
Ping, technically Xhela's petal-based powers can simply be classified as 'energy discharge'. I take your point on kinetics being traditionally the province of telekinetics, but they can usually pick up, throw and manipulate things with the power of their minds as and when they apply the thought, while Xhela's best approach to the same would take time to charge a petal (which pretty much precludes it happening in combat) and then tossing or placing the petal at a spot after which the (in this case kinetic) energy would release in all directions. Good for pushing a crate across the room (or in extreme cases knocking down a wall) but nowhere near as swift, dextrous or precise as a telekinetic. Sonic energies might be a better choice for glass-like substances or simply to cause a noisy distraction, while electrical discharge has the subtler effect of damaging or neutralizing electronics.

As to her physical attributes... I'm not sure how you mean? She has some basic hand-to-hand training courtesy of Issan (who would like to get more use out of her if they can), but she'd be lucky to defeat any of her group-mates, crystal talons or no. Her petals are probably naturally sharp once she's removed them, but I think it should still take her some time to make them any more than improvised weapons.

I'm happy to leave the healing to Tomas (maybe the petals don't interface well with other species' biochemistry, so they'd only work on her and others of her kind) instead of treading on his toes; I see Xhela as more of a technician than a combat fiend. She's flexible, but the things she can do take time for the effects they have and leave her flattened until she can recover for the more dramatic effects.

If you'd still prefer I lock things down to a couple of specifics, let me know and I'll rethink things into a more straightforward suite. Possibly a different one entirely. (:3)
No need to narrow it down Khyses, you gave me the amount of description I needed understand her powers better. I had assumed you were talking about a more precise telekinetics and sonics, which would have made Xhela an all-in-one badass. As for the healing, talk it out with Guppy before you leave it out entirely--he/she may be interested in a compromise. Otherwise, you're all set, welcome to the game!
We've worked out a compromise; Xhela's crystal healing only works on her kind, which is less helpful since she's the last one these days. On the other hand one of her crystals loaded with biological energy and placed (read: stabbed) in the patient gives Tomas looooads more energy to play with instead of having to draw it from the patient's life energies, letting him heal a lot faster and more effectively without treading on his toes.

On the other hand we're also going to follow your advice and say that her crystals can be used to clear toxins from your system more effectively than anything Tomas can do (and much less exhaustingly), though I'm sticking to the 'has to be stuck in you to work' style of crystal healing. They probably draw the toxins into themselves and need to be discarded afterwards, although I suppose there are ways they could be used as weapons. Understandably Xhela would be very reluctant to use them that way unless it's absolutely necessary, since it takes time to regrow them and the petals are very precious to her.
I'm not sure how to describe Alex's speed, other then to say fast. Hmm, how about if I do it miles per hour?

Is the rest okay?
Cerberus13, his powers were all you edited, correct?

As for the speed, why not say he is three times as fast as a homosapien? Everything else looks good. Just out of curiosity, will having an umbrella, cloak or something like that slow the heat stroke?
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[QUOTE="Ping Beifong]Cerberus13, his powers were all you edited, correct?
As for the speed, why not say he is three times as fast as a homosapien? Everything else looks good. Just out of curiosity, will having an umbrella, cloak or something like that slow the heat stroke?

Yep. That is why he usually has a cloak or umbrella as well as his sunglasses. I will edit his speed and strength today so that it reads: speed five times that of a normal human, and strength a little over double that of a normal human. Would that work?


Rahulagotamahilki or Gota for short








All hakanar can survive extreme and rapidly changing conditions. They adapt and thrive in pretty much any temperature they are placed in (470° to -250° Fahrenheit). They are very agile and fast (many hakanar can reach speeds up to 60mph for up to an hour), and they can survive months without food or water. This hakanar, Gota, also has great skill with knives. He is a skilled assassin and almost exclusively uses knives. He can throw them with pinpoint accuracy and is very learned on where to cut an individual to inflict the most damage.

Weapons on hand:

9 long blades (about the length from someone's wrist to their inner-elbow) which are not flat but round, appear to be made of some translucent black glassy material, light as a feather, and come to a sharp point. He wears these blades on a highly ornamental leather belt.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/individual_01_by_zarnala-d7ccb1c.png.39d9862edc7a81cb6aac97456b4d9af1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/individual_01_by_zarnala-d7ccb1c.png.39d9862edc7a81cb6aac97456b4d9af1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(more information on his and the rest of the hakanar's appearance in history)


Gota grew up in a small village on his home planet of Hakan. His Mother was the chief of a traditionalist tribe on the outskirts of the largest city on the planet, the capitol. The tribe, especially Gota's Mother, were very protective of the traditions of the hakanar. Unfortunately, the ancient culture of the hakanar is diminishing rapidly, which is why Gota's Mother was so insistent that he be raised, trained, and taught in the ancient manner. Because of this, Gota is very religious and is required by his religion to pray to each Goddess when the moment is appropriate (Goddess of work, before a mission. Goddess of death, after a kill. Goddess of the land, before and after eating something from Hakan. Etc.) Gota's training specialized in the art of precise killing (assassination) which was highly revered among hakanar before the unification of tribes over Hakan and the new laws that came with the united government. Against both his mother's and father's wishes, he went to the city to find work for one with the specific skills he owned. He did this because he felt that his skills, the ones he had learned in order to honor his ancestors, were going to waste. after about 30 successful high profile kills (133 kills in all and no failed missions), ISSAN contacted him. Gota was pleased to be contracted by them, he took it as a great compliment and was honored to work for them. Gota had seen ISSAN help many surrounding villages back home who were suffering. Granted they were rivaling villages and his tribe was the one that made them suffer, but Gota still saw a good intent in them. He has been working, without pay (other than a place to sleep and food to eat), or threats, for 6 years. Gota is also very obedient and has never been punished by ISSAN for disobeying orders. Unfortunately, his old team, which he had been with for 4 years, became stranded on a planet and all of them starved to death save for Gota. Gota, being the exceptional specimen of hakanar he is, survived on the planet without food for 5 months. He is, however, extremely distraught because, as hakanar always do, he developed a strong emotional bond with all of them.

The hakanar are an extremely resilient race due to their planet’s rapidly shifting climate. About every 35 years the climate shifts dramatically according to an extremely predictable cycle that goes from desert to rainforest to temperate to grasslands then back to desert. Each hakanar, If healthy and accident-free, live through approximately 1 whole cycle (that's 175 years). Because of this tough environment most of the culture revolved around being adaptive, ingenuitive, and resilient. Until about 30 years ago, Hakan was covered with many different tribes, constantly fighting and trying to outlast the others. During a particular rough dry-time (when the land is desert), 10 of the world’s most powerful tribes united to conquer the globe (The politics and intricacies of this event are grossly understated here). Mostly, they were successful and since then they have been advancing technologically at an impressive rate but have been slowly eradicating the unique traditions and cultures of the tribes that were assimilated. There have also been many tribes who still resist or flat out refuse to participate (like Gota’s tribe), but The Union has been trying to conquer these people too.

The hakanar live in a matriarchal society, with the leaders almost exclusively women. The women and men are treated with the same amount of respect, but men are restricted to only a few jobs, this rule is not ever enforced, but always unspoken and followed. The men of Hakan are also much more reserved and modest compared to the outspoken females, and Gota reflects this. All hakanar are extremely in-tuned with other's emotions and form strong bonds with anyone they spend enough time with. The hakanar are extremely tall, with lean figures built for speed and retention of energy. Their hands are large with thicker skin than on the rest of them with large, retractable claws. The Hakanar’s legs are shaped like deer’s hind legs or like Turian legs (for my Mass Effect fans), sorry but I don’t know how to describe that any other way. Their skin is extremely tough and feels almost like jerky (the tougher the skin, the more attractive you are to other hakanar, btw). Certain parts of their body are covered with even thicker, armor-like plates that mock the durability of stone. These plates are located on the chest, ribcage, forearm, calves, knuckles, and on the forehead. They jut out in rigid angles everywhere except the forehead. Out from under the plates on the forehead grows a thick sort of hair, think 5x thicker than human hair, that is often beaded, braided, or made into a kind of dreadlocks. Females are distinguishable from males by their lack of jutting plates, their plates lay flat or sometimes gently curve. Females also don't have the small horns that protrude from the jaw like the men have.​

((YAY! He's up!!(o'v'o)))



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Love some good ol' creativity. The only thing I am going to request is that it should take him a little while to get up to the full 60 MPH. In other words, he should have to build up to that momentum over a lapse of, say, five minutes. He would still be capable of moving far faster than standard humans. I merely do not want him using his daggers, or hitting the enemy in general, at a speed that cannot really be blocked.
Very well.

Gota was not originally meant to join this group; however, two members of the new team were recruted for other missions. Due to this shift, he received orders to meet the group in Hall 7 moments ago. Can you make that work with what you have?
MsPolite, I apologize for taking so long to respond but Flor is quite unique to this game. I've been considering her for a few days and this is what I've concluded; she is not screwed up enough. She fits in splendidly with ISSAN's medical cover:

"In the mists of all this, is the beloved and heralded company known as Issan. They make cures for horrible diseases and bring them to planets that need them. They make advancements in medicine and medical tech when everyone else is too busy making weapons. They are considered to be the angels of the war.


However, we will not be interacting with that side of ISSAN. This game is centralized around the dark side of the company. Typically, the only people that willing work for the company are soldier types or brainwashed, misguided, assholes, or the righteous types. Anyone unwilling to work for ISSAN is isolated and morally broken. Flor is none of things.

The two main reasons she does not qualify for ISSAN's undercover jobs are that she . . .

  • Has a huge social network. ISSAN would not risk her telling her family about their dirty little secrets.
  • Is a healer and does not have any specific skill that would tempt ISSAN into switching her to the other side of the company. She is more of an asset to the good side of ISSAN.

I would be happy to help you mold a more screwy character if you'd like.
oh bummer, :'/ well im glad you like my character, is there any chance that she would be able to make an appearance? or could i modify her to be a "mad" doctor of sorts?
new character x)

hope yall like

Name: Sonbahar Kuzey Prenses

Age: 2*25

Gender: Female

Species: Amfibi

Skills/powers: Proficient in the Medicine, Surgery,biology, and psychology. Knows all major arteries of all most common sapient species, deadly with short blades and Sniper rifles. Knows many poison, antidotes, steroids and how to make them. Flexible. Sharp shooter with a sniper. Great swimmer and can hold her breath for 15 minutes. Immune to most poisons and diseases.

Weapons on hand: Ts Sniper rifle, Continuous laser pistol green x1 model, S.Trata Knives (includes 2 hunting knives, 2 pocket knives, and a plasma knife.)

Appearance: Natural orange Hair, tattoos that she was born with, aqua skin.
Assassin mission armour
space suit

History: The Amfibi are an old Amphibious race of sapient Humanoids, one of the first to accomplish space travel and responsible for ascending many of the now modern species. There Home world Mavi Arazi, is completely covered in fresh water and is twice the size of earth; although ¼ of the planet is shallow water that varies from 1-3 feet of water while the rest is actually deep sea. the atmosphere is made up of 51% oxygen 29% carbon dioxide and the rest of other mixes. Many of the cities look (at least to foreigners) like cities sticking out of water or flooded cities. Many other cities reside under water and most of the agriculture are on the shallow water. The people are either male or female but to alien eyes, cannot tell the difference, though some scientist have remarked that males seem to have darker shades while females have lighter shades. The Amfibi are a tall lithe people here the “dwarfs” of the society stand about 5 feet and the giants stand to 10 feet, but generally are around 7-8 feet. All can breath under water for at least 10 minutes, but the most talented can hold there breath for 23 minutes. Their toes and fingers tend to a bit webbed for swimming. All Peoples can be reincarnated. How this works is when they reach “old age” they become pregnant in an organ that is not the womb. once it’s time to give birth, they die (they die around 125), transferring their consciousness and all their memories with them via the second spine of sorts which need to be sawed off after being reborn. which leaves a bony circle on the back of the skull. only people who have been reborn has that feature and that is why when they write their age have a star between the numbers representing how many lives they had lived and how many years they are on currently. When Any Amfibi are born or reborn, they have to be born in clean non-salt water and must live in water till they mature for 5 years. After which they must learn how to walk and breath in air. The government is a Oligarchy, being run by the a representative from the ruling family of each district. the senate is comprised of 43 representatives representing and a member of the 43 ruling Families. The culture is a very elegant, suave culture, where in public people are expected to act a certain way and be polite upfront, and have the very best manners and everything people do has a meaning. the littlest twitch can mean something or say something. Aliens have speculated that over time the Amfibi have unknowingly developed a “second” language. It is very rare to find a “happy” Amfibi on their world, tough critics have remarked there is a significant difference to Amfibi born and raised off world to those not, where the former are seen to be much more content and happy. The names are everything to the Amfibi, The first name is the Family name, while the middle is the name one of the four continents they are born on, and the last is their given name, the least important name. The Amfibi Empire is declining, government corruption through the mega bureaucracy, civil war is always seeming to ignite, and the war on the outskirts planets of the empire is starting to take its toll on the Empire.

Sonbahar Kuzey Prenses (Autumn North Princess), is prefered to be called

Madame Sonbahar or Ms. Sonbahar has lived two full lives, Throughout her youth of her first life, she was popular. She was the “in-girl” the one that everyone wants to know, and be. she was everything an Amfibi was supposed to be. She had a husband, but as she became involved with politics she stepped into conspiracy and plots and find something out she was not supposed to, which got her whole family killed including her husband, children, parents, and siblings. Distraught, and paranoid she slipped into recluse, after being born a second time she took up medical, psychological, and biological sciences, her name became well known again for her knowledge and skill as a medical professional. Once again she had a family and was happy, rare for anyone on her planet. But after failing to save someone from one of the ruling families from a unknown disease, she once again was forced into politics and again had all her family killed by the family on the one she tried to save. she again went into recluse. the second time was too much, her mind broke, she burned with a want for revenge and began learning the art of killing, developing poisons never seen before, learn how to turn her precise cuts that saved people to kill them. and learned to be one of the best snipers in her solar system. She turned her new learned skills against the Güç family, the ones that turned her into a killing machine. First she Assassinated the Güç representative while senate was in session, then proceeded to kill all of the family at the Funeral, she showed no mercy, not even to the children. Once again she was reborned after taking a life of an assassin. She was sought out by ISSAN by for her skills, and agreed for she had nothing, she was an empty void. Just an instrument of death. But with ISSAN, at least she would be do great evil for the greater good.

“I will do great evil for the greatest good, for I am a great evil, used for the Greatest good.” -Sonbahar Kuzey Prenses
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