Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

She made her way up the winding stairs that was hidden. She made her way up to the roof and sat on the edge. She smiled and began to play and sing. She needed to work on her song so this is perfect.
Once she left Warren placed the book down on the bed open and smiled,placing his hands together the bat watched.He took a deep breath before separating them and letting out the breath he took,as he did the pages ripped out of the book and on the opposite side of the book that Warren wasn't sitting they flew on and crumbled up together.Until all the pages were gone,there was a bare paper tree sitting about 2 feet tall.The outside of the tree was scribbled on with pencil to give it a greyish color,with a dark spot here and there as holes.Warren closed the cover of the empty book as he smiled at the tree,this time it was pretty good though might be harder to put back.
She just sang to herself as the guitar sang out as well. She shook her head and set it down. She watched the road that led to the school seeing it was empty. She watched all the students converse on the front steps.
(IM SO LATE....fashionably late I suppose....don't suppose anyone could fill me in really quick? >.>)

Murton felt like travelling the old fashioned way today. His pushed his skateboard forward with gravity though, he was too lazy to do it himself. He finally arrived at the campus. He tipped his cap up to take a look around,"Not bad....bet the chicks are ALLLL 10's here....well minus the ogres, minotaurs, blah blah blah..." He snapped his fingers and the skateboard shrunk to the size of a pea and he put it in his coat pocket. His eyes widened as he entered the lounge and gasped at the massive amount of,"Tens. Straight. Up. Tens. RAD!" He quickly put on a cool face like he had read about, put on a charming smile and pushed himself out. Trying to look like alpha male he liked to put it. He strutted around the room with his normal confident gait, trying to find someone to talk to. The room can wait! There are ladies to attend to. He thought...unfortunately he thought aloud....
(( Everyone is pretty much going to check out their dorms. I could send my character out to the lounge if you'd like to interact? ))
(Ahhhhhhhh.....I see...NAH. Thanks for the offer, but I'm gonna chill while I still can :3 When the roleplay's up and going, I always end up remembering when it was just me xD .

((Unless of course boobs are involved. If that's the case please do come whenever you wanna xD )

Murton let out a small sigh, all the girls were nervous emos. Which of course is understandable, but its no fun when no one wants to talk or show off. So with a devious smile he shoves his hands forward and time slows down into still. He rises from his chair and sees what he'll change to make life more.. interesting. He quickly walked around the room and stripped several girls of their shirts and underwear and put them in sexy poses, he then started putting heavy things over the heads of the more unsavory looking students, then ended by suspending several of them in mid air using gravity, he took his seat again, snapped his fingers, time restarted...into utter chaos.

Shrieks of the girls of embarassment and confusion.

Screams of surprise from the bad kids as buckets of water, bricks, and other things collided into their heads.

And howls of pure fear from those floating in the air.

Murton couldn't stop laughing as he watched the confusion, he fell on the floor and started to roll around he was laughing so hard.

"ThiHAHAHA is g-gohahaha! be a good year! HAHAHA!" When he started getting suspicious glances he started to pretend he was confused too and no one suspected a thing.
Flower looks around at the confused girls and then looks at a boy laughing. She suddenly blasted a bunch of light at him. She looked as Kia and James head to their room quickly, Kia didn't want her cloak taken off and James was embarrassed about all the girls. She guessed they shared a room. She blinked and then crossed her arms angry as heck.
Murton blinks heavily,"Ay, ay, ay!" He shakes his head vigorously, looks around, and smiles,"Ah oh well, guess you win this time....SIKE" Time once again comes to a standstill, he walks right up to Flower's immobilized body, he snickers and rips her cloak and strips her down, he laughs heartily and kisses her cheek,"See you around sweet heart!~" He laughed playfully, covered her chest with one of her arms and one to cover the rest, "Just because you actually had the spunk to do something about it you get let off mildly." Murton shakes his head again and tries to blink away the light in his eyes and he teleports to his dorm and starts time back up again. He chuckles under his breath, "Now is as good a time as any to check out my room!" Looks at the blank walls...."Needs more......boobs." He quickly starts hanging up half naked girls on the walls and some of his favorite bands, just to mix things up.
He shook his head. "No, it was my fault. I'm sorry." He sighed and looked down. No shirt. "First impressions and I'm topless." He looked at her and blushed. Readjusting his glasses he put a hand out. "Cherico." He hoped she didn't mind clamy hands. He was so nervous, ESPECIALLY around girls. ((sorry on the delay DX))
Flower shifted the light aroun her and turned invisible so no one could see her. She grabbed her clothes and then got dressed. "Stupid....idoit..." She said mummbling harsher words under her breath. She walked to her room and then sighed. "Next time...he's not getting off easy." She said and then crosses her arms. She sighed an got settled into her room. (Anyone can be her roommate.) She sighed and sat on her bed.
(OH man! If I hadn't made a promise that would have been the funniest effing thing.)

Murton gives a long yawn then falls back....on the floor? He smiled and dreamed of....lets say sugarplums xD

(Sorry for the short reply, gotta go but had to be here sort of :P Night guys!)
(Haha, you're fine ^^)

She realized she had been holding on to his left arm the whole time and smiled. "Oops. Sorry, instincts. Don't worry about being topless. I'm not wearing much either." She took his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "Clara. Pleasure to meet you." Her bag buzzed, and she furrowed her brows. "Hmm. Sorry about that. Excuse me." She quickly pulled out her phone and looked at her screen. It simply said Father: 205. She placed her phone back in her bag and smiled to Cherico. "That was my father with my room number. Speaking of which, what room are you in?"
He fixed his scarf. "Nice to meet you m'lady." He watched her. When she came back he searched his pockets. "Ah jeez. I dropped it. I think 202 or something." He sighed and looked at her. "I really don't like people...I mean..." He slapped his forhead. "I mean...when I sing. I don't like people hearing me sing. It's bad." He lied. He sighed. If he had a roomate it had to be a lesbian. He wasn't going to deal with boys in the bathroom durring a shower.
"Oh. Well that's not too far from my own room. Shall we walk together?" She smiled as she gestured to the many rooms. "And if you mean to say that your singing is bad, I don't think you should be so harsh on yourself." She thought for a moment, and added, "But you're right, singing in public can be rather...agonizing." She thought of the few instances she had sung in public, and sighed at the memories. She pulled out another bottle of water and drank it slowly this time. She would have to make it last until she reached her room, as she only had two more bottles left in her bag.
He nodded. "Fantastic. I have a friend!" He smiled brightly. He watched her water. "It's not that my singing is bad...it's just...it lures people. My mother was a siren. Thanks to her, I'm the misfit I am today." He shrugged and moved his hand in front of him. He smiled and formed a fish of water. It swam around him then he made it swim around her. He looked at the fish as it sparkled. Now and again it'd drop little beads of water but in all, it was perfect.
She nearly choked on her water when he mentioned his heritage. "Oh wow. That's so interesting. My mother was a mermaid, so I can't really sing in front of people either. I can't believe it! This is such an interesting coincidence." She exclaimed in surprise when he conjured the fish and laughed. "Aw, how cute! I can't manipulate water...Must be a siren trait." she said, a bit disappointed.
He was so happy to know someone like him. Maybe that's why the crashed. They were alike. "Oh! That's wonderful! Not only do I have a friend but I have a water friend." He smiled in content. He then made the fish flow away on his chest. The water seeped into his skin. "I get dehydrated easily. Water manipulating helps."
Clara laughed and held up her water bottle. "Yeah...I can't manipulate water, so I just stick with this. I usually carry five or so bottles, but it gets a bit heavy after a while." She looked at the room numbers and smiled. "There's room 200! Meaning..." She walked ahead a bit and pointed. "Yup. 202's right here." She glanced her own room door and pursed her lips. "I wonder if I have a roommate...If I do, I hope they're not insane." She sighed and smiled at Cherico. "You should go settle in and such. I will see you later. It was really nice talking to you!" She waved cheerfully and walked to her own room, opening the door and slipping inside.
He watched her leave. She was so...interesting. He smiled as he walked in. Two beds. He prayed that it would be a lesbian. He grabbed the bed furthest from the door and set his bag down. He opened it and pulled out a glass bottle. Inside where bits of rotting wood, water and sand. It was all that was left of his dad. He sat down and sighed. Evil sirens. He looked at his hands. "I'm...just like them!" He began to cry. The tears never fell. They soaked into his skin.
Clara blinked a few times and dropped her bottle on the floor. She had a roommate. That wasn't very odd. What was odd, though, were the pictures and posters hung all over the wall. "What...the hell." She stood there for a moment, frozen, before regaining her composure and set her bag on her bed. She stated at the guy sleeping rather peacefully on the bed and sighed. Gathering some towels from the bathroom, she got on a chair and diligently began to divide the room in two: her side, and his side. She decided that separating the room all the way to the door would be silly, since there was only one bathroom. Separating the beds and desks would have to suffice for now.

Her task done, she opened her bag and took out a fishbowl, putting it on the little drawer next to the bed. There was no fish or other animal in it. It's main purpose was to hydrate her skin during the night if it ever got too dry. She looked around her part of the room, wondering what else there was to do, but came up with nothing. She sighed again and fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly.
Murton leapt off the floor, he stretched,"Aaaahhhh, much be-WHAT THE." He looked around to see towels hanging around....

He blinked, surprised,"Must've be sleep conjuring...." He closes his eyes and snaps his fingers and the towels fly off and fold themselves (Fantasia style xD ) He then yawned, and fell back on a bed, falling asleep before he even touched the bed...but unfortunately he didn't look where he landed...and fell right on top of Clara.
Clara jumped when her roommate suddenly talked, but was even more surprised when he snapped and the towels started to move. She had been about to sit up and introduce herself, but the guy getting back on the wrong bed. She took a breath to scream, except that the wind was knocked out of her when he fell right in top of her. All she could manage was a whimper, and she tried to push him off. How could guys be so heavy? "Would you please get off of me?!" she demanded, pausing after each word to take a short breath. She was being pressed against the bed rather painfully, and breathing normally was uncomfortable. Finally, she gave up on trying to wake him up by pushing and struggling, so she rolled to the side to at least get him off herself. She would have to take care of the fact that he was on her bed later...or she had though. She rolled with a bit too much force, and the momentum sent her rolling right on top of the guy. She pushed herself up with her arms. "Well at least he's off...Excuse me!" she said, raising her voice. "Go to your own bed!"
Cherico finished his moment when he heard voices. He set his bottle down and poked his head out of the door. It was from her room. He walked over and knocked. From the looks of things, she was getting cozy with what appeared to be Mr. Testosterone. He chuckled a bit as he popped in. "Nice posters bro." He spoke sarcastically then realized the guy was asleep. "Clara...nice set up. And why is Mr. T in your bed?" He asked with a smirk.
Clara gasped when she heard Cherico in the room. She had forgotten to lock the door! She quickly slid off the bed and straightened her clothes. "He...umm..." She had been too embarrassed. She cleared her throat and tried again. "I was in bed, he woke up in his bed, and then fell asleep in mine. Or should I say on me? I sort of rolled him off, but then I ended up on him." She sighed and ran her fingers trough her hair. "Point is, what are you doing here? And why are you calling him Mr. T?" she asked, turning to face Cherico.
Cherico blushed and hid behind his green scarf. "Um...I...was done unpacking. Yea. Thats it." Cherico lied. He smiled. "Well look at his photos. Mr. Testosterone." Cherico chuckled then fixed his glasses. "Um...want to...get a bite or something?" He nervously spoke. He forgot to put a shirt on. "After I get a shirt on." He chuckled and leaned on the wall.

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