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    Alter-Ego, has indeed, arrived. Perverts, UNITE!

    Bro. I'm really sorry I missed this post. Been gone forever, BAHAMAS BEEEOOOTCH. And wingman? *looks both ways* Don't suppose you are a fellow PUA? >.> <.<
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    Jesus. I've been gone waaaayyy to long. MEGA VACATION in the Bahamas. Boobs. SO MANY BOOBS :DDD

    Jesus. I've been gone waaaayyy to long. MEGA VACATION in the Bahamas. Boobs. SO MANY BOOBS :DDD
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    Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

    Murton yawned sleepily and rose up again, he smacked his lips and saw two people in his room, some dude and a HOT chick. He rolled out of bed and fell face down with a painful thud, he lifted off the floor and went to talk to his guests,"Wazzap?" He scratched his head and looked at the girl and...
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    Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

    Murton leapt off the floor, he stretched,"Aaaahhhh, much be-WHAT THE." He looked around to see towels hanging around.... He blinked, surprised,"Must've be sleep conjuring...." He closes his eyes and snaps his fingers and the towels fly off and fold themselves (Fantasia style xD ) He then...
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    Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

    (OH man! If I hadn't made a promise that would have been the funniest effing thing.) Murton gives a long yawn then falls back....on the floor? He smiled and dreamed of....lets say sugarplums xD (Sorry for the short reply, gotta go but had to be here sort of :P Night guys!)
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    Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

    Murton blinks heavily,"Ay, ay, ay!" He shakes his head vigorously, looks around, and smiles,"Ah oh well, guess you win this time....SIKE" Time once again comes to a standstill, he walks right up to Flower's immobilized body, he snickers and rips her cloak and strips her down, he laughs heartily...
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    Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

    (Ahhhhhhhh.....I see...NAH. Thanks for the offer, but I'm gonna chill while I still can :3 When the roleplay's up and going, I always end up remembering when it was just me xD . ((Unless of course boobs are involved. If that's the case please do come whenever you wanna xD ) Murton let out...
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    Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

    (IM SO LATE....fashionably late I suppose....don't suppose anyone could fill me in really quick? >.>) Murton felt like travelling the old fashioned way today. His pushed his skateboard forward with gravity though, he was too lazy to do it himself. He finally arrived at the campus. He tipped...
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    Half-Breed High (OOC) (Sign-Ups)

    Hehe, it's a deal! We're roomies ^_^ but, don't say you weren't warned. Muhaha. also is there a rp thread? Am I just missing it?
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    Half-Breed High (OOC) (Sign-Ups)

    Can I have a lady? :D *tail wagging*
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    Half-Breed High (OOC) (Sign-Ups)

    I want 9 :DDD And I never said the other person was himself ;D (PLOT TWIST, EMINENT) awww that's no fun xD Alright, I get it though. Fair enough.... *hangs head*
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    Half-Breed High (OOC) (Sign-Ups)

    Name: Murton Tangent Age: 18 Appearance:(hopefully attached somewhere >.>) Race: Reality Shifter ( bio first xD ) Powers: Gravity Fields, Gravity itself, Gravitational pull, Full Control of time, Teleportation, Vortexes, Contracting (explained later) Invisibility, Phasing...
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    Forced To Be

    (I'm so sorry about this guys -.- Im new here and can't find the sign up sheet.but before I join gotta check two things 1:Are you even still accepting members? 2:Do you accept Pervs, like myself? xD )
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    The Beachhouse

    Wazzzaaaap? Now look. I understand most people don't appreciate my kind, but this looks pretty fun. If my being a perv hinders anyone's fun please tell me off the bat. I know where I'm not wanted :P Even if I WANT to be in a girls pants xD Sorry guys, but I'm gonna give it shot! Oh and trust...
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    Alter-Ego, has indeed, arrived. Perverts, UNITE!

    That's right folks, famous around all kinds of sites your favorite pervert, is now joining the BIG leagues. Love me some roleplay. I'm here for suggestions from other people, and to find fellow kindred spirits, maybe talk to some pervy ladies? ;) -Alter-Ego!