Half-Breed High (OOC) (Sign-Ups)

Yup! Just check the first post. If you see your name, you're accepted! :)

Roommates will be as follows:

20 - 16 = 203

1 - 3 = 202

7 - 11 201

13 - 8 200

17 - Nobody yet. You are alone. 204

Oh, and the IC is up!

Flamingo Pink

Name: Flower

Age (13-18, please): 16


Race: Half human half light elf

Powers (if any): She has a uncommon control of magic even rare among her kind. She controls light.

Bio: Flower was raised by her father who was fully elf. She didn't know much about her mother seeing as her mother died giving birth to her. Her father was rather unattentive being depressed after his wife died. Flower did everything she could to just make her dad smile. She became skilled in fighting and using a sword. However what motly made her dad smile was using her light magic. When their home was invaded her father sent her to the school. Growing up trying to gain her father's attentions has made her rather agressive but she really sweet underneath.

Number: 7

Name: James

Age (13-18, please): 18


Race: Half dragon

Powers (if any): He can breath fire and has gold colored eyes. He has gold scales on his chest that don't go away and his hands can turn into claws.

Bio: After he was born his human mothe had to keep him in hidng constently having to move and keep his eyes covered up. He was never allowed to play with other kids. She sent him to this school but now he's quiet and reads books more then makin friends.

Number: between 13

Name: Kia

Age (13-18, please): 17


Race: Half white tiger

Powers (if any): Not really but she can roar, hiss, has amazing balance, and loves to swim.

Bio: Due to her rather strange apperence she had to wear a cloak. Her parents being diven off from their home she was left behind. Although she knows her parents loved her the shock of suddenly not being able to keep up with them and being lost tends to make her fearful of losing people close to her. She hid herself and only her hands looking normal were shown. Her blue eyes are also normal but they made people curious as to what was underneath so she ended up hiding them as well. She found this place but still keeps her cloak on feeling safer with it.

Number: 6

Name: Murton Tangent

Age: 18

Appearance:(hopefully attached somewhere >.>)

Race: Reality Shifter (Er..read bio first xD )

Powers: Gravity Fields, Gravity itself, Gravitational pull, Full Control of time, Teleportation, Vortexes, Contracting (explained later) Invisibility, Phasing, Conjuration, Healing, Shapeshifting To put it too basics, he can alter reality. This may seem god moddish, which is definitely understandable, his powers directly, have no real offense. He strictly defensive. (Minus gravity) the others can be USED to fight. So, he can't put up much of a fight, he can just run or have other people do it for him :P however if the time comes, he's not an enemy you'd want..

Bio: Normal people believe in "Guardian Angels" or "Genies" while, they are actually a race of other dimensional creatures known as "Shifters" They are by nature kind, commonly helping people when they are nearby. But some break the Incredible Rule. DO NOT CROSS THE DIMENSIONS DIRECTLY. But, unfortunatly Murton Tangent Sr. Decided to swap spit and..other things with Murton Jr. Future mom, soon the baby was born, stuck in the human dimension. The father could not stay and was duely executed. Mother of the year blamed young Murton and sent him off to adoption. And as he discovered his powers, he was shunned and had to walk alone. But that was fine. He finally got his powers under control and went to school for a while. Misusing his powers to see through girls clothes and stop time to steal their underwear. He was a menace. He was a kind hearted boy, even if mischievous and incomprehensibly perverted. And always kept one defining characteristic. He cannot, break a promise or deal. So he's invented his own Reality Shift. Called "Contracting" he creates a mystical contract that, when signed by both parties, it is physically and completely and utterly IMPOSSIBLE to break. Unless both decide to null the agreement. So far he's only made one contract signed by himself personally, the contract that he would never immediately resort to violence

Number: 1 Baby! xD

also, thanks so much for accepting a perv like me *blushes* can't wait to get going! Oh yeah

Flamingo Pink.

ps This seems EPIC. And do sexual situations HAVE to fade to black? *raises eyebrows*
Just saying to Alter-Ego, if he made the contract to himself, he is considered to be both the participants, which means he can break the contract whenever he wants. Basically, the contract with himself is useless as it can't really prevent him from resorting to violence right away.
Don't criticize. Just leave it. Accepted, accepted. Nice characters!

Yes. Sexual situations HAVE TO FADE TO BLACK. BTW, the following numbers are taken:













Not taken:









I want 9 :DDD

And I never said the other person was himself ;D (PLOT TWIST, EMINENT)

awww that's no fun xD Alright, I get it though. Fair enough.... *hangs head*
As a roommate or a second character? If it's the former, we could room together, seeing as I have yet to decide a room. If it's the latter, can't really help you there, but you should be able to.
Hehe, it's a deal! We're roomies ^_^

but, don't say you weren't warned. Muhaha.

also is there a rp thread? Am I just missing it?
App (Students):

Name:Sydney Valentine

Age (13-18, please):16

Appearance: View attachment 9347

Race Wood elf

Powers (if any): Can control any earthly element

Bio: For Sydney, growing up was difficult. she lived in a "gang" for the majority of her childhood, robbing places for food and money, and stealing into the night like a ghost. she soon grew sick of this and ran away, living off of the land until she stumbled across this school.

Number: 4

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