers however, and (as had become customary in this hideous never-ending war) activated a doomsday device placed close to the planet's core, shattering its continents and boiling its seas. The Na'varien were dead, all save for one and Xhela made a new bargain with Issan; her service for security, and for the promise of a future for her race. Since then her experience with Issan has been mostly a good one; she has occasionally (okay, often) gone on missions she doesn't completely understand, but while she has risked death more than once Issan has kept its word to her. Between missions she visits her seedlings in their sun-drenched rock garden behind the guarded security doors and watches them grow. One day some of them will bloom and the Na'varien will be reborn. Until that day, Xhela will remain the mother of the race that died.

In her first group she heard grumbles and stories from hear team-mates about the ways in which Issan kept them under its collective thumb, but mostly she took it as an exaggeration. However over time one after another of them fell on the mission - or disobeyed their orders. Sometimes there weren't any visible signs of consequences, sometimes her team mates became grimmer, quieter, more defeated - but in the end there was just her and Lukas, a human cyborg. Issan felt that just wasn't enough in a single group (or as Lukas said, they worried that the two of them would finally make up their minds to "blow this popsicle stand") and sent each of them to form the core of a new group.

She's never heard from him since.
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Finished editing mine together after a few hiccups with BBcode (and my own spelling).

Let me know what you think, Ping!
Gotta say, the four of you have impressed me. Players on this site are considerable more epic than the last site I ran games on. Now, down to business. Allcure, all good. I just have one last question, just a mild curiosity, can she undo simple locks with her telekenisis? It may come in handy if she could. Welcome to the game Allcure!

Khruses, am I understanding this correctly--is she using the fetuses of her people as weapons? That's hard core right there. That said, I need a bit more details on her powers. How long, approximately, does it take for them to grow weaponized(or any of the other phases)? Next, I need to know exactly what kind of healing, disruptive, sonic or kinetic powers they give her. Lastly, how many of these does it take to exhaust her?
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[QUOTE="Ping Beifong]Khruses, am I understand this correctly--is she using the fetuses of her people as weapons? That's hard core right there. That said, I need a bit more details on her powers. How long, approximately, does it take for them to grow weaponized(or any of the other phases)? Next, I need to know exactly what kind of healing, disruptive, sonic or kinetic powers they give her. Lastly, how many of these does it take to exhaust her?

Loosely I guess - and that's why she doesn't want to 'use up' any more of them than she has to - but they're more the building blocks or ingredients to grow a live 'seedling'. It's probably easier to explain in terms of a plant with lots and lots of seeds, each of them with the potential to give life. I see the crystalline 'petals' growing on her as the seeds, while the glowing crystals floating in the background are the 'seedlings' of new Na'varien she's charged with her bio-energy. Except I don't see them as floating in this world, instead being carefully placed in a nursery not unlike a Japanese rock-garden for decades at a time.

As I've been implying a bit, her kind draw in energy through a combination of warmth, light and a small consumption of minerals. The simplest and easiest way to do this on Na'varien was to use sunlight and roam the planet's surface, but there are other ways to do this off-world. What she does with the discrete petals or the more built-up crystalline deposits on the ends of her fingers is transfer, change and use some of that energy. In the case of forming talons that would probably only take her ten to fifteen seconds. Similarly, if she peels off a petal from her cheek and throws it with a razor-sharp edge, that would only take a similar amount of time. If she wants to put enough energy into it that its discharge would fry an adjacent computer, that could take her forty seconds. It's always harder to heal than to destroy, so a petal she's using to heal would probably have to be in contact with an open wound or actually placed in the body of her erstwhile patient. Putting the energy into it to heal, say, a broken leg might take her four or five minutes but it would still take at least an hour before the patient could walk on their leg and up to three before the bones were completely knit.

Any of her petals would have enough energy in them naturally to crackle briefly for her, but putting more energy in them could take seconds to minutes. In terms of the 'biggest' destructive effect she could do, something like a 'Jericho'-charged petal with enough kinetic energy to demolish a fortified wall would take ten-ish minutes to prepare and leave her drained and swaying on her feet.

Forming a living crystalline seedling on the other hand is similar to her healing powers in that it takes longer and more care for a (very slow) timed release. She would weave three to six petals together of different sizes over a number of hours with breaks to recover and rebuild her energy.

Is that helpful at all?
Name: Alexander Walker AKA: Alex

Age: Late twenties; however, he looks to be in his teen years.

Gender: Male

Species: Dhamphiri (also known as dampires) are half-human, half-vampire. In some sources, Homo Sapiens dhamphiris nocturnais the technical name of these rare creatures. In Serbian mythology, they are the child of a Vampire and his widow.

It has been said that dhampirs often have powers similar to a vampire, but none of their weaknesses (though the reverse can occur, as well). It is also believed to be unusually adept at killing and detecting vampires.

Skills/powers: Alex inherited most of the vampires strengths, such as vampire speed, four times the strength of a normal human male, and immortality; however, if you cut off his head he will die. Alex can also die if he is over exposed to sunlight, though this would depend on how much sunlight. He can walk in daylight; however, if he overdoes it he will get heat stroke. A cloudy day is just a little irratating, but a full on sunny day without a cloud in sight zaps his strength. He can only go two days in full sun before the heat stroke starts to set in. After five he is tost, litteraly. He also inherited the need for blood. His is capable of reading minds; however, only those who are not shielded. Alex can speak telekinetically to others. He has a vampire's senses, and the predatory instinct that he fights daily.

Weapons on hand: He carries with him a katana that is enhanced with both iron and silver. He is wary of running into a werebeast or an elf; however, the blade is reversed so that he uses the dull side.

Appearance: Alex Walker has messy silver hair as well as silver eyes. He is pale and slightly shorter than an average human. He always wears white and black, he has no color in his closets. He usually wears a white long sleeve shirt, black vest, white leather gloves, black pants, and black knee high boots. He always wears sunglasses whenever there is daylight and these are black too. Alex as a certain aura about him, that pulls in the dark. In his presence shadows seem longer and the warmth of a room is replaced by a cold that chills the bone. Anyone who lays eyes on him knows he is not human even though he tries like hell to pass as a human.

History: Alexander Walker was raised on a spaceship settlement in a multi-species orphanage funded by ISSAN. The settlement was slowly falling into disrepair, and most of its inhabitants were fleeing into space. Only the nuns who were responsible for the children and spawn, were determined to stay. While the nuns did everything they could to bring happiness to their charges, it wasn’t easy in that gray drop of space.

Alex was an extremely shy kid with only one friend among the multitude of other young. The harassed and exhausted nuns skirted around Alex as much as possible. There was something about the child that unnerved them. His favorite past time was reading to his older friend, Henry. It was Henry who taught him how to read and write. As they grew older, Henry and Alex grew closer, dreaming of one day making it big as pirates or other such adventures and escaping the rotting settlement.

Adventures are always better in dreamland than in reality. Something Alex learned early. For almost a fortnight, he had been having nightmares of killing the nuns and the other young. His dreams were so vivid as he went through and slaughtered every last one. What was worse then the screams of the dying was his own laughter and how much he enjoyed tearing them apart. He always woke in a cold sweat. Henry would be awake in the other bed, and he would know that he had laughed in his sleep.

The night terrors were slowly sapping the strength from Alex. He was sure he was going crazy and he did everything he could to hide this fact from Henry, but he was sure Henry saw it. As the days crawled along, Alex became more and more unsociable and moody. He quit eating, claiming that the food only made him sick. He also quit sleeping. Henry finally brought his friends illness to Sister Heather, who was in charge of the medic station. She order Alex in and began a series of blood tests, but their systems were so outdated that she had to send the tests to one of ISSAN’s labs for the results. After the tests and seeing how haggard Alex looked she ordered him to stay in the medical wing. She also gave him a powerful sleeping drought. He was out before she even turned the lights off.

The nightmare came again, like always: He crept from the hospital bed smiling insanely. Sister Heather was fast asleep at her desk. He padded over to here in his bare feet, as silent as a mouse--a very deadly mouse. Sister Heather must have sensed danger because she woke with a start as she stared at Alex.

“What’s the matter Alex? Why aren’t you in bed?” She started to rise, but he closed the short distance between them and slammed her back down on her seat with only one hand. She blinked as she tried to register his movements. Before she could be more than shocked, Alex sank his suddenly elongated canines into her exposed throat. The blood was hot and sweet. Her blood. He was killing her. He had to stop. STOP!

A loud creak snapped him to himself. He stopped breathing as he stared at Sister Heather as she slide the rest of the way down the wall. There was something wrong with the shape of her head.

“It’s okay, Alex. It’s just a dream. You’re going to wake up now. Wake up. Come on. Wake up.” His stuttering was interrupted as he slammed to his knees and threw up what little he had eaten that day. He was shaking violently as he forced his gaze away from his sick that was far too red.

Alex’s turned his gaze to the door as it suddenly opened.

“What was that noise?” It was elderly Sister Ella. She took the sense in one look and let out a scream that was more a squeak and clutched her chest. She tried to speak but was unable to form words as she clutched the door for support, her face turning an ugly shade of gray. Finally, she fell to the floor. She only spasmed a few times before laying still. Alex tried to go to her and help her, but his body would not obey him. Alex stepped coldly passed her, his silver eyes reflecting the dim light like a cat. He could hear the beating hearts of the other young and he was very, very hungry.

A recruiting team was sent from ISSAN a few days later. What they found there made even these hard-core agencies flinch. The bleak orphanage had been transformed into something out of a horror flick. The air was filled with the smell of rotting meat, blood, and fecal matter coated the walls. There was only one survivor amid the ripped and shredded bodies. It was a teen boy, he was reading out loud to a mangled corpse in his lap. They brought him back to ISSAN with enough tranquilizer to down a bull elephant.

After a year in their mental health program, Alex was cleared for training. He has been with ISSAN for five years, this is his second strike.
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Name: Issac (Known to some as The Space Cowboy)

Age: Unknown (Presumed late 20s)

Gender: Presumed Male

Species: Presumed Human

Skills/powers: A great shot and adept pilot, as needed in his previous line of work.

Weapons on hand:

A suped-up old timey revolver christened: Medusa


A double barrel shotgun




The Helmet is opaque with only his body structure known.


Issac's history is known to few, most of those who know are lifeless corpses drifting through space. Issac was born on Desperado II in a system plagued by crime. He had a fairly uneventful childhood, having worked the colony's farm until he was able to buy a small rust bucket of a ship. With that ship, Issac spent the best years of his life, in his corner of the universe, crime made a lucrative jobs spring up. One of those such jobs was a mercenary. Issac protected trade vessels from roaming bandits and pirates, making a pretty penny for himself and a whole lotta enemies. More recently, Issac was fired from his usual escort job in favor of professionals from some far off system. Jobless and in need of resources, Issac signed with Issan and since then, he's revealed as little of himself as possible.

(Issac currently has no strikes and was hired for his reputation built up by myth and legend)​
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Welcome Cerberus13, Deadkool! Once everyone is sorted, the lot of you (Daboss, Allcure, Kyryses, Guppy, Cerberus13 and Deadkool) will be group one!

Sorry for the delay there; I will warn you in advance that I will likely not be posting on any Friday or Saturday as they have been set aside for the families. Anywho, lets begin: The OOC board is open and everyone is more than welcome to get to know each other there before we begin--which will likely be by Tuesdayish or sooner. Additionally, would everyone like an extra thread dedicated to space species? You can write about yours in more detail there or create others just for the fun of it (note: I may use some of the species as NPCs later on).

Khryses, if you'd like, Xhela's power to turn her smaller petals into blades could be instantaneous and take little to no energy; should she desire to make larger ones or to charge them with electricity (and so on) that could take longer and more energy. As for the rest of her powers, my understand is still a little hazy and perhaps, if I an understanding them correctly, too encompassing. Kinetics are traditionally seen as telekenisis, sonic traditionally seen as sound waves translating into energy and of course your described healing very well. Combined with her physical attributes, that she may be too powerful if each of those powers is used to its full potential. My thoughts are that you pick two powers, define them a bit more precisely, and rock 'em. If you opt for healing to be one of them, I'd ask that you and Mud Guppy get together and figure out who gets what. Too many healers on one vessel limits the fear of death and I just can't have that :) My suggestion, which by no means needs to be followed, would be that Tomas can heal broken things (bones, flesh, organs) and Xhela can heal poison (as she could just make the perfect petal to cure it), she can also create petals that could make people hyper vigilant, or ward off exhaustion, pain or bring it. Not to say Tomas couldn't cure poison, but it could take him hours as he would have to combat each symptom one at a time rather than a cure-all. Now, that does not need to be what you go with, it's merely a suggestion.

Cerberus13, good to see another earth mythical creature brought to the game! That said, I need more info on them. What is vampire speed? If its too fast, we may have limit it a bit. Is his immortality the same as a vampires (blow to the heart/decapitation) or a true (cannot die) immortal? I am assuming that vampires are not literally dead as Alex probably (yes, I am aware that they did do a study recently on corpses and breeding, but that is too much nasty for me so I am ignoring it for the purposes of this game) could not have been born that way. I presume then, that they just have slower heart rates that make them harder to the touch and seem dead-like? Basically, vampires need to be a species, not a mythological creature. So no holy water (unless there's a chemical in it that effects the species) and no crosses (unless they are allergic to some metals). Everything else looks great :)

Deadkool, I presume your character has no other skills/powers I should be aware of? What happened to his last group or was he a solo mission man? As for his myths and legends, it'd be fun to read about them some time. If you would be interested in writing them (and embellishing them as much as you see fit), I'd be happy to get a back-stories thread made for them.

As usual, if you would have any questions, feel free to post them here or send me a message.

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